Why didnt they just try this? (minor e4 spoiler)

Spoiler: the storm was chasing the amulet
My confusion: i know storm's already gone, but why didnt our heroes simply throw (give) the amulet to storm? All Order members were already reunited, what was its use now? Why didnt we just let the storm take it, and as said by Ivor, he designed it to capture amulet, the storm may have stopped itself after completing the task of capturing it...


  • no. ivor said it was following the amulet. it didn't have a task. if they gave it the amulet, it would just keep on destroying the world.

  • After the events in BoomTown (if you chose to go there you know), I think many people would be happy to get their hands on the amulet. For no real reason. So if they would give it up, the Strom would chase some other people destroying everything nerby. Because it likes to destroy too. But you still got a point...

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