You completely misread what I wrote, I never said that Futurama has a small audience. I said the audience for a game based on it would be small in my opinion (the spinoff game, not the show itself).
Although some people have already made appropriate counter arguments to this (even before you posted it) I would like to point out that the game had a large enough fan base for 'Eidos' to already produce a game based on the series. (It was a platform and not a brilliant one, at that, but popular enough to have remained in print until quite recently).
As other people have pointed out, TellTale have already made games based on far more obscure shows/comics/web-toons as none of their current titles are quite as well known (or I wouldn't have thought they were, anyway) as Futurama. (1 is based on a web toon, 2 are based on indie comics with a cult following and 1 is based on some cult british children’s films).
If they can do it in 2d, wich they wont, it would be awesome.
You never really know. There's always a chance that, one day, a TTG title will be all 3D.
I think it would be quite good (in the event that a Futurama series was to happen) if either the characters were 2D and the backgrounds were 3D versions of those in the show (not the same ones used in the previous Futurama game; they were accurate but just not good enough). If they were to use 3D models of the characters then I think they should be up against 2D backdrops. (Again, the character animations in the platform were sub-par. Fry's hair, for example, looked particularly bad from certain angels).
Still, there is some demand for 2D adventures and it would be a great way to make it feel like you're actually playing an interactive version of the show. Never say never.
I think a good way to entice the show's producer's into leasing the rights to make a game of the show cheaply is to offer Matt Groaning a [voice] role in the game and possibly even one in the next episode of bone (as he is, apparently, a big fan).
It's a thought, but Family Guy would be a better Episodic series to create.
Seriously... no!
And Marduk, are you saying Matt Groening is a fan of Bone? That and Tress MacNeille already voicing in Full Throttle and EMI! A long with a huge amount of people posting topics suggesting the same thing! Now I'm starting to think this is inevitable
And Marduk, are you saying Matt Groening is a fan of Bone? That and Tress MacNeille already voicing in Full Throttle and EMI! A long with a huge amount of people posting topics suggesting the same thing! Now I'm starting to think this is inevitable
After playing Sam & Max I considered getting bone, however all the reviews said it was pretty mediocre. However Matt Groaning gave a quote saying how much he loved it.
I decided I wanted to read it before I went and got the game. I'm glad I did because with the glowing recommendation I was expecting a laugh riot, what I got was something that made me smile, here and there, but not one joke was laugh out loud funny.
But I really don't see how Tress MacNeille being voice talent on some other AGs makes it any more likely that we'll ever see a Futurama AG from TTG. Apparently Billy West was in Gabriel Knight 3. The thing is, I don't think the career of a voice actor is an easy one especially when so many of the producers of their shows seem to look at them as expendable (there was a joke about this on the Simpsons once; Lisa was explaining to Homer that cartoons were cheaper to produce because they could outsource the actual animation over seas and they could replace extras without anybody noticing, at which point Flanders pokes his head around the window and says one of his catchphrases in a hispanic accent).
I tend to think of West as one of the better known Voice Actors in the field, but when you look at his career you'll notice that the jobs he's done between his more "successful projects" (I can't think of anything outside of Howard Stern and Futurama) you'll notice that almost everything else he's been involved with has been considerably less prestigious.
Seriuously though, Futurama being a great show, It just wouldn't settle on me walking around picking things up..when I think Futurama. I think of the old ps2 game where your walking around shooting things, not just walking and picking up Items.
Seriuously though, Futurama being a great show, It just wouldn't settle on me walking around picking things up..when I think Futurama. I think of the old ps2 game where your walking around shooting things, not just walking and picking up Items.
Maybe they could take a page out of "Runaway: A Road Adventure"'s book. In that particular adventure game the protagonist, Brian, would not take an object unless he had a reason to do so.
He wouldn't just blindly take things, as a character would in most AGs.
Maybe they could take a page out of "Runaway: A Road Adventure"'s book. In that particular adventure game the protagonist, Brian, would not take an object unless he had a reason to do so.
He wouldn't just blindly take things, as a character would in most AGs.
(I still hate Runaway, just not for the puzzles).
