Is it just me...

Or is Russ Bain just the most awesome voice actor in the game?
It's weird because Alex Jordan does such an amazing job as Asher, yet every time Rodrik speaks I'm just totally enthralled. Bonding scene with Talia, pitch perfect. His voice is warm and sweet. "You can, Talia. I know you can."
Planning scene with his Sentinel. His tone is determined and badass. "Ramsay isn't taking sides anymore. He means to let the strongest house survive. And that house is going to be ours, Royland."
Whitehill defiance. "Make no mistake, Gryff, I'm still the Lord of Ironrath... and I run this house!"
Even his 'final words' in Episode 6 are soooo good. The way he desperately and tragically screams, "The North Remembers!" or "Fuck you all!"
I know, across the board, the voice work in this game is great. But I just replayed all the episodes the other day, and was reminded just how stand-out Russ Bain really is. I honestly think it's one of the main reasons I had to save Rodrik. Most epic voice by far imo.
Rodrik does have a really powerful voice. Plus almost all of his dialogue options are super badass.
Well, its his job, Rodrick's character is meant to show alot of strength, just like how Alex Jordan as Asher, is good at giving Asher that cocky attitude.
I love Rodrik's voice! (Or Russ Bain's, I should say? Even though in real life he sounds nothing like it)
It's just so raw, and the perfect voice for a badass northern lord.
Oh, I know that. They're both perfect for their characters. (As are nearly everyone in the game)
But there's just something about Rodrik's voice that really mesmerizes me, like no-one else's.
I am going kill that man.
I love Alex voicing Asher, but Russ Bain is soo...unique, at least in my opinion.
I just love how he is capable of changing different tones depending on who Rodrik is talking to. To his family or friends, Rodrik sounds so warm and kind. To his Sentinel or his household, he can sound so confident and commanding. When Rodrik is angry, he has such a raw fury.
Hell, during the middle of a Siege, when Talia suddenly appeared, he sounds so concerned that it felt so genuined. When his mother got killed, he sounds so sad and in shock.
His empathic voice is the reason why Rodrik is my favorite Forrester of them all.
He is amazing! He is the wise lord who commands respect, but also the man/brother/friend/husband who is warm and loving, who you can trust.