Fargo mainly for its anti-hero and villain. Lorne Malvo was an excellent and terrifying menace that manipulates Lester Nygaard with his philosophy on the world. The transformation of Lester was excellent. Best character development I've ever seen. The two main cops of the show were also great. Both have very good chemistry with one another and are overall good people that want to put a stop to the two I first mentioned.
Mark's death. They just wasted a lot of potential by killing him, so I think that constitutes for poor writing there.
Favorite moment in The Walking Dead Game: Season 2?
Weirdly I'd say either whether or not to destroy Ivor's house in MC:SM or something from Game of Thrones, say what you will about GOT but it knows how to lay the pressure on a choice.
Weirdly I'd say either whether or not to destroy Ivor's house in MC:SM or something from Game of Thrones, say what you will about GOT but it knows how to lay the pressure on a choice.
Rick Grimes from the original Skybound comics. Ripley, Skywalker, and Deschain all come close, but to me nobody beats Rick Grimes (In a metaphorical sense ))
Terrible Mostly very obese wear thongs in my.country no idea why
Yoga pants are.the best here tho many hot chicks are rocking dem here
What ur fav movie and why?
I don't really know. There's so many, and some are old so they aren't as good as the first time. And plus, viral jokes encompass so much.
I do really like Shrek and SpongeBob Internet jokes.
Thoughts on the song "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top?
I like it, it ought to be my own personal theme song.
Thoughts on the state of things where you live? (State, country, province, county, etc all applicable and of your discretion).
Terrible Mostly very obese wear thongs in my.country no idea why
Yoga pants are.the best here tho many hot chicks are rocking dem here
What ur fav movie and why?
The Princesses Bride. its not your typical romance there is action in it and comedy.
what is your fav crime show/police show and why?
Fargo mainly for its anti-hero and villain. Lorne Malvo was an excellent and terrifying menace that manipulates Lester Nygaard with his philosophy on the world. The transformation of Lester was excellent. Best character development I've ever seen. The two main cops of the show were also great. Both have very good chemistry with one another and are overall good people that want to put a stop to the two I first mentioned.
Worst director?
That's fine but I was expecting Chuck because despite being one of the main reasons Clem survives, he gets such a lame death.
Erin Yvette
Favourite Telltale game?
Game of Thrones.
Your opinion on The Walking Dead: Michonne?
Such an amazing mini-series. But too short
After episode 5, your opinion on Minecraft Story Mode?
The same as before. It's a good game overall.
What's the most unpopular opinion about any TellTale Game you have?
I dunno, I think Molly and Bonnie sound pretty different.
Probably that I think a Batman game sounds intensely boring.
What's your favourite fruit?
Grapes, it would have been strawberries if I didn't become allergic to them.
Hardest choice in any Telltale game?
Weirdly I'd say either whether or not to destroy Ivor's house in MC:SM or something from Game of Thrones, say what you will about GOT but it knows how to lay the pressure on a choice.
And your question?
Shoot I forgot about that.
Favorite murder mystery?
Honestly, him, too. He was a good character and deserved a good death.
Laura Bailey is great.
The murder of roger ackroyd. Astoundingly well written literature.
Comedy or horror film for a night in?
Your worst jumpscare in a horror movie?
favorite vegetable?
I've never watched a horror movie, I only read descriptions on Wikipedia so I get none of the jump scares.
Favorite protagonist in any media?
Rick Grimes from the original Skybound comics. Ripley, Skywalker, and Deschain all come close, but to me nobody beats Rick Grimes (In a metaphorical sense
Your biggest phobia? If any?
Spheksophobia (fear of wasps)
Scariest movie you've ever seen?
I've never actually watched a horror movie, more of a comedy kind of guy.
Best childhood memory?
JonTron! But Chris Stuckmann's great for movies.
Worst character in any media? The one's that make you wanna fucking vomit when you see them?
Ziggy from The Wire.
Republican or Nationalist Spain?
My bad. I made a typo, whereby I meant things instead of things. Interesting answer though.
I am a big fan of jermeyjahns
He's also Awesometacular.
;p; yes he is
Favorite Tim Burton movie or claymation?
Wallace and grommet - I grew watching those shorts I love them.
ok so what warm breakfast is your fav
Cheese omelet.
Favorite candy?
Chocolate, or skittles.
Favorite childhood game?
what is your fav dessert?
Chocolate cake.
The worst and the most annoying anime character?
Misa Amane from Death Note. She is annoying as fuck.
Most useful school subject?
English or your 1st language - As spelling is everything. Especially in the future. Your & You're / There,Their &They're. Is a big problem haha
Most useless school subject?