Update on game issues (lags, glitches, loading problems) for 2016
I'm new to Telltale and just started playing GOT last week. I had o ky ever heard good things about the quality of Telltale's game before getting GOT AND WOLF AMONG US.
Needless to say I've run into some issues ( heavy lagging, audio issues and long loading times)with GOT and read online that I'm not the only one. I haven't read anything published recently about game issues so I wanted to see if anyone is still having issues with the game aside from me.
Is this just something fans have to deal with when it comes to TT's games? I really hope not.
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Oh totally. On Episode 3 right now. Dialogue between Asher and whatsizbloke. Well, doesn't much matter what his name was. Point is that quite a few lines of dialogue are not happening. Just got characters flapping their lips and no sound coming out. In a game where saying the wrong thing can screw everything over, not being able to hear the dialogue is a pretty severe deal.
[Edit]: The last line of dialogue in Episode 3 was mute. Daenarys trying to be dramatic and it gets muted. Thanks TTG.
Well, i had much luck i suppose. The only Bug i ever had in a TTG was in GoT, where the hair of a protagonist was completely untextured. Well the Games don't run As good, As they should, And Thats the reasons, why Both GoT And TftBL got fucked by LiS in terms of Sales. Especially TftBL lagged like shit. It's just frustrating to See, that TTG got a Little bit griefy or to confident about their "Skills" As a Game Developer After the success of TWDS1. They can Write Storys, But they can't build a descent enough game around it (i mean a Game without lag).
The Telltale Tool Sucks And TTG won't make a Game with The success of TWDS1 ever again, until they updated the Engine properly.
I hope they hear the fans. From what I've seen and read, them seem to take little responsibility for these issues and they gave horrible communication with fans that have issues.
Hi, i got the ps3 version, game on disc. after play the 2 first episodes without any troubles, the episode 3 dont load, the gear icon turns to the screen of the dragon with a quote, and the display shows a flashing intermittently and keep freezing there. i can pause the game but that page show problems too.
after delete the savegame, and start a new game, i found this on episode 1

the game dont load properly. i hope telltale fix this, my game is on disc with the last update included, i can't play the game at this moment.
The problem I'm currently having is the story is carrying on with choices that I never made.
I made Duncan my Sentinel in Episode 1 but at the beginning of Episode 5, Royland was suddenly my Sentinel and Duncan betrayed me because I apparently made Royland my Sentinel?!
When I had to fight Britt, I purposely flayed him on the arm rather than the chest because I didn't want to kill him or it to look like I tried to kill him, but the story chose to go otherwise instead.
And just now in the last episode, when Mira's room is being searched and she said she had the knife in there (even though I chose to toss the knife when given the choice).
It's an incredibly frustrating glitch. I understand the main plot still pretty much stays the same, but the details should still matter. Really hope this is fixed wth the next season.