Why didn't we do this ?

In episode 6 when we invited Ludd, Gryff and his men into the great hall. Why didn't we position some archers up on a balcony to help take out some soldiers.

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  • Because there are no balconies in Ironrath's great hall, and they would be pretty useless on the ground. We did place soldiers on the ground though, and they killed all Whitehills in the great hall, so I don't really know why we would need archers anyway.

  • to kill people like ludd who try to run for the doors.

    Because there are no balconies in Ironrath's great hall, and they would be pretty useless on the ground. We did place soldiers on the ground

  • Yeah but we did exactly this thing just without the archers, also it wouldnt matter becuase Torrhen would be still alive so army would still kill us all.

    to kill people like ludd who try to run for the doors.

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