It's here! Don't miss the trailer for Minecraft: Story Mode's epic 'Wither Storm Finale', out on all platforms starting December 22nd. Definitely one of the most exciting videos we've done all year - be sure to check it out!
Are YOU ready to take down the storm?
1st :P Awesome trailer and hyped, On the "next time in story mode" it will show episode 5 stuff?
This got me really hyped up for the final battle! I watched the trailer with my sister. She is excited too. So we and every fan will be able to play in 5 days.
Something tells me that episode 5 will heavily involve Ivor, the command block, or both.
The episode is out early for IOS so you kind of failed at the release date -.-
I want Game Of Thrones season 2 !!! And TWAU 2 and TFTB 2 and ! TWD 3 !!
I watched it again because why not? Also the music at goose bumps.
Why did you left ruben die ? WHY?!
I can't download it it says I purchased it and I can't download it because it says I have to buy it. I have to season pass too.

Ghetto lying company, every new episode has a "bug", BS. My son has the season paid for, 4 days later and he still can't get episode 4. We will never buy telltale games garbage again!!!!!
My game was Reset!!! Now I need to do it all over!!! I am NOT happy!!!! >=[
Look great, and when will my son actually be able to download it without paying for it twice?????
Is there any way to take the season pass disc and unlock the chapters on someone else's Xbox live and bring back home and it have the chapters. I don't have internet to unlock on my Xbox 360.
obviously a reference from one of the Walking Dead achievements...the achievement was called "A Rock and a5 Hard Place"...Nailed It
In an attempt to make Episode 4 work we erased all the downloads and updates and saved games and now we can't play any episodes but 1. Horrible Game! DO NOT BUY! They will never get any more of our money. We paid money for the whole game (actual physical disk) and are stuck downloading episodes as they are finished and then it won't even let you download them without purchase. Stick to making cellphone games, horrible, just horrible.