Lukas Episode 4?

Anyone who's played Episode 4 knows that Lukas and Jesse eventually have a short conversation about whether or not the other Ocelots might be alive. Now, Jesse has the choice to let him leave to find his friends or stay and help them get to the Far Lands.
Now, my question: If Jesse is an all around jerk to Lukas during the game, does Lukas leave no matter what? Because on the wiki page of Maya(one of the Ocelots), it's mentioned that she is sucked up if Lukas "leaves on bad terms." Is it possible to be so rude to Lukas that he just leaves, regardless of what Jesse says?


  • edited January 2016

    Lukas will stay if you have been nice to him in previous episodes and convince him to stay. But if you have been a jerk to him in previous episodes, i think there is nothing you can do to make him stay.

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