Vaughn's Episode as a TFTB DLC

I want Vaughn to have his own episode about the adventures he had with that old Atlas worker when he got seperated from Rhys and friends on what.. episode 3? I dunno.. so yeah. I'd like to see what he's been doing all those time during the Rhys's mission in Hyperion... I really like Vaughn but he wasn't given much screen time during his disappearance. So i wish telltale would make an extra episode dedicated to Vaughn as a DLC. Anybody else? Please don't tell me I'm the only one who thinks this way..


  • edited December 2015

    Mash Q to Exercise Bike Better

  • I don't really see the point of it.

  • More Vaughn is fine with me :)

  • Well Vaughn could have ended in 3 different ways, with Cassius, as Vallory's hostage or alone.

  • Vaughn is a cool character, but I doubt he will work without Rhys or any of the other characters around. If you think that his "Children Of Helios" adventures could work, I can't see it unless the game was a based on something like Don't Starve.

    Sorry, I just can't see him as a player controlled character, but a DLC with him as an NPC, maybe

  • Nah if they do a DLC I want them to explore something new. And Vaughn isn't a universally liked character (I like him, but others don't) so that could hurt the experience for some.

  • Nah they do anything else with the series, a new season with new characters, that would of course feature the season 1 cast but just not as the front runners. I had a fan fiction of two bounty hunters, one being Krieg the other a guy called Lorne with a mask and a troubled past. Can anyone guess who Lorne is? :D

  • And Vaughn isn't a universally liked character

    enter image description here

    Healoz posted: »

    Nah if they do a DLC I want them to explore something new. And Vaughn isn't a universally liked character (I like him, but others don't) so that could hurt the experience for some.

  • If it means more Vaughn then I'm in.

  • And Vaughn isn't a universally liked character (I like him, but others don't)

    Nah everybody loves Vaughn.

    Healoz posted: »

    Nah if they do a DLC I want them to explore something new. And Vaughn isn't a universally liked character (I like him, but others don't) so that could hurt the experience for some.

  • Honestly I feel like the super low percent of people who dont like Vaughn are the people who couldnt figure out that he lied to Vasquez

    Healoz posted: »

    Nah if they do a DLC I want them to explore something new. And Vaughn isn't a universally liked character (I like him, but others don't) so that could hurt the experience for some.

  • Assuming they actually give a fig about continuity a lot of potential BL3 would theoretically take place during episode 4. I mean, somehow Athena is working a grill when you recruit her episode 5, which is not at all where the presequel left her.

    I could see Vaughn as a "bandit leader" in BL3 giving out missions. But I'm not really aware of telltale ever doing DLC as such.

  • I would want a Felix DLC

  • Vaughn's character deserves more screen time after he was abandoned by TT during episode three. Seriously, I was so disappointed that he just got pushed to the sidelines. (Rhys' character seemed more focused on his relationships with Jack and Sasha.) He was probably the only character that was really affected heavily by the players choices. He wasn't in episode four at all (except that tiny phone call) if you spared Cassius, you don't get to see some serious character development for him if you trusted Fiona over Jack. He deserved more love tbh. So I would totally be in. But I doubt they'd do it.

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