- BEST ADVENTURE (winners, runners up)
I'm sure everyone here would like to say Congratulations Telltale Games: Tales from the Borderlands for winning these categories!!
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Done!! Done and DONE!!
Seriously,this game is the best, really deserves it.
And also, looks like there's not any Life is Strange on there
YES! If we all get behind it we can make it a winner! What it deserves!
Agreed,this is the best game I've played in a long time, or..maybe even my whole life
I voted for it, you can also vote for it in these categories
Best Art Direction
Best Performances
PC Game of the Year
Xbox 360 Game of the Year
Xbox One Game of the Year
PlayStation 3 Game of the Year
PlayStation 4 Game of the Year
Get voting everyone!
Ign made some nice videos i should go vote
enter link description here
Out of all of these nominations, it has to win something, right? Seriously, Tales deserves at least one award.
It definitely will win something! Really believe it will get best story - we just need to get people voting
I voted for best story.
But when I saw Crypt of the Necrodancer on the GOTY list, I had to vote for that.
Sorry guys.
I don't know why are people complaining about no LiS in best performance. IMO Ashley Burch was the only good VA and the rest were bad, especially Max for me.
I feel like people don't know the difference between a good cast and bad one.
Agreed. Ashly Burch was phenomenal, but everyone else, especially Max, was really bad or meh.
Yep, but now thinking about it, I think Nathan's VA was good too. Everyone else was kinda bad though
I agree. As you and Metallica said, Ashly Burch was the only great VA in the cast but the rest were awful, especially Max. I usually expect for the main protagonists to do a good voice acting at the very least but Max's VA made me get sick of Max a lot and I was wishing to play as someone else.
How did this turn into talking about LIS and bashing it lol?
Voted for tales in some categories btw.
I only talked about LiS because in some (most) categories the comments were mostly "Really, no Life is Strange?" and I found the comments in Best Performance kind of.. ridiculous because I atleast thought that LiS' cast wasn't that good, but I'm sorry if that came off as a hate comment, I didn't mean it. I like LiS (I actually think it's a pretty good game, especially for a studio like Dontnod, seriously well done) and I don't hate it, but I just didn't really think the cast was that good and it was weird when I saw where's Life is Strange comments in Best Performance, but everyone has their opinion.
I guess LIS fans aren't exactly happy to see that their favorite game isn't acclaimed everywhere.
I feel like it should have been in best mobile, too. Certainly is the one game I plan to bring with me for the holidays. (Though I probably would have tried to make The Room 3 fit too if it were available for android yet.)
I dunno. Is best performance meant to be the entire cast or a gender neutral Best Actor/Actress?
If Ashley Burch did an awesome job that should make her eligible. I still think TFTBL should win for the across the board stellar performances.
It's still up for GOTY, though it didn't get one of the feature videos. So is Hatoful Boyfriend...which I definitely enjoyed more than LiS but would not have expected to see nominated for GOTY.
I can understand how some are up in arms about the Best Performance and Best Narrative categories. I mean LIS got snubbed for Cibele lol.
But hey Tales deserves some praise. LIS has been getting a lot of praise on various websites. I can understand how people can feel like LIS should have been at least nominated. I didn't really see too much complaining...just kinda asking why. Hell, I even saw some question why Her Story was snubbed in Best Performance.
No need to try and degrade the game and those involved.
GOTY list has been narrowed down! Tales is a contender! Get VOTING!!!
The funny thing is, I would not say that narrative and performance were the game's strong points, though I would give it points for not being a sequel or spinoff of an existing property and choosing a subject that isn't very common for the medium. I think the mechanic's affect on the narrative was what really made the game special...so Technical Excellence?
(And now we're up to what...12 posts about LiS when it wasn't even nominated for most of these categories?)
The fan in me wants to go and click, but pragmatic me keeps saying "It is pointless"
Unfortunately it is another click-fest galore....
Go, click, prepare to be disappointed when the results are revealed
Hint: the game with the biggest fandom will win regardless of merit, in every single category.
And if you think I'm just too jaded, a horrible person or whatever adjective you want to pin on me, the fact remains...
"The game with the biggest click count... WINS" (If it helps read it with Ramsay Snow's voice, Reek!)
I'm also wondering how Tales got nominated for some many slots over other games. I would have it in for goty, best story, and best soundtrack.
Until Dawn not being in the best PS4 slot and a bunch of games not being included is really weird considering most of them was rated pretty good by IGN. Plus, for some reason they put Game of Thrones in for the past consoles even though they was very critical of it.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the Undertale folks typed in so much that they somehow get the nod in a lot of categories.
Tales From The Borderlands заслуживает быть игрой года !
I hope my votes actually count this time man
One can hope
Sorry but I couldn't vote for TFTB after I saw undertale was there. I'd be commiting a sin.
Fully agree.
I voted Undertale for best story however I voted TftBL on everything else.
I love the blurb for the Performance win:
The comments in the Adventure category Are priceless. All the LiS Hardcore Fans Are realizing now, that LiS isnt Even nominated. I mean, it's Not like it was there for almost a month now. ^^
The salt in the comments section for Best Adventure is raising my cholesterol. It's pretty good
I'm getting a kick out of the comments. Seriously, did people not realize you could write in a submission. It's time for some of those fans to realize that LiS wasn't as great as they all thought it was.
Agreed. personally I thought tales was more deserving of a GOTY nomination than LiS.
Cheers to everyone who voted
Well Done Tales!
Holy hell there is so much salt in that comment section that I needed a bottle of water afterwards.... :P
RIP THE FLESH! SALT THE WOUND! Flesh being the LiS fans, Wound being them not winning. Does that analogy work? no?