Who would you prefer? Luke or Lukas?

They're both very similar, but who is more interesting? I'd choose Lukas


  • Lukas because I feel like he has more dilemmas and problems which makes him more interesting. Luke is just a nice guy.


  • edited January 2016

    both were sort of funny, both might die in the game to...

  • I want Telltale to stop killing major characters, it's not funny and it never was

    NorthStars posted: »

    both were sort of funny, both might die in the game to...

  • why would you ever think telltale killed off characters because they wanted it to be funny?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I want Telltale to stop killing major characters, it's not funny and it never was

  • The story wouldn't be nearly as interesting.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I want Telltale to stop killing major characters, it's not funny and it never was

  • Why do they always have to kill major characters in their games? In The Walking Dead Season 1: Lee dies, in Tales from the Borderlands: Scooter dies, in Game of Thrones: Ellissa Forrester dies and now in Minecraft Story Mode: Reuben dies. They have done that a lot of times, it's annoying, they need to stop that

    NorthStars posted: »

    why would you ever think telltale killed off characters because they wanted it to be funny?

  • edited January 2016

    They have done that many times and for what? I can accept Lee and Ellissa Forrester's death but Scooter's and Reuben's. Tales from the Borderlands was supposed to be a comedy game and Minecraft Story Mode is supposed to be for younger audience.

    The story wouldn't be nearly as interesting.

  • Scooter's death and Reuben's were some of the saddest deaths so far. They added to the overall story.

  • edited January 2016

    As I said, Tales from the Borderlands was supposed to be a comedy game where NOTHING should make you cry a bit and Minecraft Story Mode was supposed to be for kids, did Telltale clearly want kids crying on a video game character?

    Scooter's death and Reuben's were some of the saddest deaths so far. They added to the overall story.

  • Why not? Even in comedy and kids movies there are emotional moments. The genre should not be a set of dictating rules that tell Telltale what they can and cannot do.

    AronDracula posted: »

    As I said, Tales from the Borderlands was supposed to be a comedy game where NOTHING should make you cry a bit and Minecraft Story Mode was supposed to be for kids, did Telltale clearly want kids crying on a video game character?

  • Same bruh.

    michyxox posted: »


  • Oh gawd don't make me do it, but if I had to choose, Lukas cuz he is a cinnamon roll and cuz Lukesse for life.

  • It is the easier way to make the players feel their feels.

    Problem is, after a couple of games, it gets old and predictable and it doesn't make me feel anything anymore :T

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why do they always have to kill major characters in their games? In The Walking Dead Season 1: Lee dies, in Tales from the Borderlands: Scoo

  • Lol I recommend you don't watch any entertainment ever.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why do they always have to kill major characters in their games? In The Walking Dead Season 1: Lee dies, in Tales from the Borderlands: Scoo

  • Luke.

    He was my big bro, and his death was one of the stupidest, most ridiculous and damaging to the story deaths in the history of TellTale.

    No I won't get over it. Not in a thousand years.

  • Aswell as any of the games made by this company.

    Healoz posted: »

    Lol I recommend you don't watch any entertainment ever.

  • edited January 2016

    Lukas because he seems to have more to himself than Luke.

  • He was more enjoyable than Lukas

    AronDracula posted: »


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