Why I chose *****. What about you?
The reason I left Rodrik behind was really clear for me. Literally torn apart for both brothers, but it's a ''one dies so the other one lives'' situation.
I always saw Gregor in front of me when I played as Rodrik. He was the same, born to do this. Tough, brave and just. A true warrior.
Lord Gregor sacrificed himself to save one of the lowest ranking members/servants for the family. Rodrik did the same thing, but not only it was a Forrester soldier, it was his little brother. It's something Gregor did and I saw it in Rodrik as well. Do anything for the house, sacrifice himself for anyone, even if it's his squire.
What reasons were behind your choice?
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I left Asher because I felt it more in his character (at least the way I played him) to make the sacrifice. "Asher doesn't hesitate, he acts!" as Lady Forrester says, "He was always first in protecting you and your sisters." She tells Ethan. And far as I was concerned, Rodrik's role in the story, at least my version of it, was to annihilate House Whitehill. To Kill Gryff and Ludd. Whereas Asher's role was to deliver soldiers, and help out in anyway he can. In the end, he did exactly that. What I love about Asher as a character is his selflessness, his heroism, his loyalty. What I love about Rodrik is his toughness, his honour, and his leadership abilities.
Plus, Rodrik, quite frankly, just had more to lose as I saw it. Elaena, his Sentinel, Ironrath, Talia, pretty much everyone he already has a developed relationship to. Same goes with Gryff and Ludd. For me, it wouldn't have felt right Asher being the "lord" or Asher killing Gryff. That's Rodrik's domain. Always will be. Just like it wouldn't feel right having Rodrik in Essos, or Rodrik being a sellsword.
In the end, I did what I felt Asher and Rodrik, and more specifically my version of the two, would have done. Asher would have stayed to atone for the years he spent unable to help his family, and because, as my Rodrik said, "Being a hero... it meant something to Asher. Always did." And Rodrik would agree to leave because he's thinking bigger picture -- I'm the lord of the house. And If I die, by Ramsay's terms, we've already lost. And my betrothal with Elaena... He just had more to lose, I felt, and his story felt unfinished come that choice. Whereas, Asher's ended in perfect fashion. Episode 5, after all, was great for his character, and a tragic, but bitter-sweet send-off to my version of Asher-Fucking-Forrester. He brought soldiers. He saved the Lord of House Forrester. He died as he lived, a heroic badass who always put others (Malcolm, Rodrik, Beskha) before himself.
I let Rodrik die. I just could not be so horrible to Beskha. Her story when Asher dies is just hart braking.
Well said DillionDex.
To be honest this was one of the toughest choices for me because I love both characters. For some reason I always had it in my head that Asher would return and either be sent to Dorne. Or he would eventually marry Gwyn in an effort to bring peace between the two families. So when we had to choose I admit I was shocked.
People are always saying that Rodrik would've sacrificed himself because . Or that Asher would have sacrificed himself because . However I think most of us know that either brother would have been willing to do it.
I chose to save Rodrik because he could've potentially of had allies in the form of the Glennmores if he was married to Elaena, It was Rodrik who has had to suffer and endure Ludd and Gryff. I thought it would also be a kind of sweet revenge if at some point Ludd or Gryff were killed by "Rodrik the Ruined".
I left Rodrik simply because I like Asher way more. There's no other reason behind my choice I am making the choice not the character, and even if the game kept yelling at me "Asher would sacrifece himself for the others" my decision wouldn't change.
I like your reasoning. I left Asher because I felt like it was the more GoT option and the(and i use this term VERY loosely) "canon" option. Telltale showed more of Rodrik in promotional material and the trailer. Asher's death was stronger for me because it would break a lot of people and what is done to him after cements the hatred for the Whitehills while Rodrik's felt more like an excuse to save Asher and what is done to Rodrik isn't as strong because he is virtually unharmed compared to what Asher was. It was extremely hard to leave either of them but it was satisfying to kill Gryff and Harys for what they did to Asher.
... I was gonna kill Rodrik anyway...
But in hindsight, I suppose my best excuse for it was that the pit-fighters probably wouldn't follow Rodrik since it was Asher that won their respect. Without applying any extra meta-knowledge to the equation, there is no reason to believe the pit-fighters would continue to fight for the Forresters with Asher dead. So far as I saw it, Asher had the best chance for House Forrester against the Whitehills.