Actually it would be funny if Fry tried to take whatever you told him to; but after putting it down his pants didn't like how it felt or it caused him some sort of comic harm, so he decided to put it back (even though it had been in his pants).
But I think Bender would make a great inventory that could follow you around. I just couldn't see Bender as just an NPC; I think it would have to be like how Sam and Max walk around, for Fry and Bender.
Think the "Luggage" in Discworld. And Bender has no shortage of kleptomania so I wouldn't put it past him to pick up useless intriguing items for some humorous reason.
But I think Bender would make a great inventory that could follow you around. I just couldn't see Bender as just an NPC; I think it would have to be like Sam and Max walk around, for Fry and Bender.
Credit where it's due, Secret, having Bender as a protagonist is a genius idea. They (he and Fry) could be played as a duo, like Sam & Max.
Think the trunk in Discworld. And Bender has no shortage of kleptomania so I wouldn't put it past him to pick up useless intriguing items for some humorous reason.
That's "the LUGGAGE"! Grrr! lol, sorry, I don't want to seem anal but the Luggage one of my favourite characters (I always felt he was treated as a plot device and thus overlooked all too easily).
That's "the LUGGAGE"! Grrr! lol, sorry, I don't want to seem anal but the Luggage one of my favourite characters (I always felt he was treated as a plot device and thus overlooked all too easily).
Whoops. As a longtime Discworld fan I feel slightly ashamed that I made that mistake. I just typed it out without thinking about what it had been called in the series; cause I couldn't remember off-hand. It's kind of like just calling Rincewind that "wizerd" guy. hah
It's a thought, but Family Guy would be a better Episodic series to create.
No it wouldn't. Family Guy is funny, and it has its moments, but it hasn't got a proper plot to drive it. Futurama could easily be made into an episodic game, purely based on the fact it's funny, and it plays out like a drama, with long plots and story arcs and that... Staples of our Adventure Games (tm)
Amen to that. The Simpsons would make a better episodic storyline than Family Guy. But, I like this idea a lot! Telltale love including as many little in-jokes and series references as they can possibly fit, and Futurama has so many obscure characters and backstories that could be woven into a style like this. And it doesn't even have to be some wild planet-hopping quest to work - some of the best Futurama episodes happen without even leaving New New York.
some of the best Futurama episodes happen without even leaving New New York.
and amen to that! can you name even one bad one?
Futurama is funny, and has a story. That's all we need for a good Tell Tale game! And I know the Futurama visual style would work perfectly with Futurama. Either with rendered proper 3D, a la ToMI, S&M, W&G.. or more traditional 2D a la Strong Bad!
I would pay very good money to see TTG do Futurama. But I reckon it would probably be too good to be true :mad:
When I was younger I really wanted a Simpsons p+c game to come out, and from what I know Virtual Springfield was the closest we got to that. I wouldn't know because unfortunately I never got it although I did spend many weekends staring at it in Gamestation in York, where it seemed to live for years!
I tend to think of West as one of the better known Voice Actors in the field, but when you look at his career you'll notice that the jobs he's done between his more "successful projects" (I can't think of anything outside of Howard Stern and Futurama) you'll notice that almost everything else he's been involved with has been considerably less prestigious.
I don't know, I think futurama should be left alone though...because within the last few years, got back on it's feet...I think it should be left alone for a bit, and see how far it will travel with in the next year or so...just me though, and I am wrong more than I am right in some cases.
I tend to think of West as one of the better known Voice Actors in the field, but when you look at his career you'll notice that the jobs he's done between his more "successful projects" (I can't think of anything outside of Howard Stern and Futurama) you'll notice that almost everything else he's been involved with has been considerably less prestigious.
Ren & Stimpy? I think he also voices Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd.
Holy crap, he did Stitch and the narrator in the Horrible Histories cartoon. I never knew that.
Has anyone actually tried the other Futurama game that was made? It was horrible! The first level was impossibly hard, and if you wanted to use cheats (To get past the first level) You had to do a complicated series of jumps and flips to activate them! If Telltale does do this, the I hope they make the other games look like a huge joke!
Ren & Stimpy? I think he also voices Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd.
Holy crap, he did Stitch and the narrator in the Horrible Histories cartoon. I never knew that.
