What's that city shining on the main menu?

I've played all the games in the series, the DLC too and I can't figure out what it might be. Just a random backdrop with no significance to the story?


  • If I had to guess Id say Opportunity, but I feel like it was really a new Hyperion city that was cut from the game.

  • I think it's that city in episode 1 where the racing tournament took place.

  • I think you're right. It has the same basic shape and floodlights as the Atlas base Bossanova had taken over.

    Maybe that's what it looks like after Rhys fixes it up? It didn't have all those lights in the windows when the bandits were using it as a coloseum.

    I think it's that city in episode 1 where the racing tournament took place.

  • That came to mind first too then I remembered Opportunity's on an island with water surrounding it and a bridge. :)

    The city on the menu is elevated above the ground with rocks and stuff. Could have been cut, we couldn't really look further around to see if it's where the racing was sadly.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If I had to guess Id say Opportunity, but I feel like it was really a new Hyperion city that was cut from the game.

  • A location that was probably cut from the game.

  • im guessing its opportunity remade to be in the game in some way but removed shame cause it would have been cool to see how hyperion cities are

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