Possible Episode 5 bug.

So in EP4 i chose to rule Hyperion but i hesitated on the last second and Jack tied Rhys to a chair. EP5 progresses just like that never happened, Rhys is still the president (without the announcement). Is that a bug?


  • Oh it's a bug, I thought TTG fixed it already... If you rule then hesitate you'll get reject Hyperion but in EP5 the game will act like you are the new president. The only way to fix it in your game is to replay EP4s ending and reject Hyperion. Really lame I know. They should fix it

  • Another bug is the force field, it looks invisible in episode 5

  • What system are you playing on? I just finished off ep4 of the last playthrough I started, and tried hesitation ending. I haven't tried ep5 yet, but in the credits it correctly showed that I had rejected hyperion.

  • It does say that you rejected Hyperion but EP5 ignores that and acts like you ruled Hyperion. It happened to me when I tried to test the bug on PC.

    Linnet posted: »

    What system are you playing on? I just finished off ep4 of the last playthrough I started, and tried hesitation ending. I haven't tried ep5 yet, but in the credits it correctly showed that I had rejected hyperion.

  • It does then cut to you unrestrained, but Jack notes you have been a flip-flopper but it all worked out in the end. (If you go full evil he says he's never had someone so obedient before and says it's "dope").

    I also got the "You chose your side" but Fiona then followed with the "googly eyes" criticism. The rest played out as if I'd ruled hyperion.

    CarL_J posted: »

    It does say that you rejected Hyperion but EP5 ignores that and acts like you ruled Hyperion. It happened to me when I tried to test the bug on PC.

  • Yeah most of it plays out like you ruled Hyperion, and I think that dialogue with Jack happens in rule Hyperion too, I remember seeing it. Overall it's bugged and it should have been fixed by now, because this kind of ruins the experience.

    Linnet posted: »

    It does then cut to you unrestrained, but Jack notes you have been a flip-flopper but it all worked out in the end. (If you go full evil he

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