The Two Lords Appearances! Would they look better this way ?
Okay , Let's start with Asher , the only thing i would change from him : is his hair , make them longer kinda like gryff whitehill , I think he would look awesome with long hair ! Never tought about it before but then i saw this picture of him yesterday, and i just imagined him with kinda the same haircut as gryff , and i think it would actually fit him perfectly well . I know...Asher 's hair is already perfect , but it would be awesome to see it .What do you guys think ? Asher with long hair or short hair ?
Now let's go to Rodrik '(My fav lord ) , i would've liked him to wear his nothern helmet during the battle of ironrath ,i know it would kinda hides his facial expressions a little bit but it would've looked awesome with his northern armour , especially during the battle with Harys since he also had an helmet .So what do you guys think ? Rodrik with Helmet or not ?
Asher, long hair.... no thank you.
I don't want them to change their appearance too much. Both men are way too handsome and perfect to have a new look. And yes, I am admitting my man crush to them.
I think it would actually suit him well , but then again , each one their opinions gladly
I do also have a mancrush on them , nothing to be ashamed of
.No really , and what about rodrik , nothing i would really change about his hair and facial hair but what if he was to wear his helmet during the siege of ironrath , would you have liked it ? 
Maybe Rodrik prefer not to wear his helmet? I think a fighter needs to have a wider sense of their surroundings in order to anticipate any danger. A helmet would have narrowed that.
If he did, I don't think I would have mind Rodrik wearing his helmet during the battle, since I find that reasonable thing to do.
Rodrik and Asher are both my favorite video game characters of all time. I wouldn't change anything about their appearance. They both look like their personalities (badass). As for Asher with long hair, I'd have to give that a big no-no. Something about longer hair just screams "douche bag" to me lmao.