Do you think we will get to choose our protagonist in s2

I always thought of the idea of getting to choose which storyline you want to play first, we have a choice of playing beskha and ryon storyline, Rodrik/Asher storyline, or gared storyline but no matter what you end up all meeting up but it can be determinant which storyline you play up to that point. Let me know what you think.
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I dont think we will get to choose because it might mess up the storyline.
It'd just muddle up the story and confuse things, plus it's completely unecessary.
It would not muddle up the story, it will make it more focused and not focusing on the boring repetitive storylines. One of the biggest problems with S1 was the storylines were receptive and took too long.
How would making two separate and exclusive storylines be more focused? People would be playing different games basically and making different decisions entirely yet somehow arriving at a similar ending. It sounds completely unrealistic.