Best / favourite scene in the game?



  • I'm fairly certain that its just telltale being telltale (aka being awesome)

    Yeah I want to ask about that. To the people who have played the Borderland series dose a fake finger gun ever showed up or did tell-tale add that themselves?

  • Episode 1 if you choose "we made a temporarily alliance" when talking to the masked guy in the future (after you escape from August)

    What episode is that from? :S

  • oh next time I play I will chose that option thanks

    CarL_J posted: »

    Episode 1 if you choose "we made a temporarily alliance" when talking to the masked guy in the future (after you escape from August)

  • edited February 2016

    I don't have a favourite scene... Because everything was perfect.

  • Yeah no finger guns in borderlands sadly. I really want it to be a legendary in Borderlands 3 with a really wacky ability.

    Yeah I want to ask about that. To the people who have played the Borderland series dose a fake finger gun ever showed up or did tell-tale add that themselves?

  • Well I have two,my first favorite scene is the ending scene in ep 5 when Fiona and Rhys are walking up the stairs towards the vault,then the final talk with Jack where. It all ends


    But if I chose my favorites:

    Favorite Intro: Episode 4 or 5

    Favorite Emotional Scene: Jack's Final Scene

    Favorite Humorous Scene: (There's alot) Finger gun fight, Jack messing with Rhys with Vaughn in Episode 2, Fiona's hat toss scene in Episode 3, ALL of Jack's Quotes (Especially in his office), and for some reason I've alway loved the banidt in EPisode 1; "No, come on. Let him do it himself."

    Favorite Fight: Gortys vs The Traveller

    Dangit I loved this game... Like the rest of you; but it's left such an effect of me since it ended. ;_;

  • The 'Make her head spin' choice in Episode three and the scene in the Atlas facility with Finch and Kroger, also in Episode three.

  • Here are my best scenes:
    3. The conversation with "Greasy face" in episode 1.
    2. The finger gun fight (of course)
    1. The mask is fallen, the mysterious stranger is...(this ist one of the best plot twists I've ever seen)

  • Kinda hard to pick a favorite part, I really love those title sequences. Its been a few days since I finished though and the part of the game that stuck with me the most was when Rhys and Sasha were dangling from the walkway. I was freakin' out thinking Sasha was going to plummet to her death, and then it turns out we were just a couple feet off the ground, oh I love that part.

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited February 2016

    Way too many to choose from. This was one that made me laugh an awful lot however (there's plenty of them also though).

    Come with me if you want to leave

  • My favorite part was most definitely either the Handsome Jack tour or the Death Race.

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