Besides, the constant claims that the Whitehills win Ramsay's game are bollocks. He set the houses against each other... not the lords of the houses.
Plus now I'm looking forward to Freying Ludd.
... I never expected that Walder Frey could become a vowel... but he totally has... and I'm gonna Frey the fvck outta Ludd. =D
I've said this before, but you'll never convince me that Rodrik would leave behind and sacrifice his younger brother. Especially after Rodrik said that he wished he could been there to protect Ethan from dying. That's the main reason (but not the only one) I left Rodrik behind.
All Asher did was act according to Lady Forrester, yes, but that was when he was younger and much more wild. He wasn't the same person as he was back then.
I also felt like the game played it up to where the exiled son (Asher) comes back to save his family and house, which is another reason why I saved Asher. Plus, with the way I played both characters, it made sense for me to leave Rodrik behind.
Not to mention, I liked Asher over Rodrik
It felt more in Asher's character for me too.
In that situation, my Rodrik was still trying to work out how to save both of them and - if that wasn't possible - the best way to get Asher out.
Asher decided instantly that he needed to save Rodrik. So he did.
I think that the debate about Rodrik and Asher is the catalyst for Civil War in the Game of Thrones' forum section. I don't mind really, it wouldn't be Game of Thrones without some good old fashion war.
But I chose Asher to stay behind. Like DillionDex has mentioned, Rodrik has so much more to lose than Asher. He is the Lord of the Forresters. You don't sacrifice a leader, you will try and keep him alive to lead. He also have the closest relationship to his family and his house out of the Five playable characters. But I also chose to have Asher stay behind because it fitted how I played him during the Season. My Asher was extremely devoted to his family. He was eager to get back home to help them. He went to Malcom's aid in Episode 3. He stopped Beskha from taking her revenge in Episode 4. And his heroic sacrifice in Episode 5, because he is that devoted to his family.
First time I played it, I left Rodrik. My reason was because, I felt like he did his part of the story. I did not want Asher to die just as soon as he set foot in Westeros. And because the pit fighters answer only to him. In truth I didnt really want to sacrifice any of them. Really hated that choice.
But I lost all my save files and after getting episode 6. I played the game all over again from the start and this time i left Asher. (Mainly because I really like Rodrik, his feud with the Whitehills was more personal and I didnt want to give them the satisfaction of killing him. And also because he still had Elaena.) However Beskha tore my fucking heart when talking about Asher.
So im torn apart between what to choose. I have two save slots with both choices. Not sure which one I'll choose for Season 2. (Assuming I'll play it) Im getting fed up with all the deaths. Its getting too much. Rodrik was a boss. He is more fit to be lord and I liked his character. But Asher is also pretty funny and him and Beskha make a good team. That choice was a pain in the ass.
I chose to leave Rodrik behind because while I like Rodrik, I prefer Asher. I feel like Asher needed an opportunity to be an active member in the family, and I thought he'd make a good lord because he doesn't sit on his hands forever - he acts. Rodrik was so beaten, I figured it was best to just put him out of his misery.
I picked to save Rodrik. I would offer my explanation, but DillonDex did a better job then I ever could.
The scene is just so heartbreaking. I like Rodrik but I chose to leave him, he's a good lord defending Ironrath and everyone but he's suffered enough. I think giving Asher a chance to rule since he's been exiled and saving him was like Rodrik saying "Brother it's now your time to protect our house, our family and our people".
This house will not fall.
I left Asher because Rodrik is the lord of the house, and as Asher said to Beskha on the ship, "I'm just another soldier now.
Plus, I really, really wanted to kill Ludd as Rodrik (Which I was able to do and it WAS AWESOME!)
Now House Whitehill is run by a maimed Gryff, and even Gwyn has turned her back on them after what they did to Asher. I think I did well... I do miss Asher though
He was cool
Honestly, I wasn't nearly as intelligent in my decision. I just ran out of time and ended up leaving Asher, only to regret it as he died - I immediately went back and left Rodrik instead, no matter how heartbreaking. I loved how difficult the decision was, and, in the end, I was happy with how saving Asher impacted the story. Ludd Whitehill was, according to Gwyn, "scared" because he'd known Rodrik but had yet to know what Asher was capable of. That made me happiest.