Yeah I looked over his resume on wikipedia and IMDb. I'm not saying he wasn't in some successful works (I'm sure I said he was) but that between jobs his work has been less noticeable.
Imagine how hard it must be for any other VA to get work.
Has anyone actually tried the other Futurama game that was made? It was horrible! The first level was impossibly hard, and if you wanted to use cheats (To get past the first level) You had to do a complicated series of jumps and flips to activate them! If Telltale does do this, the I hope they make the other games look like a huge joke!
I'd have to agree. Been trying to say that the market for a Futurama game was pretty well soured by that, but nobody listens and insists it's still a fantastic idea (which if it weren't for that other game messing things up it would be).
But a new game wouldn't have to have anything to with that game, I don't see what relevance it would have to anything Telltale might do. Futurama's fan base is much larger than any other of Telltale's series, even Monkey Island, given that it's a TV show on a major channel that has been seen by millions. Futurama's first episode was watched by 19 million in the US alone!
There are plenty of licensed games out there, the fact that there are many bad ones doesn't make subsequent new ones any worse or less successful.
I'd have to agree. Been trying to say that the market for a Futurama game was pretty well soured by that, but nobody listens and insists it's still a fantastic idea (which if it weren't for that other game messing things up it would be).
I don't know what you think you've been typing or if you've been posting your replys right place but you never said the other game "soured" the market for future futurama games.
Hell, you didn't even read TOAST's reply properly; He didn't say anything about the possibilities for a marketable new futurama game being diminished, the closest thing he said to that at all was this;
... If Telltale does do this, the I hope they make the other games look like a huge joke!
And I'm certain he wouldn't have to hope.
Also, were you aware that there were already several Wallace & Gromit games before TTG made their own? None of them took off and at least one was comparable to the Futurama platformer. TTG still made one, though. I haven't exactly seen the sales figures but it seems to have been successful.
Screw Futurama, they should make a Simpsons Episodes.Simpsons got pretty lame now, but I think a Telltales game would really be another sucess for the used-to-be-great Show.I know there already are Simpsons games, but none could make it better than Telltale, and I think Telltale + Simpsons would be a big win and also make them a lot more popular than any of their other games, I mean, there are just too many Simpsons adicts.
As cool as this idea is, I kind of doubt it would happen. This is just me being realistic though, I don't actually have anything against the idea. If another Futurama game is made, most likely it would be done through a big name publisher (i.e. see EA's "The Simpsons Game", or any of the many Acclaim Simpsons titles over the years). So no offense to Telltale, but I just don't see them going that way.
Granted it was terrible, but that doesn't really have any bearing on how good another game might be. Also, for the guy saying "it's too hard on the voice actors" - a large chunk of the cast voiced that game. And as others pointed out, they've voiced other games (and many other things, not just cartoons!). They are professionals, it's what they do. It's no harder than any other work they already do :P
Screw Futurama, they should make a Simpsons Episodes.Simpsons got pretty lame now, but I think a Telltales game would really be another sucess for the used-to-be-great Show.I know there already are Simpsons games, but none could make it better than Telltale, and I think Telltale + Simpsons would be a big win and also make them a lot more popular than any of their other games, I mean, there are just too many Simpsons adicts.
Why screw it? Why couldn't both be made then. Yeah, you should've worded that better. There are many Futurama addicts as well, you know.
The thing is it would be hard to figure out whether to have the game be played as Homer, Bart, Lisa, etc. I would say four or five episodes with a different family member playable each episode. I don't think the two character Sam and Max formula would work for the Simpson's like it would for Futurama; however I couldn't see just one playable character throughout the whole season either.
Episode 1 - Homer.
Episode 2 - Bart.
I say Homer should go first because whatever crisis happens that would become the series wide overarching plot, Homer should be the one to cause it. He almost always is.
Who says the production of a new game would halt the TV show? While the voice-actors are the same, the production team will no doubt be different, and the can simultaneously produce and release both at the same time.
I disagree. I believe for the game to be even close to as successful as the show, it would take the same writers as the show. This would naturally slow down production of the show. I do agree with you that they can produce and release at the same time, though it would take longer.
