Tales from the Borderlands and the banana flavored drink

Just something that caught my eye as I was playing as Fiona in the purple skag. I noticed a very similar can that I am certain was in both seasons of the walking dead game. Yeah I'm sure it's just an easter egg right, but I have a theory; what if all telltale games take place in the same universe? If the same brand of drink exists in both the walking dead and tales from the borderlands and we know tales takes place somewhere in the year 3000+, then we can assume the events of the walking dead have already happened (the whole zombie apocalypse) and tftb is what happens in the future! Cool right? ;D wdyt? Thoughts?! Here are some pictures of the above discussion:



  • I'm pretty sure it's a running gag in every single one of their games so far (except GoT to my knowledge, not sure if it's in the games before Sam and Max).

  • Its also in Wolf Among Us and Sam and Max

  • Sorry to burst your bubble but..let me explain that to you:

    That's called a Banang ©,it's a banana flavored drink first introduced in Sam&Max,an old game made by Telltale in their early days,it's been a running gag since then to include it in every game that was released afterwards, games like Back To The Future, The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us,Game Of Thrones and even Minecraft. So it's nothing more but an elaborate joke.

    enter link description here

  • lol, I've never played sam and max so I didn't see the joke :P I did play the wolf among us but I don't remember seeing it in there unless I picked up on it subconsciously. Still is a cool thought that maybe all of their games could be connected in some way, but the running gag is pretty funny too xD

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Sorry to burst your bubble but..let me explain that to you: That's called a Banang ©,it's a banana flavored drink first introduced in Sam

  • I haven't seen the banang in Game of Thrones or Minecraft. I do love that Sam and Max's legacy lives on in Banang. :)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Sorry to burst your bubble but..let me explain that to you: That's called a Banang ©,it's a banana flavored drink first introduced in Sam

  • The gag:

  • Hasn't that been a running gag since Sam and Max?

  • I'm sure someone said "No bananang YET" for minecraft, but I could be wrong

    I haven't seen the banang in Game of Thrones or Minecraft. I do love that Sam and Max's legacy lives on in Banang.

  • I have never noticed this....until now

  • It's sad to see the day when this forum refers to the 'banana flavored drink' without knowing what it is or which game it's from.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2016

    Banang first appeared Sam & Max Season Two in Moai Better Blues, as the powdered banana drink that Sam pours in the ocean to convince the ocean chimps that Max is their god. It then appeared as a silly joke in Chariots of the Dogs, where Max gets less and less happy when Sam says the word Banang when you click on the bottle in the office repeatedly.

    After that, it's appeared as an injoke in most of Telltale's seasons, including Tales from Monkey Island (as a barrel in Club 41, complete with monkey dance), Back to the Future: The Game (when Marty falls into the confiscated items bin in the Citizen Brown timeline), in Sam & Max: Season Three in Chariots of the Dogs (you can try to use a Banang bottle to unsuccessfully get General Skunkape out of his panic attack, you also can try to unsuccessfully get a bottle of Banang from a BLU dispenser (itself an injoke from Team Fortress 2) by hitting it with a wrench), in The Walking Dead: Season One (in the RV), in The Walking Dead: 400 Days (on the shelf in the Shel chapter), in The Wolf Among Us (on top of the refrigerator in Bigby's apartment), in The Walking Dead: Season Two (on the sink in the kitchen after Carlos treats Clementine's dog bite), and in Tales from the Borderlands, as a drink dispenser in the bar.

    It was also seen in the elevator shaft and mentioned in conversation in Poker Night at the Inventory, and was mentioned in conversation in Poker Night 2.

  • Jennifer posted: »

    Banang first appeared Sam & Max Season Two in Moai Better Blues, as the powdered banana drink that Sam pours in the ocean to convince th

  • edited January 2016

    It totally should have been in Game of Thrones...like a barrel of it at the Red Wedding or something. If they fit it into TWD then tonally in appropriate isn't a problem, and if they fit it into Tales of Monkey Island the setting shouldn't be a problem.

    I haven't seen the banang in Game of Thrones or Minecraft. I do love that Sam and Max's legacy lives on in Banang.

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