The Greatest Map to Ever be CREATED!

edited February 2016 in Minecraft: Story Mode

Hey guys, I was just wondering if, since I'm more of an Architect myself and you'd need to definitely be a Redstone Engineer to do this, but what if someone were to make a map kind of like an aptitude test, kind of like the one in Divergent , that tested what you are in the minecraft world, meaning Architect, Griefer, Redstone Engineer, Warrior or Potions Master (I guess that must be what Ivor is in MCSM, with all of the potions and enchantment tables and stuff). Even better, if you've read a book by John David Anderson, The Dungeoneers, the test can tell if you're a talent, meaning a person which is good at 2 or more things. The test, as I imagine it, would have puzzles and stuff with redstone for the engineers, powerful mobs with diamond armor and sword while the player will be equipped with leather armor and a stone sword, given materials and asked to build ginormous towers and such for the Architects, and TNT cannons and such to be patched up or even built by the griefer, as for potions master can be given an oral test with yes and no asking what materials need to be used for a potion of invisibility (which I don't know). If such a test already exists, please leave a link below and tell me what you guys think.


  • edited February 2016

    I'm really sorry, I tried to read your post. But it could definitely use some editing for punctuation and maybe even paragraph spacing. Not trying to be mean, but it did physically hurt me to try to read through it. Too many long or run on sentences for me.

    But your post is something about making a redstone map with puzzles? So have you made this? I tried to read through the post, I really did.

  • edited February 2016

    [Mod edit: Insult removed]

    To summarize things, it'd be cool if someone made a map that determines what you are in the minecraft world.
    I can't 'cause I'm an Architect, not an Engineer... The classes in the minecraft world are the ones who each order of the stone member represents.

  • edited February 2016

    I wasn't mean to you in my suggestion; there's no reason for you to resort to petty accusations. All I said was lack of attention to consistent punctuation and run on sentences hinder readability, which it does, you can't credibly deny that. It has nothing to do with intellect, that's just silly. Learn to take constructive criticism, it's part of growing up.

    But if you're not surprised someone had trouble reading your post (perfectly understandable--given my earlier points), then maybe that's cue enough to take a better look at your writing so other people can read your posts without unnecessary difficulty.

    Anyway, why don't you make this map yourself, since you seem to know what you want. You do have the "intellect" (to use your term) to do so, right?

    JoePTY posted: »

    [Mod edit: Insult removed] To summarize things, it'd be cool if someone made a map that determines what you are in the minecraft world.

  • I'd call Ivor the Alchemist, though :)

  • Intellect to read it? Seriously, many people don't like huge walls of text. Try to consider that next time.

    JoePTY posted: »

    [Mod edit: Insult removed] To summarize things, it'd be cool if someone made a map that determines what you are in the minecraft world.

  • Can I build this map?

  • Sure, I can't at least because to be able to make such a map you'd have to be a Redstone Engineer

  • edited February 2016

    Ok but can I build it in pocket edition?

    JoePTY posted: »

    Sure, I can't at least because to be able to make such a map you'd have to be a Redstone Engineer

  • As long as you can pass it into a USB and upload the file onto this conversation, then yeah!

  • Now I'm curious what the insult was...

    JoePTY posted: »

    [Mod edit: Insult removed] To summarize things, it'd be cool if someone made a map that determines what you are in the minecraft world.

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