The dreaded season pass issue

I've seen a handful of threads on the issue of the season pass not downloading, or even registering, for the game, and I'm sad to report I am now in the same boat.

I received codes for Episode 1 and the season pass on October 24, redeemed both on, and both seemed to go through fine, though only Episode 1 downloaded. I did some digging around here and the internet in general, and saw from "TellTaleMike" that the pass may not download directly, but be tied to our gamertags. Fine, I'll keep playing.

I finished episode 1, and it took me to the in-game menu to where I thought I would download my pass, but instead showed "available" for episodes 2-5 to purchase, along with a big fat "BUY!" for the pass - in the Xbox Store, all 4 of the remaining episodes, and the pass, showed an available to purchase with the price option.

I contacted Nathan, received yet another code for the pass, and once again, was able to redeem it fine, but it changed nothing.

I've contacted Xbox Support 3 times now, and gotten an unfortunate hold of 2 outsourced agents who had me do everything short of factory reset my entire console for one pass not downloading, despite literally every other game in my library with season passes working just fine.

What's the deal?


  • [I am only a Volunteer Moderator and fan. I am not Telltale staff.]

    Did you receive a press code? If so, I've heard on Twitter that if you use a press code for an earlier episode, you also have to use a press code for the rest of the Season or else you will encounter errors (and I don't think that episodes purchased normally are compatible with previous episodes acquired through press codes). I'm not sure if that entails your save not working or the game not being able to start/being forced to purchase further episodes, but hopefully that helps direct you towards a potential solution. I don't think Xbox Support would be able to help as I'm going to (unofficially) guess that the complication is from you using a press code instead of a normal code. I would try contacting Telltale Support again (or at all if you have not already), and clarify that you are using a press code and not a normal code.

    Again, I'm only a volunteer Moderator taking an educated guess and I am not a staff member, but my unofficial guess is that the problem could potentially be tied to the press code.

    You can contact Telltale Support through one of the following methods:

  • I don't think they were press codes, and even if that were the case, I received codes for Episode 1 and the pass, so they're from the same source.

    The pass just refuses to download and the game will not acknowledge that I have it tied to my XBL account.

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