Was the finales ambition a failure to the episode from the beginning.

Seeing episode 6 as what it is, I can sadly admit that episode 6 was a poor finale and a fair episode in general by telltale. I feel like it was a failure from the start the finale, the idea of having a big, main stream battle by telltale really seemed impossible, the ambition is way too big for its own good. The "war" at the end of episode 6 was a doozy, boring battle and really seemed like a failure. Telltale really dislikes huge battles and goes for more dramatic, emotional argumentative confrontations. Really in episode 6, the battle is just a bunch of small determinants things that add up to nothing and really does put me to sleep. Have a great day and let me know what you think.
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The main point of the events of Ep6 was to set up Season 2.
But the battle and basically the whole resolution was nothing
I really liked the battle sequence.
As Rodrik, it felt like all my decisions building up. I couldn't sacrifice Ryon so I had to let Ludd escape in the camp, then it was my time to shine.
I stopped Gryff, rescued Ryon and executed Gryff formally for his crimes.
I defended my small folk from the brutality of the whitehill soldiers and fought my way through ironrath against overwhelming odds.
Then I had it. My chance to defeat Ludd. I charged forwards, a manic grin on Rodrik's (and my) face as I clicked the prompt, only to have Harys come out of nowhere and ruin my life.
The desperation of that fight against a better-armoured, stronger foe bled through and seemed to really capture the series: An underdog fighting against a bigger, stronger, nastier foe with the help of his allies... though not without terrible sacrifice, of others and myself.
Then as I staggered back to my feet, Ludd rode past me on horseback, victorious.
I roared "The North Remembers!" Defiantly so the whitehills and boltons would know that we hadn't forgotten the red wedding. We hadn't forgotten their evil. Nobody would forget house Forrester. They would never rule the North.
That the Northeners would Never Forget.
Its still a bit too early to tell - it was Telltale's most ambitious project by far, but now so much of its build up relies on what they will deliver in Season 2.
I feel like the ambition was too big for telltale to handle, all you do in the battle is press buttons that do not seem challenging, tftb button marshes were fun and very difficult
It wasn't to Big for Telltale. It was to Big for their Engine.
I thought it was an amazing final battle. I litterally stood up during it because I couldn't sit down during the awesome.
My favorite part of the episode was when Rodrik stand gryff and just walks away. He can say "you bloody craven, you are not worth my effort
I did like the final battle, you could tell they put a lot of heart and soul into that.
At least Gryff/Ludd died.