What armor did you pick? what weapon did you make?

so we all know that in episode 4 you can customize Jesse with your own personal weapon and pick from one of eight armor that are stupidly OP. I want to know which one did you pick. let me know.

I made an Axe and picked dragonbane.


  • I Picked None I Keep The Red Armor From The Redstone Pro I Took

  • I picked the light blue armor (forget the name) and made a Diamond sword.

  • Kept Magnus's armor, and made a diamond hoe.

  • I kept Ellegard's armour, and made a Diamond Sword (i knew i could have done other weapon/tool, but i chose Diamond Sword anyway :P)

  • Obviously a diamond axe as a Forrester would do! And for me -- although I really wanted to keep good ol' Magnus' armor -- I chose Dragonsbane, it seemed fitting against the Storm.

  • I kept Ellegaard's armor and made the ultimate hoe.

  • Kept Ellegard's armor and made the axe.

  • I may have picked Dragonsbane simply 'cause it's purple.. and I made a diamond sword.

  • I kept Magnus' armor and made a hoe.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2016

    I chose the Dragonsbane armor and made a diamond hoe.

  • The purple armor. (Dragonsbane, I believe.) and a shovel. Felt like the best combo ever.

  • I chose Dragonsbane armor and just made a diamond sword. :3

  • I chose the purple armor and made a shovle

  • I picked the yellow armour and I made a diamond hoe because if you actually play mine craft you would know a hoe won't break if you use it as a weapon and it's as strong as the rest because it can break the strongest block in minecraft

  • I kept my armor ( Magnus ) and made a Diamond Pickaxe only because i thought it would make sense to break the command block with it.

  • i kept ellegards armor and made a diamond shovel.

  • not anymore. if you keep up with the updates, the diamond hoe breaks now.

    I picked the yellow armour and I made a diamond hoe because if you actually play mine craft you would know a hoe won't break if you use it as a weapon and it's as strong as the rest because it can break the strongest block in minecraft

  • When I first played the episode and had to choose which armor to wear, I wanted one that was blue since it's my favorite color, and had to decide between Star Shield, Shield of Infinity and Sword Breaker. I was gonna go with Shield of Infinity, but then I chose to wear the Star Shield in the end.

    When it came to choosing which weapon to craft, I chose to craft my favorite close-range weapon, which was the axe.

  • I chose Dragonsbane armor (mostly because I loved the color) and I made a diamond sword

  • I chose the Dragosbane armor, and then crafted an enchanted axe.

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