Favorite Quotes and Moments from Episode 4

What were your favorite quotes and moments from Episode 4?

Moments: When Jesse and his friends became the new order.


  • Jesse: "What ever you do, do not look back!"
  • Axel: "Aaah! I looked!"


  • Jesse: "Behold, my enchanted diamond hoe!"

  • Probably Male Jesse's way of saying "Im here" to Reuben.

  • edited December 2015

    Petra: "Make it stop, please!" Because is so cute how she says that AND "That was amazing! Get it? A-maze-ing" coz it slayed me.

    Celebration/ending ceremony.

  • When the group gets to the FarLands

    Gabriel: Icredible!

    Olivia: You can say that again!

    Gabriel: Incredible.

  • Taking down the Wither Storm and Reuben's death for how emotional it was.

  • Rueben: "Oink"

  • edited December 2015

    "Horsing" away from the Witherstorm.
    The final showdown of the Witherstorm

    Petra: That was amazing. Get it? A-maze-ing!

  • "Our story" "the story... It's mostly true"

  • For me, every seconds in the gameplay was favourite and memorable quote and moments

  • My favorite moment was when Reuben died. Useless pig.

  • I thought amnesiac Gabriel introducing himself to Ivor was pretty funny.

  • Or amnesia Gabriel running in the wrong direction.

    Tollulu posted: »

    I thought amnesiac Gabriel introducing himself to Ivor was pretty funny.

  • You can't sincerely mean that. Reuben was the only one, except yourself (Jessie), to be capable of using his head alittle now and then. IF you got stuck on a puzzle, I don't know how you can manage that, but IF. Reuben pointed you in the right direction. He saved Jessie from the Wither Storm, but payed his life to do so. And you sit here, and tell us he's useless?

    I really hope that is some real sarcasm goin' on, otherwise you're a heartless bastard.

    CunningFox posted: »

    My favorite moment was when Reuben died. Useless pig.

  • Useless pig.

    Ok...you did not play episode 4 if you are saying he is useless.

    CunningFox posted: »

    My favorite moment was when Reuben died. Useless pig.

  • Okay, maybe calling him useless was stretching it, as he did prove useful at some points in the game. But you can call me a heartless bastard because when Reuben was killed I rejoiced. I felt that Telltale forced me to like him, and it didn't work for me. I felt Telltale tried to make him likeable and a lot of people did like him, but I found him annoying and at some points even a nuisance. Just because he's an animal and was Jesse's pet won't make me like him, and no matter how much I tried to like him even somewhat, I just didn't. Any time I saw him he went oink and Telltale forced me to try and like him because, "Oh, he's an animal! Everyone loves animals, don't they!?" I stand by my opinion of him and I personally, loved it when he died.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    You can't sincerely mean that. Reuben was the only one, except yourself (Jessie), to be capable of using his head alittle now and then. IF y

  • Lukas>>I'm just amazed you thought that was funny.


    AronDracula posted: »

    "Horsing" away from the Witherstorm. The final showdown of the Witherstorm Petra: That was amazing. Get it? A-maze-ing!

  • Lukas is just my bro

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Lukas>>I'm just amazed you thought that was funny. (this)

  • Moments: Every freaking second


    • Gabriel: "Hello, my name is Gabriel"
    • Jesse: "I want the truth, now!" (idk it's funny the way Male Jesse talks xD)
  • Everyone has their own opinions, I get that. I just felt that "useless" was a bit of an overreaction. That's all.

    CunningFox posted: »

    Okay, maybe calling him useless was stretching it, as he did prove useful at some points in the game. But you can call me a heartless bastar

  • Thank you for respecting my opinion, and yes, I think calling him useless was a bit of a stretch. Thank you.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Everyone has their own opinions, I get that. I just felt that "useless" was a bit of an overreaction. That's all.

  • Favourite Moments: When i first time i found farlands in minecraft story mode, and i googled for it, i never know that was exist in original minecraft


    Quotes: Soren


  • Gabriel>>Hello, my name is Gabriel. offers hand

    Ivor>>Somebody pinch me.

    Tollulu posted: »

    I thought amnesiac Gabriel introducing himself to Ivor was pretty funny.

  • "Are we there yet!"

  • One of my favorites is the dialogue option that leads to Jesse and Olivia talking about Lukas's hair.

  • Petra: "I'd LOVE to go to a chicken convention!"

  • edited February 2016

    Fair enough. Did you ever get the achievement "That's some pig!"?

    CunningFox posted: »

    My favorite moment was when Reuben died. Useless pig.

  • No, I didn't. I didn't even know that was an achievement in the game.

    Tohabath posted: »

    Fair enough. Did you ever get the achievement "That's some pig!"?

  • edited January 2016

    How to get "That's some pig" achievement.

    • 1st rewind episode 3 to Sorens lab
    • Then go talk to Reuben a lot times at the door, and then you will reach a point where Reuben does is shrugs. Keep clicking on Reuben at least 15 or 20 times.
    • Then at a point Reuben will tell you a joke and Jesse will start laughing.
    • And there you go! :)
    CunningFox posted: »

    No, I didn't. I didn't even know that was an achievement in the game.

  • Best quote ever. xD

    Petra: "I'd LOVE to go to a chicken convention!"

  • "No, no we are not there yet!"

    zeke10 posted: »

    "Are we there yet!"

  • I wouldn't replay episode 4 and half of episode 3 just for that. Dunno, maybe it's just me.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    How to get "That's some pig" achievement. * 1st rewind episode 3 to Sorens lab * Then go talk to Reuben a lot times at the door, and t

  • Which quote was that and how do you get that quote?

    Tollulu posted: »

    One of my favorites is the dialogue option that leads to Jesse and Olivia talking about Lukas's hair.

  • And its make you.... an even bigger fool


    Favourite Scene?
    All. Including Reuben.... (22/10/2015 - Ep4)

  • You get it when you speak to Olivia when you're searching for the enchanting book in Ivor's lab. If you convinced Lukas to stay with the group, you have the option to comment on it (I'm not sure what the exact option is) which leads to this conversation.

    Jesse: At least Lukas is still here. For a moment back in the cave, I thought he was gonna leave us.
    Olivia: Glad you talked him out of it. He's smart, I like having him around.
    Jesse: And...he has excellent hair.
    [They both look at Lukas, who is oblivious]
    Olivia: He does have good hair, doesn't he?

    Fardanf posted: »

    Which quote was that and how do you get that quote?

  • Lol

    Tollulu posted: »

    You get it when you speak to Olivia when you're searching for the enchanting book in Ivor's lab. If you convinced Lukas to stay with the gro

  • so if the pig was Useless do you mean just like you

    CunningFox posted: »

    My favorite moment was when Reuben died. Useless pig.

  • Ooh, ouch! That one hurt! By the way, your grammar could use some work. You didn't capitalize the first letter in your sentence, you capitalized 'useless' for no reason, you didn't end with a punctuation, and your sentence is a run on sentence.

    Dash87998 posted: »

    so if the pig was Useless do you mean just like you

  • ok bro i didn't mean about saying that i didn't know you said that you didn't mean the pig was uesless

    CunningFox posted: »

    Ooh, ouch! That one hurt! By the way, your grammar could use some work. You didn't capitalize the first letter in your sentence, you capitalized 'useless' for no reason, you didn't end with a punctuation, and your sentence is a run on sentence.

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