What got you interested?

This is just a thread about what got you into tales. You can say when you first got interested (ex. episode, month, year) how, why, and maybe if it changed your social status here or not. I can share mine.

I was just a lurker, literally chilled in TWD forums. But eventually I noticed the "Tales From the Borderlands" banner that always blocked me from clicking the community button for the walking dead. I got eventually curious by the appearances and found myself watching a lets play on Yogscast Hannah. The first 30 minutes had me go from "This doesn't look THAT interesting" to "Oh my lord this masterpiece..." And I was set. This was between the wait of episode 2, about 1.5 months before episode 2 was released. I said "oh cool, another episode!" and it went uphill from there. I got more actively involved in the community due to this game, shipping (shoutout to @Pipas though), details that people may not notice, and some smalltown discussions. There's mine, leave yours :D


  • I saw the World Premiere Trailer and I was hooked.

    enter link description here

  • The trailer they showed at the game awards years(?) ago.

  • I remember scrolling thru the game store then i was like i should check this game out since it's from telltale then i got hooked after episode one.

  • Bossanova's opening was probably what completely got me hooked when I first played it.

    Everything before it I was like "Alright this is good, I'm into this." But that first scene with Bossanova just had me 100%

    That along with Rhys's plan to take the brief case was what sold me.

  • edited December 2015

    I think it was at the deal between August and Rhys where Bossanova crashed into the wall got me intrested. That and how the fuck Rhys and Fiona started aruging in the first place, I thought there was going to be a huge showdown between them.

  • I decided to give Borderlands a chance, so I brought Borderlands 2 for a good summer price. And I find myself enjoying the black comedy, the interesting fusion between science-fiction and western genre and the relatively memorable characters. So I decided to buy Tales from the Borderlands and I am so glad that I did. :)

  • edited December 2015

    1 January 2015, my boyfriend said: „There’s a game I’d like you to play! It’s really good, it might be even better than The Wolf Among Us!”
    So I played it, and liked it a lot (especially Loader Bot), but actually Atlas Mugged was the episode that totally got me hooked. I couldn't stop talking about it ever since! I even turned to Tales when I couldn’t decide what to write my thesis about… :D

  • I watched Episode one when it first released, but knowing nothing about Borderlands, I couldn't get into it on the first try. I still thought it was a good episode, though. It was around Episode 2 where I really got into it after putting some pieces of the puzzle together. Which eventually got me into Borderlands which I DON'T REGRET AT ALL. This was literally my DREAM FRANCHISE that was right under my nose the entire time. Being a massive TWD fan, it's both refreshing (and killing me) for me to say that I like Borderlands > The Walking Dead.


    I just do.

  • i am a fan of borderlands and enjoyed twd so i thought borderlands + telltale = awesome so i got it a wee after its release because i had no money when it came out

  • Playing the first episode (in end November) made me want to try and play the other Borderlands games, and when I've done that, I was obsessed with Borderlands xD

  • About a week after episode 1 was released, my favorite twitch streamer (JoshOG now, he used to go by TheOriginalWeed back then) streamed it and I decided to watch him play ep 1 then afterwards I went to check TFTBL out.

  • edited December 2015

    (shoutout to @Pipas though)

    enter image description here

    Ehm... Well, first I saw the TftB reveal trailer, it made me go "Huh", because I didn't know anything about Borderlands. And since it was Telltale and I loved their TWD (and the first episode of TWAU which was out by the time of TftB announcement I think), I figured I'd end up playing it anyway and because I had shit ton of free time I realized that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to learn something about the Borderlands universe in the meantime.

    So I played Borderlands 2 (and TPS, which I believed would release AFTER the first episode of TftB, but oh well) and I was like "Huh, this might actually be good.". After watching "Welcome to Pandora (again)" trailer I got hooked and knew this was gonna be awesome. And the best thing about it was that it was even better.

  • It was made by Telltale. Plus that reveal trailer at the VGAS was the highlight for me.

  • jmmjmm
    edited December 2015

    I dismissed borderlands for a long time (as a bro-shooter loot gathering co-op), after watching the reveal trailer, I got a bit more open minded about borderlands (Pandora looked interesting to say the least), but I wasn't still ready to commit.

