Who was your favorite protagonist throughout the whole season?
Surprised I didn't see a thread like this when Ep6 just came out, but here it is now.
Who was your favorite protagonist throughout the whole season?
For me back in Ep1 it was Ethan, then he died, and then it was Rodrik for Ep's 2-5 up until he got killed off, and then it was finally claimed by Asher. Basically the whole viewpoint at Ironrath was my favorite.
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No doubt about it. He was the character I related to most, the character I liked most, and the character whose storyline I enjoyed most. And I feel like he was the best lord House Forrester could possibly have -- and the most deserving. He's taken too much punishment, and too many hits, and I'll be damned if I'd let him die before he got to give some back. Seeing him recovered, and doing in either Gryff or Ludd as well as countless Whitehills... so satisfying, so right.
He is
And I have no shame.
This would be us.
He was just such an awesome character throughout the series, and the one for whom I felt the stakes were highest - having to deal with his injuries whilst dealing with Ludd and Gryff, balancing negotiation and preparation for War, acting shrewd or honourable based on how you played him. The betrothal scene with Elaena sealed the character for me: so much emotion between him and Elaena, but at the same time having to negotiate an alliance.
And then episode 4 happened! That was an incredible episode for Rodrik. Having the Glenmores show up to help, tackling Gryff to the floor and then arresting him (without besmirching my honour by beating him), then heading straight to Highpoint, outwitting the Whitehills and calling Ludd's bluff. Rodrik was finally able to achieve his potential and prove himself far more capable than Ludd.
Rodrik has been the heart of the series. Courageous, kind, desperately holding everything together despite a traitor under his roof and Whitehall soldiers roaming free in his stronghold. In episode 5 when we reached the final choice, there was no question: Asher was a great man, but Rodrik was the better fighter, the more cunning tactician and by far my preferred character.
I like you.
Mira Forrester
(Mira is love, Mira is life
) I really enjoyed playing as a handmaiden in King's Landing. I mean, I did love playing the Game of Thrones and seeing Mira learning how to play it. She's loyal to her friends (hope you're fucking happy, Sera) but sometimes, she's a backstabbing bitch which I really loved on her. I also loved Mira cause of how she talked to Lord Andros in episode 4. It was such a badass moment for her. I probably enjoyed her story the most in the entire season. It's a shame that she's actually determinant. They writers had so much potential with her for season 2. But who knows. Maybe there is actually a chance for us to play as Mira in the second season.
I have never made any secret about how much I love Rodrik Forrester. Seriously, I love the dude. He embodies what I want a lord and a elder brother to be. Strong and commanding to his subjects, kind and warm to his loved ones. I have never have such a man crush toward a character before.
It is funny, when I initially saw him, I didn't thought much about him. Then the instant we get to play him in Episode 2, he becomes my favorite and stole the spotlight from Asher.
Rodrik has always been the hero of the Forrester's story for me. And I sincerely hope that we get to play as him again in Season 2.
I was always stuck between Asher and Rodrik (which is why the EP 5 choice was so hard for me). They're both really interesting and awesome characters.
Gared. I don't have a good reason though.
Mira's great too. That moment in episode 4 "Don't be so bloody dramatic. I'm just getting started."
Thanks! I just feel like not enough people really value Rodrik. Everyone went "oh he's crippled, he's useless- why pick him instead of Asher?"
Rodrik had the most shit to deal with from day 1 (I mean he entered the series on a corpse cart) but he still came out on top in the end.
Glad other people love Rodrik as well. If I could record and post gifs I would post a Rodrik gif here (or just everywhere)
Who did you choose?
Yeah, but honestly, I prefer this line:
Her expression when she says that line is just amazing.
Oh yeah! That was my first play through. I loved playing as Mira so much in episode 4 (tbh I loved everything in episode 4).
But it all went so wrong..... R.I.P. Mira, warmest but most cunning of my Forresters.
Yeah... R.I.P. Mira Forrester...
