What happened to your sentinel after the battle of ironrath

In my story I saved rodrik choosed royland as my sentinel didn't execute duncan but after I finished the game the codex said that royland didn't make it and I also realized when playing the game that he was surrounded by five whitehills soldiers.Is royland really dead.what are your suggestions


  • If you executed the traitor, your Sentinel will survive. Otherwise you are stuck with the traitor at the end.

  • If you want your Sentinel to survive, you need to execute the traitor (and if you're Asher,continue with whatever plan you chose). In my game, Royland was my Sentinel and I killed Duncan, and at the end of my game, Royland and Talia survived.

  • Royland was surrounded and killed, and traitor Duncan showed up to help Asher.

  • My sentinel was killed, and my traitor Ser Royland found my Rodrik.

  • I chose Duncan as my Sentinel. I killed Royland. Duncan and Talia (Ramsay Snow obviously liked her so much that he loaned her his plot armour).

  • Thank our Lord of Plot Armor for lending his blessing to my dear sister.

    I chose Duncan as my Sentinel. I killed Royland. Duncan and Talia (Ramsay Snow obviously liked her so much that he loaned her his plot armour).

  • Yes, most likely she will end up getting someone else killed, maybe Ryon or Gared. Maybe Gared will sacrifice himself to save her. No doubt we will then have a dozen or so Tared shipping posts crop up left right and centre too.

    Thank our Lord of Plot Armor for lending his blessing to my dear sister.

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