As Asher, I always kill gryff and as Rodrik I always plan on killing Ludd

This may be redundant, but I feel like Asher and Ludd should be main rivals for s2 and Rodrik and Gryff should be main rivals for s2. I always felt like Asher and Ludd, are perfect rivals because of there relationship about gwyn. Rodrik and Gryff are perfect rivals because of how Gryff likes to humiliate Rodrik in front of his people. Who agrees or vice versa. Have a great day
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I couldn't agree more. Totally did the same thing.
Still left Asher behind in the 5th one, but played it through once so I can see what happens with Asher in the 6th. Gryff always liked to humiliate Rodrik so I chopped off Ludd's head.
The main reason this is good is the thing Gwyn says to Asher before Ludd, Gryff and their soldiers get in the great hall. She tells him that Ludd is terrified of him because he doesn't know him and doesn't know what he can do. Although, he knows Rodrik, hence the ''Asher's head on a spike'' thing opposed to peacefully bringing Rodrik's body covered in a cart.
I completely agree. It feels like one antagtonist is better suited for one protagonist. I actually made a similar discussion a while ago.
Although I killed Gryff on my first playthrough as Rodrik, I agree with this statement.
Uh, the title is a spoiler for people who haven't played Episode 6 yet :x
I found a coincidence, if you choose to call off the plan, Gryff dies, knock the poison out of Elissa hand, Gryff dies. As Rodrik, if you run out of time to make a decision, beskha will make it for you and that will be to kill ludd
At least Ludd has some respectable qualities in terms of being a competent villain. Gryff is just, awful. Pathetic and petty. And how much I didn't want to see him again in Season 2 was equal to how much I wanted the shear satisfaction of Rodrik killing him.
So yeah, arguments can be made for all these combinations, but for me personally -- I'll always kill Gryff, be it with Asher or Rodrik. If not just for the satisfied glare he gives upon witnessing either of their deaths in Episode 5. Besides, I don't want to just kill Ludd and be done with it. I want to bring the Whitehills to ruin and make him watch. Only when he's lost nearly everything will I allow him to die. And fulfil Rodrik's vow.
Yeah my Rodrik said that too. But I was afraid that I couldn't kill Ludd in season 2 with Rodrik so I beheaded him in episode 6.
I don't blame ya. That was a huge reason I myself leaned towards going after Ludd in Episode 6. Plus, there's the angle that, by Ramsay's terms, the Forresters win the war that way.
But I just couldn't do it. Gryff had to die for what he did to Asher, and I wanted to ensure Ryon's safety.
I don't mind seeing Ludd Vs Rodrik in Season 2, Lord against Lord Round 2 and all that, but I wanted Gryff out of the picture so bad. I just don't want to see his annoying face anymore :P