Mixing Futurama with an Adventure game is a fantastic idea! Not only would it sell to the adventure gamers (who have already proven to be lucrative through the Sam and Max "experiment". Adding Futurama into the mix will only bring MORE people in to discover the adventure game greatness! The only issue I could see would be if the actors demand more than TellTale can afford. :-( Imagine the possibilities, though! We could go anywhere in time and space!
Granted it was terrible, but that doesn't really have any bearing on how good another game might be. Also, for the guy saying "it's too hard on the voice actors" - a large chunk of the cast voiced that game. And as others pointed out, they've voiced other games (and many other things, not just cartoons!). They are professionals, it's what they do. It's no harder than any other work they already do :P
I was responding to the thing about how that it'd be great if the new season of Futurama and a Futurama adventure game were produced at the same time, not saying that voicing games is too hard, an adventure game would have a lot more dialogue than the one that already came out, and I'm not a guy.
Love the idea. However, paying actors like Katie Segal, Billy West and Joe Dimaggio would not be cheap and it would have to be a tie in with Fox, which may be a struggle.
I would only buy this if the premise were that each episode were a TALE... OF... INTEREST!!!!!!!!
In other words, if each episode were an enclosed "What If?" story because that would work really well for episodic content.
Oh who am I trying to fool, I'd buy anything with Telltale's name printed on it.
This is a great idea, as video games often are forced to follow a continuity that is hard to keep track of, even for the regular episode writers (see: The Simpsons). Having each episode be a "What if?" question would make it much easier to write and probably much more hilarious.
Honestly though, if it came down to it, wouldn't the Simpsons make more sense considering the wider audience?
As other people have pointed out, TellTale have already made games based on far more obscure shows/comics/web-toons as none of their current titles are quite as well known (or I wouldn't have thought they were, anyway) as Futurama. (1 is based on a web toon, 2 are based on indie comics with a cult following and 1 is based on some cult british children’s films). Wow, I can't find fault in the cunning logic of your carefully worded argument. I must concede to your superior debate skills. You never really know. There's always a chance that, one day, a TTG title will be all 3D.
I think it would be quite good (in the event that a Futurama series was to happen) if either the characters were 2D and the backgrounds were 3D versions of those in the show (not the same ones used in the previous Futurama game; they were accurate but just not good enough). If they were to use 3D models of the characters then I think they should be up against 2D backdrops. (Again, the character animations in the platform were sub-par. Fry's hair, for example, looked particularly bad from certain angels).
Still, there is some demand for 2D adventures and it would be a great way to make it feel like you're actually playing an interactive version of the show. Never say never.
I think a good way to entice the show's producer's into leasing the rights to make a game of the show cheaply is to offer Matt Groaning a [voice] role in the game and possibly even one in the next episode of bone (as he is, apparently, a big fan). Maybe!
Can't Get Enough Futurama
It sure is!
Seriously... no!
And Marduk, are you saying Matt Groening is a fan of Bone? That and Tress MacNeille already voicing in Full Throttle and EMI! A long with a huge amount of people posting topics suggesting the same thing! Now I'm starting to think this is inevitable
Also good for people with impaired vision.
unlike this
After playing Sam & Max I considered getting bone, however all the reviews said it was pretty mediocre. However Matt Groaning gave a quote saying how much he loved it.
I decided I wanted to read it before I went and got the game. I'm glad I did because with the glowing recommendation I was expecting a laugh riot, what I got was something that made me smile, here and there, but not one joke was laugh out loud funny.
But I really don't see how Tress MacNeille being voice talent on some other AGs makes it any more likely that we'll ever see a Futurama AG from TTG. Apparently Billy West was in Gabriel Knight 3. The thing is, I don't think the career of a voice actor is an easy one especially when so many of the producers of their shows seem to look at them as expendable (there was a joke about this on the Simpsons once; Lisa was explaining to Homer that cartoons were cheaper to produce because they could outsource the actual animation over seas and they could replace extras without anybody noticing, at which point Flanders pokes his head around the window and says one of his catchphrases in a hispanic accent).
I tend to think of West as one of the better known Voice Actors in the field, but when you look at his career you'll notice that the jobs he's done between his more "successful projects" (I can't think of anything outside of Howard Stern and Futurama) you'll notice that almost everything else he's been involved with has been considerably less prestigious.
