Change appearance character

How do I change back from a Jesse girl back to a boy because originally was a boy but it changed by itself to a girl and now I don't know how to change it back I bought the game from a store so it came in a DVD I didn't downloaded from the net, please help anyone thank you


  • Have you already started playing? If you haven't it's as simple as deleting the save file and making a new one. If you started playing, you can't transfer the game progress over into a different character.

  • Thank you TeamKennyW00T

    very much appreciated

    Have you already started playing? If you haven't it's as simple as deleting the save file and making a new one. If you started playing, you can't transfer the game progress over into a different character.

  • No problem.

    HEHERO posted: »

    Thank you TeamKennyW00T very much appreciated

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