Why Season 2 should only have 2-3 protagonists

When we have five protagonists, it is a problem because one prohibits is going to die early for another one. Tftb was so good because of the two protagonists style, it shows that they can create two protagonists who are completely different from each other and have fun with them. Game of thrones was very problematic because all of these protagonists had the same abilities and no differences from each other. Having 2-3 peotogonists allows different expirence. I hope we have the opertunity to choose who you play as first. Let's say you have a choice of which storyline to do first, ryon/beskha story or Rodrik/Asher story and after completing these two, two new protagonists open up, or let's say you just get to choose who you play as, have a great box day to unities kingdom and a great day to everybody else.