Is Elaena going to be raped or killed ?
At the end of episode 6 we see Elaena being pulled by the hair by a whitehill soldier. Do you think she was going to be killed or imprisoned and repeatedly raped by whitehill soldiers and Gryff. I wonder if it's the latter what psychological effect that would leave on her if she sees Rodrik in season 2.
Will she blame him for not being able to protect her ?
Will she become emotional/intimately withdrawn from Rodrik because of the rape experience ?
Would she become like Naevia from Spartacus in season 2 and have a vengeful hatred to kill Gryff and every Whitehill soldier. Asking Rodrik to train her in the ways of combat so no man can ever lay their hands on her again.
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There's no way they'll kill her, rape... possibly. I think the Whitehills would use her to strike a bargain with Lord Glenmore.
No, they'll just give her back to the glenmores. She's meant to marry gryff or some other son if yes dead. Besides if they were gonna kill/rape her they don't need to drag her from the castle to do that
Yes, I'm a horrible person.
On a serious note, I think that both things might happen.
She's too valuable to kill. Most likely they will use her as a bargaining chip, or force her to marry Gryff or another Whitehill.
It would cause war with the Glenmores
What's funny is that if anything bad happens to her, it's your fault as she goes away if you tell her to go away. Why did people choose to let her stay during a war zone?
Rape first, kill later !!! Or worse, kill first, rape letter !!!
Just kidding, she will be fine. If Whitehills want to kill/rape her, they would have done it right inside the castle, no need to drag her out like that !!!
They probably took Elaena prisoner or as a bargain chip, I don't think Whitehills would be stupid enough to start a war with Glenmores too!
They could have phrased that dialogue option differently. 'You don't belong here' basically sounds like you don't give a single f*ck about her.
We probably will never know
Maybe the nice Whitehill soldier is just kindly escorting her away from danger and is going to take her home
Just by Gryff.
You're probably right. What a nice man.
I send her away don't ask me.
Because nobody wanted to hurt her feelings
I hope they didn't hurt her....too much. :v I killed Gryff in my story so at least she wont be forced to marry him.
Nah the Glenmores have Tyrell backing (No way Roose would want any conflict with the crown), plus they are good in combat and I imagine they could hold their own. Besides Ludd declared war because we were vulnerable, I doubt he thinks the Glenmore's are.
And Ramsay kill Arthur like nothing
Ah, I forgot about that. Well to be honest Roose probably didn't know. But the Whitehill's aren't psychopaths like Ramsay, they'd think about the consequences.
What does Rodrik actually say?
"You have no place here"
Edit: Then he says "I'll have someone take you to safety"
Fuck the Tyrells
The last Tyrell I've met left me to die without giving a single fuck or saying goodbye at least
Well Elaena might not be in trouble depending on your choices
But the Forrester's aren't Tyrell bannermen so they'd prioritise the Glenmore's.
I think she wlll be forced to marry Torrhen Whitehill. Who I very much hope to be a playable character next season.
Im not talking about that
Im talking about the "friendship" and "loyalty" that selfish Tyrell bitch was talking about at the end
It's a sad thing that Cersei Lannister helped us more than Margaery
If think she will be raped
and than probably forced to marry gryff or be killed, that's why I think sending her away is master race.
She will most likely be raped.
In my playthrough, I got zero help from any of the Game of Thrones characters--Tyrion screws up the one thing he's helping you with, and both Jon Snow and Dany ultimately refused to help me because I killed some evil scum. Cersei ultimately lets you die whether you lie to Tyrion or not. They were all pretty worthless.
They wouldn't rape her if they were planning to marry her off or hold her hostage. In this society, that would lower her value as both a hostage or as a forced wife.
I figure they will just hold her hostage to keep the Glenmores from rebelling or try and marry her to a Whitehill such as Torrhen. She's too valuable to rape or kill.
I think it makes sense if Rodrik says she can stay. If it's Asher (haven't played through that choice yet, not sure if he even has the option) it would make sense to send her away.
Classic Ramsay!
I don't know my dear but I can't believe my boy pulled that fine hair.
We need to have a talk son come meet me in your quarters for your daily Ironwood Spanking Routine.
You can't tell for sure, but Rodrik training her with a sword would be cool
The Glenmore's aren't either. They're Ryswell bannermen, who are now Bolton bannermen.
If Gryff is alive, you can bet she will raped by him and maybe even murdered afterwards just for his enjoyment. If Ludd's alive, he'll do the smart thing and use her for leverage.
The only reason I'm happy Ludd's still alive in my first play through...