Favorite Michael Jackson songs.
Whether you like him, or you hate him, you gotta admit that he was a great singer, and an amazing showman.
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He was a really talented, nice guy. May he R.I.P.
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still an amazing song. catchy, dancing zombies.
even thro the costume in the music vid are dated its still going one of the best Halloween songs of all time
just out curiosity - I am prouablly going to do this myself, late this year - would anyone be interested in a walking dead (tell-tale series) up beat in sinic music video to Thriller?
I do agree with this, there are lots of allegations of what he possibly did and i'm not sure what to believe but he did make good music.
I was a big fan of his music when i was younger and i even went to one of his concerts but i don't listen to him as much as i used to, i still listen to some of his songs on odd occasions but i mostly listen to rock and metal now.
Some of my favourite songs are
Thriller (which you have already posted)
And Smooth Criminal
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i also like Beat It especially the guitar riff at 3:09
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Michael Jackson is a tragic case of what happens to a kid who's in the spotlight at a young age, and who is used and abused behind the scenes.
From when he was little, he was always performing, always working - because his prick of a dad was gonna make as much money as he could off him. As a result he never got to have childhood. And his mom should've protected him from that, but she didn't.
I'll admit, when alligators of Michael Jackson abusing children first surfaced, I was willing to give the benefit of a doubt. But when it happened a second time, that's when I raised an eyebrow. "There's only so many coincidences that can happen before they stop being coincidence."
Former child star Cory Feldman stated in an interview with 60 minutes that pedophilia is the biggest problem, yet closely guarded secret in Hollywood. He also stated that he and his best friend - the late child star Cory Haim - were both victims of sexual abuse.
And unfortunately, sometimes kids who victims of that kind of abuse, grow up to become abusers as well. And given Michael Jackson's appearance, how he dressed, and alike, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't a victim of abuse himself.
But both times Michael Jackson beat the rap, not to mention he's gone now, what he may or may not have done really doesn't matter.
One thing that MJ did say, that I liked, is this: "If you spend all your time refuting rumors, you'll never have a life."
Is the day so young
Is the day so young
"My Wishing Tree."