Iron from ice
The North Remembers...
Indeed, it does...
And the Northreners will never forget.
Gared, the one and only. I love him sooo much. I think it is mostly because he's cute and innocent when he's not really innocent. I love how honourable he is for a man who has no really reason to help the Forresters, he went on a suicide mission for them! And I like how he refers to them as his family, they're pretty much all he has.
I've just loved watching him develop. Especially in episode 6, with what you can do to Cotter I wouldn't be surprised if my Gared becomes really messed up.
I saved Asher. But I love Rodrik and was really close to saving him.
When did tyrion say that? It's a great quote but I just can't remember when he said it
I think when Twyin and Tyrion are talking in the finale of season 3... Not sure, tho.
Either Rodrik or Mira.
Mira forester
In the first half of season 1, Mira was the only protagonist I cared about
Gared Tuttle
I started to care more about him in the later half of season 1.
Gared and Asher.
Poor Ethan... no one remembers him...
Hmmm... so when did Rodrik get such a surge in popularity? I always assumed Asher was the more popular Forester brother.
Well I think people remember him :P but he's the playable character who, by a significant margin, has the least amount of content throughout the whole game. Being in like three scenes... in one episode. So it's understandable why many fail to mention him.
Well, for Episodes 2 / 3 / 4, Rodrik was always the most popular Forrester. Then Episode 5 happened, and Asher took the spot, and still holds it now. People are very fickle. Anyway, the statistics of the 'Stay Behind' choice speak for themselves -- Asher is the most popular Forrester brother.
Still, though, Rodrik does have plenty of his own loyal supporters
As shown by this thread... not that it changes the overall consensus, of course.
Asher is probably the one I'd most want to be friends with and I especially enjoyed his friendship with whatsherface, but I also really like Rodrik and Ethan. Ethan's death was probably the most disappointing because he had so much potential and didn't get to stick around long, and he might have ended up my fav if he had stuck around longer. As much as I liked Asher, I saved Rodrik, though. It seemed more appropriate.
I probably cared the least about Mira but her story segments were a nice contrast to the north stuff and I certainly didn't dislike her. I didn't dislike any of the protagonists, really.
I always liked Gared because of his story, trying to save house Forrester by finding the North Grove.
I feel like Ethan was the second most interesting character, it always felt interesting being a kid in a war. It was much better handled than clementine being the protagonist
Yeah I know, I love the way that you can play him as warm and loyal to his friends and family; but at the same time be this badass guy who doesn't take shit from anyone! It makes him more dimensional as a character.
Yes I have to agree, to be honest I think Mira is underrated by a lot of people. She has had a few badass moments of her own, fighting off Damian or if you chose to, killed him. Also like @Blockb0ys mentioned, that moment in episode 4 when she says "Oh don't be so bloody dramatic, I'm just getting started" and then she gives him that look. She could be so cool, calm and collected all the while being cunning. I like the fact that she can either be a complete and utter backstabbing bitch to those around her, or she can still be warm and loyal, while still being cunning.
The Lord of Grins and Beards.
Definitely Mira. I know others had some complaints with her storyline, but I was always excited to get back into controlling her.
Ethan. Rodrik would be next. I Iiked playing as a lord.
Asher and Mira. They actually felt like they weren't based off any House Stark characters and were in general just pretty cool.
asher definitely with rodrik coming in as a decent second
Rodrik.Because he is awesome.When i saw him fighting the freys i already knew he was going to be my favourite.And i did not believe a second that he died in ep 1.And i was right! When i saw how much he loved Elaena i decided to kill Asher because Elaena already lost her brother she would not be able to resist another death.
Rodrik and Asher. Rodrik was my favourite until his untimely demise. It just felt better, him sacrificing his life for his younger brother's. Asher's story is also more interesting in Episode 6. Asher was my second favourite. Gared was pretty good aswell. Ethan was meh, and I didn't like Mira much tbh
My man, Rodrik