Game bug on Steam?

I don't know why I just had the epiphany to ask this on here when the issue started back in July, but here goes.

(*Note: I have played every episode on a different platform so you don't have to worry about accidentally spoiling anything, if that would come up for any reason.)

I first bought the game on Steam back in January 2015 and it worked until I tried to play it after the release of the fifth episode. Whenever I open the game, it loads perfectly but no options come up on the menu. It just flashes through the pictures/moments/whatever of the playable characters for episode 1. The screen looks like this :

screenshot thing

I don't really know what to do about this. The menu options just don't come up lol. I uninstalled and reinstalled it about 3 or 4 times and nothing changes. If any of you know how to fix this, I would really appreciate it if you shared lol! Thanks in advance :)


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