With episode 2 and 3 we was told we would get big news and the release was very close to that big news. Same with 5 but that took a week.
Estimated release date: 19th / 26 April. ( I know I'm being optimistic but PEGI's ratings usually come a day before and the others about a week / two ago same with a trailer)
With episode 2 and 3 we was told we would get big news and the release was very close to that big news. Same with 5 but that took a week.
… more Estimated release date: 19th / 26 April. ( I know I'm being optimistic but PEGI's ratings usually come a day before and the others about a week / two ago same with a trailer)
They didn't officially say that it's just what appears on the steam database. And we don't even know what that release date is , it could be for the finale.
Jesse:whoa so many portals how are we gonna go home
Ivor:well one of them HAS TO
Lukas:i think ivor has gone bananas
Petra: positive
Maybe the portals lead to different times in jesses world maybe they lead to new dimensions but most likely to other worlds I would love to see a creative world and a visit world montage
i think an underwater world or underground world. But could be anything. Before episode 5 came out i thought we would be with Ivor training and then battling the ender dragon but that didn't happen and i still loved it. So , all i ask is that we get the same magic we got in 5 in 6 7 and 8
Maybe the portals lead to different times in jesses world maybe they lead to new dimensions but most likely to other worlds I would love to see a creative world and a visit world montage
I think it would be really nice. Jetra and Lukesse are the two main favorite ships of the fandom (well i think so), so since we're gonna be with Lukas and Petra for the next three episodes, that would be great to have an option to romance these two Especially since those 3 episodes are additionnal!
I'd go out and buy Minecraft Storymode tomorrow if we were able to romance a Lukas XD I've been considering getting the game once these bonus episodes are out anyways, but if that got confirmed as a thing....swoosh!
Maybe we'll get to romance Ivor too. LONG LIVE LAVA HOUSE!
I think it would be really nice. Jetra and Lukesse are the two main favorite ships of the fandom (well i think so), so since we're gonna be … morewith Lukas and Petra for the next three episodes, that would be great to have an option to romance these two Especially since those 3 episodes are additionnal!
I'd go out and buy Minecraft Storymode tomorrow if we were able to romance a Lukas XD I've been considering getting the game once these bonu… mores episodes are out anyways, but if that got confirmed as a thing....swoosh!
Maybe we'll get to romance Ivor too. LONG LIVE LAVA HOUSE!
I'd go out and buy Minecraft Storymode tomorrow if we were able to romance a Lukas XD I've been considering getting the game once these bonu… mores episodes are out anyways, but if that got confirmed as a thing....swoosh!
Maybe we'll get to romance Ivor too. LONG LIVE LAVA HOUSE!
I'd rather face the Witherstorm than suffer one of Ivor's lava frenzies...
I played it a good number of times and it has not happened to me. It is a problem with your device
Yeah! It was really funny to see, Good work Nukey!
Too bad it didn't happen in episode 5 tho...
Yea episode 2 was only 59 min
Look who's next to Magnus in the picture.
With episode 2 and 3 we was told we would get big news and the release was very close to that big news. Same with 5 but that took a week.
Estimated release date: 19th / 26 April. ( I know I'm being optimistic but PEGI's ratings usually come a day before and the others about a week / two ago same with a trailer)
No way, They said Summer 2016 for a reason. mid-late May at the earliest.
They said we will get news in the comming weeks. Mb Summer 2016 will finish all episodes .
They didn't officially say that it's just what appears on the steam database. And we don't even know what that release date is , it could be for the finale.
True because they said episode 6 in summer and episode 7 & 8 will follow soon after so we can expect all in summer
If batman premiers in summer then I would have thought story mode would get an episode released before then.
EXACTLY! What other news could it be ? Well... Anyone?
This is actually amazing, I could totally see this legit happening in Ep 6
I hope the release date but its impossible
I hope they're not screwing up the subtitles anymore because they were the only things I hated about Episode 5.
Maybe a trailer or a given release date... But even then it would only be a week after that.
What? No. Gabriel.
Jesse: Let's go!
Subtitles: Come on Isa! We need to get out of here right now before the impending doom of a million and one mobs destroy this place!
The subtitles even spoiled the Founder's name.
I can just imagine Ivor being hyper about the sight of all the portals!
Its just something general but thanks
Yeah its actually Reuben
All that time and the subtitles are still bugged although it's onlu for a male Jesse if you're a female Jesse the subtitles are correct
Maybe the portals lead to different times in jesses world maybe they lead to new dimensions but most likely to other worlds I would love to see a creative world and a visit world montage
Who is the new villain I wonder
When episode 2 ended I was like whhhhaaaat i thought it would go from black to a scene
I hope they patch it up soon or when episode 6 comes out.
i think an underwater world or underground world. But could be anything. Before episode 5 came out i thought we would be with Ivor training and then battling the ender dragon but that didn't happen and i still loved it. So , all i ask is that we get the same magic we got in 5 in 6 7 and 8
I thought it is like Eather: when they jump off city they will be in normal world
Albert Einstein
I think it would be really nice. Jetra and Lukesse are the two main favorite ships of the fandom (well i think so), so since we're gonna be with Lukas and Petra for the next three episodes, that would be great to have an option to romance these two
Especially since those 3 episodes are additionnal!
Thanks! And yeah... Maybe in the future episodes though
I still have a little hope.
I'd go out and buy Minecraft Storymode tomorrow if we were able to romance a Lukas XD I've been considering getting the game once these bonus episodes are out anyways, but if that got confirmed as a thing....swoosh!
Maybe we'll get to romance Ivor too. LONG LIVE LAVA HOUSE!
That would heat things up.
I feel like one of those portals may led you to a Amplified World Amplified World
XD A relationship between Jesse and Ivor would be... really strange haha.
woah that's weird i was just researching amplified worlds...