If anything, the Whitehills got the short end of the stick

edited December 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Let's be honest, the Forresters were more trouble then they were worth. Seriously, they were practically served on a silver platter and yet they keep hanging on do to sheer plot convenience. What the Whitehills had to go through to take Ironrath is so ridiculous that I'm starting to think the Telltale writers have it out for them. In the end, what was it all worth?

Dozens of valiant, loyal Whitehill men-at-arms dead along with a member of the Whitehill family. If the writers had bothered to give Ludd a brain, this story would have been over with in Episode 1.

The amount of Whitehill incompetence is truly demeaning. Sure, incompetent characters can be well written, but there's such as going to far. Look at the way Ludd fumbles in front of Ramsey Snow. For a seasoned lord pushing fifty, this is a disgrace. Why is lord looking for a sellsword army when he has more then enough men to take Ironrath? Hell, Ramsey didn't even need to be in this season. His presence only cheapens the Whitehills as villains.

It obvious that the writers didn't give a damn about about House Whitehill and just wanted to have house of one dimension villains to go against their Mary Sue Stark-alike house. The Whitehills deserve respect.



  • edited December 2015

    Too little, too late to redeem the Whitehills, I'm afraid.

    Six episodes in a row full of their petty torments and losing our family members because of their actions have worn out all goodwill from me, and I don't expect that to change the next time I see them.

    Granted, the season would have worked better in a grey vs grey moral setting, but given from what we've seen from the Whitehill and how the writers barely gave them much depth for the first season, I doubt they'll improve in the next season.

  • edited December 2015

    this story would have been over with in episode 1

    But the Whitehills were only authorised by the Boltons to attack the Forresters, after Ramsay's Episode 5 visit. Before that, the Whitehills were ordered to merely oppress, and subdue them -- which they did.

    House Whitehill are undoubtedly overpowered, just like the Forresters are underpowered. (Ten pit fighters? Like why?) and both house's fates are definitely at the mercy of plot convienience, and Game of Thrones' reputation.

    Forrester = Good

    Good = Lose

    Whitehill = Bad

    Bad = Win

    Still though, I think the Whitehills are pretty well written villains. Especially in Asher's play through - as it paints them in a more grey light (which to be honest I didn't like) but each to their own. I get where you're coming from.

  • Really? I loved the Whitehills.

  • Although I don't desire peace, I want to understand the Whitehills and their history. It is said that the Forresters and the Whitehills used to be friends. What the hell happened for the two houses to start shedding blood with such hatred?

    DillonDex posted: »

    this story would have been over with in episode 1 But the Whitehills were only authorised by the Boltons to attack the Forresters, a

  • I wrote this as a joke to poke fun at us who are dissatisfied with the portrayal of House Forrester and their story. I hope nobody is taken this too seriously.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Too little, too late to redeem the Whitehills, I'm afraid. Six episodes in a row full of their petty torments and losing our family membe

  • No worries, I was just bored and typed whatever that came to mind.

    Kireilt posted: »

    I wrote this as a joke to poke fun at us who are dissatisfied with the portrayal of House Forrester and their story. I hope nobody is taken this too seriously.

  • edited December 2015

    You would think that this is important information that would be presented to the player. Sadly, I suspect that the writers haven't flesh out what happened to the houses in the past and they their finally writing the backstory for Season 2.

    Although I don't desire peace, I want to understand the Whitehills and their history. It is said that the Forresters and the Whitehills used to be friends. What the hell happened for the two houses to start shedding blood with such hatred?

  • I thought the Whitehills were pretty well written and anything but one dimensional villains.

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