Things that need to happen for Season 2.

Game freezing, audio skips, lag. This was a horrible experience while playing Game of Thrones, and i dont think it happened in Tales or Wolf Among Us. The music and environment looks much more polished and beatiful in those games, and as many more people have said, episode 6 most climatic moments were totally lost due to musicless background, audioskips and the above mentioned problems. So the first MANDATORY thing is to please just solve the technical problems!

The second aspect, is about the POVs and choices regarding the next season. As is always requested, please make our choices matter! Our choosed rulers MUST be playable next season, if not, as Royland said, all that happened would have been for nothing. Gared, on the North Grove, must have more logical explanation to the "power" in there, and why it "must" be protected, especially if you choosed to stay there.

I would love having a Mira/Tom crossroad, where if you saved Mira then you can continue the struggle to survive with her, despite all what you've done, and on the other hand if you saved Tom and doomed Mira, depending on the alliances (Ahem Saving Sera's marriage AND Position) you can try to give some aid to House Forrester or to its cause.

Beshka or Malcolm should both be playable, to develop an alliance across the narrow sea, and to ensure the safety of "potentially" the last male heir of the forresters, however since we dont want any fillers, i think these characters could play as one, in the sense that you might play as Malcolm in a chapter, then not see him in the next and play as Beshka. This way we could develop the storylines without having to put fillers in between.

The 5th or potential 6th character that would be playable, would be the new addition of season 2. Here i would like seeing a Whitehill or a personality from another house, so we can see the conflict from a different perspective. Elsera or Josera are also potential candidates for this spot, but depending if they really are Gregor's bastards and their development, i think they should be playable in a 3rd season (considering Gared dies, or they split at some point).

Overall, i want to see the different POVs to prevail! Its what makes Game of Thrones and the books amazing, but it needs to be done wisely, with proper development on each character, contrary to making us feel bored when playing as Gared or Mira at some points in the game. Featuring characters from the series would also be welcomed, especially Theon (Whitehill guy between a rock and a hard place meets Reek) and Varys.


  • Also, accumulative choices (like playing wisely as Mira: Doing what Margaery wants, not killing the guard, etc) SHOULD have more resonating consequences.

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