    After watching episode 1's gameplay preview I was sold on Tales. I had mostly given up on Telltale games because, to me, their games were reduced to interesting stories but failed on the "it was fun to play" aspect that I believe games should have, and relied sorely on the "it will get worse, we are doomed" logic and the player's almost morbid will to discover how the writers will do plot twists or find ways to screw over the protagonist(s) and make the player guilt trip over it.

    In the end Tales balanced happy/sad moments, but kept the positive/non-depression-inducing attitude, not like other games from Telltale (or other developers DONTNOD, [COUGH])

    And Tales was fun (and now its watch has ended)

  • It was a Borderlands game and Telltale game. That right there won me over. I wasn't even aware my two favorite voice actors were in it till I started playing, which caused me to freak out with joy.

  • The fact that it was a TellTale Game :)

  • I was always curious about it but once the first real trailer came out I decided to get it.

  • I saw that borderlands was a award winning game, so i got Tales of the borderlands Episode 1 for free to try it out.

    After i played the the episode i thought it was "meh"...I was wrong...I had $10 to spend on games, so i got the season pass for just $10 on a discount on the xbox one store. Before i played it i said "I don't know about this." So after i played episode 2, It was SO AMAZING! I woke the next morning to play episode 3!

    Episode 1 - 8/10
    Episode 2 - 9/10
    Episode 3 - 9/10
    Episode 4 - 7/10
    Episode 5 - 11/10!

  • Just after episode 5 came out I saw episode 1 was free on Xbox. I'm not really into shooters, and had pretty much ignored Borderlands up to this point. I downloaded the free episode on a whim, was hooked immediately and bought the Season Pass. Now I'm gearing up to play through Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel with The Handsome collection.

  • edited December 2015

    The reveal trailer.

    But the game was nothing like it. Which was quite um... Disappointing. Its still the best gameplay made by telltale though, but the story is definitely not the best.

  • I was never really too bothered about it because I thought it would be something only Borderlands players would understand.

    So then I saw Cryaotic has released the first episode, I watched about 15 minutes of that and decided I wanted it. Bought it. Played it. Loved it. One year later I've played all the Borderlands games and tftb was one of my goty and one of my most enjoyable experiences of gaming.

  • A friend of mine has a Borderlands poster in his den, so I knew that it was a game. Then, I was visiting relatives during the summer and needed something to do to distract me from the constant fighting. My dad called me and suggested a video game, so I was browsing Steam and saw Tales.

    Me before I played: This might tide me over until TWDG season 3 comes out.

    Me after I played: This is everything I never knew I wanted and more.

  • This occurred sometime after episode 2 released, not sure when exactly. I as waiting for the next Walking Dead game to come out, but I just couldn't stop thinking that I needed another TellTale Game. I'd never played a Borderlands game so I had never really given it much thought. One night I saw Ray Narvaez Jr. livestreaming episode 2. I watched maybe a minute and thought to myself, fuck it I'm getting this. So the next day I bought the first episode, played it, loved it, then immediately the next day played the second and I as hooked. I then bought Borderlands 2 and played the shit out of that waiting for episode 3.

  • Well, I was a huge fan of Borderlands for a super long time. And honestly, it's up there in my personal top 10 games of all time list. The second one, I was very "iffy" about, but I still enjoyed playing it. The Pre-Sequel was the greatest thing ever to happen in the universe (It still didn't recreate the feeling I had playing Borderlands for the first time, so it's not in my top 10), so needless to say, I was fairly excited when my favorite Video game Publishing company announced a borderlands episodic series. And by fairly excited I mean "SHITTING RAINBOWS LIKE MOTHER FUCKING UNICORNS ON THE 4TH OF JULY IN EXCITEMENT!" (Also, you can't read voice, so I'll let you know I said that in like a... "Woooo" voice.)

    So yeah, basically the love for both Borderlands and Telltale got me into the game from the very beginning.

  • Most likely because Its borderlands and I love everything borderlands

  • Well i've been playing borderlands since it's release, and after playing TWD season 1 and 2, it got me very interested in tales. Was not disappointed

    Also Borderlands is one of my fav game series, along with Fallout and TES.

  • About a month after the release of the first episode, I was scanning the PSN Store and found a demo. I'd never really played Borderlands before as it never really interested me enough to check it out. After 20 minutes of lo0ading up the demo, I bought the first episode (I freakin' loved it) and I am now a proud owner of all Telltale Games from The Walking Dead onwards.

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