Ethan's fate
In episode 1, I dismissed Sir Royland's opinion that Ethan should greet Ramsay with a demonstration of force at the gate and decided to let him in the Great Hall instead. Ramsay then tried to seize Talia and I had Ethan stand up to him. He was brutally killed by Ramsay, who plunged a dagger into his neck.
I hadn't seen his death coming and I've really felt sad for him. At the time, he was my favourite character and I really thought I would have him lead House Forrester till the end. I just liked his mysterious personality. Perhaps I could see a bit of myself in him...
I have come to believe that I could not have avoided his murder from the moment Ramsay set foot in the Great Hall, no matter what choices I made from then on. I wonder whether or not his fate would have been different if I had followed Royland's advice to face Ramsay at the gate of Ironrath.
Has anyone successfully avoided Ethan's death by the end of episode 1?
Unfortunately, Ethan is always killed by Ramsay Snow at the end of Episode 1. There is no way to prevent it.
I thought so...
It saddens me, though. This character had so much potential.
He did, he did
Still though, all the other episodes are fantastic (in my opinion) and later on, there are plenty of opportunities where you can change characters fates. So don't let it dishearten you.
I know, I have already played through all six episodes and am waiting for season 2 to come out.
One thing GoT has taught us all is never to have "favourite" characters... So I guess that was my bad.
Oh :P well then...
Well, who was your favourite character? (And if it was Ethan, other than Ethan?)
Probably Gared, although it's hard to say, as Ethan was the only one I've felt emotionally connected to (Talia's song didn't make it easier for me to get over his death).
What about yours? I'm guessing Rodrik. Am I right?
Gared is cool
and I sympathise with you over Ethan. Still, it's been 14 months since it happened to me, so, I can deal with it. Sorta.
And you would be right
the avatar is a bit of a giveaway, my bio even more so. You didn't leave poor 'ol scarry behind, did ya? ;(
No, I believed that Rodrik was more of a leader than Asher, and that the latter would sooner die as a hero than be capable of fighting a war against the Whitehills. Not an easy choice, though...
I have stalked on your profile as we speak. :P
I only found out about this game recently and played it over the last week, so it's still quite fresh for me.
That was literally the fundamentals behind my decision, as well. I figured Rodrik would be the best leader for House Forrester, and I figured Asher would be the one to do the heroic thing, and go out in a blaze of glory to save his brother.
Well, that's what its there for
Ah, I see. Well, I am going to play Firewatch now finally (which has just finished downloading to my Steam) but PM if you ever want to ask anything, or just talk.
See ya.
Will do!
I only played the first episode, and I am genuinely pissed the lord Ethan died.
I feel your pain...
No. His death is scripted and will always happen regardless of choice in order to be central to the plot