He wouldn't just blindly take things, as a character would in most AGs.
(I still hate Runaway, just not for the puzzles).
Actually it would be funny if Fry tried to take whatever you told him to; but after putting it down his pants didn't like how it felt or it caused him some sort of comic harm, so he decided to put it back (even though it had been in his pants).
But I think Bender would make a great inventory that could follow you around. I just couldn't see Bender as just an NPC; I think it would have to be like how Sam and Max walk around, for Fry and Bender.
Think the "Luggage" in Discworld. And Bender has no shortage of kleptomania so I wouldn't put it past him to pick up useless intriguing items for some humorous reason.
Whoops. As a longtime Discworld fan I feel slightly ashamed that I made that mistake.
No it wouldn't. Family Guy is funny, and it has its moments, but it hasn't got a proper plot to drive it. Futurama could easily be made into an episodic game, purely based on the fact it's funny, and it plays out like a drama, with long plots and story arcs and that... Staples of our Adventure Games (tm)
and amen to that! can you name even one bad one?
Futurama is funny, and has a story. That's all we need for a good Tell Tale game! And I know the Futurama visual style would work perfectly with Futurama. Either with rendered proper 3D, a la ToMI, S&M, W&G.. or more traditional 2D a la Strong Bad!
I would pay very good money to see TTG do Futurama. But I reckon it would probably be too good to be true :mad:
When I was younger I really wanted a Simpsons p+c game to come out, and from what I know Virtual Springfield was the closest we got to that. I wouldn't know because unfortunately I never got it
Billy West is the Red M&M. That's prestigious!
Holy crap, he did Stitch and the narrator in the Horrible Histories cartoon. I never knew that.
Imagine how hard it must be for any other VA to get work.
I'd also like there to be a puzzle where i'd bite Bender's shiny metal ass.
I'd have to agree. Been trying to say that the market for a Futurama game was pretty well soured by that, but nobody listens and insists it's still a fantastic idea (which if it weren't for that other game messing things up it would be).
There are plenty of licensed games out there, the fact that there are many bad ones doesn't make subsequent new ones any worse or less successful.
Hell, you didn't even read TOAST's reply properly; He didn't say anything about the possibilities for a marketable new futurama game being diminished, the closest thing he said to that at all was this; And I'm certain he wouldn't have to hope.
Also, were you aware that there were already several Wallace & Gromit games before TTG made their own? None of them took off and at least one was comparable to the Futurama platformer. TTG still made one, though. I haven't exactly seen the sales figures but it seems to have been successful.
In any case, as others pointed out, there already was a Futurama game:
Granted it was terrible, but that doesn't really have any bearing on how good another game might be. Also, for the guy saying "it's too hard on the voice actors" - a large chunk of the cast voiced that game. And as others pointed out, they've voiced other games (and many other things, not just cartoons!). They are professionals, it's what they do. It's no harder than any other work they already do :P
Why screw it? Why couldn't both be made then. Yeah, you should've worded that better. There are many Futurama addicts as well, you know.
The thing is it would be hard to figure out whether to have the game be played as Homer, Bart, Lisa, etc. I would say four or five episodes with a different family member playable each episode. I don't think the two character Sam and Max formula would work for the Simpson's like it would for Futurama; however I couldn't see just one playable character throughout the whole season either.
Episode 1 - Homer.
Episode 2 - Bart.
I say Homer should go first because whatever crisis happens that would become the series wide overarching plot, Homer should be the one to cause it. He almost always is.
I disagree. I believe for the game to be even close to as successful as the show, it would take the same writers as the show. This would naturally slow down production of the show. I do agree with you that they can produce and release at the same time, though it would take longer.
In other words, if each episode were an enclosed "What If?" story because that would work really well for episodic content.
Oh who am I trying to fool, I'd buy anything with Telltale's name printed on it.
This is a great idea, as video games often are forced to follow a continuity that is hard to keep track of, even for the regular episode writers (see: The Simpsons). Having each episode be a "What if?" question would make it much easier to write and probably much more hilarious.
Honestly though, if it came down to it, wouldn't the Simpsons make more sense considering the wider audience?
I can think of a rather nice TTG idea... :P