How in the Hell are they going to tie Season 2 together?

Sanders12Sanders12 Banned
edited December 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I mean seriously? There are so many determinant characters in this. How are they going to handle Mira's thread if she died? What about the Asher/Rodrik decision? Surely they can't develop a whole season based upon that. And what about Ryon? If you don't save him does he die? Or does Beska save him no matter what?

The Rodrik/Asher storyline can probably be wrapped up by making Talia the protagonist I suppose, and clearly Ryon, if saved, can be used as a protagonist, but what about Mira's story? It'd be lame if I kept her alive, and she was simply never mentioned again, or worst made a tertiary character to her husband. Gared's I suppose would be easy enough to continue by implying the North Grove fell no matter what, but still, sorta lame conclusion.

Also we can't forget Telltale's history with determinant characters. I suppose anyone who had an opportunity to die will probably die at some point in the first episode, so what I did will be pointless ultimately.


  • Beskha always saves Ryon, so that's set. I would imagine, if still alive, Asher, Rodrik and Mira all become NPC, if not immediately then pretty quickly. Rodrik/Asher probably either die in the first episode or go into hiding offscreen with Duncan/Royland while they heal for most of the season. Talia, Beskha and Malcolm become playable characters. Malcolm spends the first couple of episodes with Daenerys, then hears word of what happened at Ironrath and sails back to Westeros, arriving in King's Landing, where he interacts with Mira if she's still alive (perhaps tries to help her escape Morgryn) before heading North again.

  • Through hard work and passion ^_^

  • Well one thing is for certain, it will be interesting to see how they go about it.

  • The Walking Dead: Season Three will also face this. I doubt Telltale would end two games differently based on player choice if they didn't have some sort of plan in place.

  • I think the determinant characters will be off-screen while they heal for most of the next season.

  • ^

    I think whatever they do for twd s3 will shed some light on how they may do it for GOT.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    The Walking Dead: Season Three will also face this. I doubt Telltale would end two games differently based on player choice if they didn't have some sort of plan in place.

    edited December 2015

    What about the Asher/Rodrik decision?

    I really hope for their sake (my mental well-being) they basically make them "one" character - the Forrester Lord - and change some lines/scenes here and there for them but like not two wholly different scenarios.

    How are they going to handle Mira's thread if she died?

    Either way, Mira disappears from the POVs on the main screen, so if she survived she could be mentioned a few times (although we wouldn't see something that really differs from her dead state)

  • Well default they have

    Ryon, Talia and Malcolm at the very least. You also still keep one lord from ironrath, one sentinal and one whitehill lord. I feel they could make that work. Mira is less likely but a few determinant scenes are possible, most stories are self contained anyway

  • Just a quote from my old post :D

    Here is the the result all of us have:

    1. Rodrik/Asher lives.
    2. Royland/Duncan/Gwyn with you and Talia at the end
    3. Mira died/End up in a sex slave chamber somewhere
    4. Ryon + Beksha live
    5. Malcolm stay and be advisor for Daenerys
    6. Gared and 2 Forrester's bastard live

    Imo here is the way the next season will be:

    1. About Rodrik/Asher, their role are same, so they will have the same adventure with the same outcome, of course there will be difference, but not too much.
    2. About Royland/Duncan, no matter who with you, they will die at the very beginning of the first episode. The reason is for protecting you from an Whitehill's ambush, or whatever reason Telltale can imagine. About Gwyn, she's a b**** in my book, so let's Telltale decide what to do with her.
    3. About Mira, there will be an episode allow Rodrik/Asher find out what Morgryn done, and another episode allow them confront Morgryn's hideout. If Mira still lives, we will found her be locked in a room and turning dementia.
    4. About Ryon and Beksha, their role remind me about Rickon + Osha, so there is not much to say. If we meet them, I think we will see some scene like Ryon's sword training, avoid Whitehill's soldiers or Ramsay ... If they will meet any characters in season 1, I bet It will be Eleana or Gwyn, or Rodrik/Asher in the last episode, to hear their final word before they die, If Telltale want to bring to us another cliffhanger for season 3 :D
    5. Malcolm was in Essos, so let him be :D
    6. About Gared and Elsera+Ysera, no matter you choose to leave/stay North Grove, you will have a fight with White Walkers and forced to comeback the North Grove If you leave or Ironrath If you stay (That's depend on which direction Telltale want WW appear). There will be a moment you have to choose who you will save, Ysera/Josera or Sylvi. If you performed the ritual blood in season 1 last episode, whom you choose to abandoned will be saved by a warrior, but he/she will be fell to a deep, leaving his/her fate unknown. If you do not performed the ritual blood, the one you abandoned will be killed by a WW.

    That's the way to combine all endings to 1 new begin for Season 2, just my guess :D

    Sorry for my bad English !

  • Is that a witcher 3 necklace in your profile pic? Sorry I know this is off topic.

    Just a quote from my old post Here is the the result all of us have: * Rodrik/Asher lives. * Royland/Duncan/Gwyn with y

  • To be honest, It's Witcher 2, not 3 :D
    I like the wolf icon in 2 most, compare with other version in trilogy !!!
    Sorry for my bad English !!!

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Is that a witcher 3 necklace in your profile pic? Sorry I know this is off topic.

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