Has GRRM Played The Game?

Not the Game of Thrones - I'm talking about Telltale's episodic interactive story game adaptation/spin-off of the HBO series based on his books

Has he played at least the first episode? What does he think of House Forrester? What does he think of the writing? Who did he leave behind in Episode 5? What he he think of Mira's story arc conclusion in Episode 6?

Basically, has GRRM commented on the game at all, after all six episodes concluded?

I wasn't able to find anything on the web revealing what he thought about the finished product. So I'm here to speculate - what you guys think GRRM thought about how Telltale handled his source material?

My guess he's probably like: ''Meh, not bad. I'd have done it differently though, especially with Mira's POV.''


  • I sure he's only faintly aware if at all that this game exist. GRRM has said that show and the books are two different beasts so any property adapted from the show is it's own thing.

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