Season 2 on XBLA

edited July 2009 in Sam & Max
Hello everyone, been looking at these forums since getting W&G on XBLA, first time posting on here though.

Does anyone know when season 2 of Sam & Max will be available on XBLA? I have finished the first season (apart from the unicorn achievement) and really miss it now it's gone. Hopefully Telltale will come out with is soon, or at least release the second episode of W&G to temporarily satisfy my craving for RPG games.


  • edited July 2009
    Last I heard season 2 was possibly coming out on xbla late summer early fall
  • edited July 2009
    Taken from press release:

    The June 17 release comes less than a month after Telltale's Xbox LIVE Arcade debut with Fright of the Bumblebees, the first of four Wallace & Gromit episodes. The remaining Wallace & Gromit games and Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space, the second season of Freelance Police adventures, will be appearing on the channel in the coming months.
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