Just bought the Adventure Pack, time to forgot completely about the game until episode 6 comes out! Any recommendations for other great telltale games? (Besides The Walking Dead)
Just bought the Adventure Pack, time to forgot completely about the game until episode 6 comes out! Any recommendations for other great telltale games? (Besides The Walking Dead)
Just bought the Adventure Pack, time to forgot completely about the game until episode 6 comes out! Any recommendations for other great telltale games? (Besides The Walking Dead)
Telltale has never said Episode 3 will be out on April 26th, they've only said it will be released at some point in April. And since summer doesn't start until June 21st, May seems highly unlikely.
Nope that's episode 3 , but seeing soren in an ender an suit has given me an idea, what if you come across an enderman in one of the portals and it's actually soren? And he's in the portals because he got pushed off sky city and went through the portal and covered it back up in dirt? It make sense , Isa had a book on endermen by soren, and how else could it have got there?
Hey, does anyone know how to import your own avatar?
I mean when i came i made myself reuben as a tribute but now i feel like , unless he respawns there is no need to use him
Hey, does anyone know how to import your own avatar?
I mean when i came i made myself reuben as a tribute but now i feel like , unless he respawns there is no need to use him
I just started playing The Wolf Among Us. It's really good, I think you'll like it. I finished Tales from the Borderlands. I think it was pretty good especially the last episode. Lastly it's very old but if you're interested in mystery and puzzles, Sam and Max is good and funny.
Just bought the Adventure Pack, time to forgot completely about the game until episode 6 comes out! Any recommendations for other great telltale games? (Besides The Walking Dead)
Nope that's episode 3 , but seeing soren in an ender an suit has given me an idea, what if you come across an enderman in one of the portals… more and it's actually soren? And he's in the portals because he got pushed off sky city and went through the portal and covered it back up in dirt? It make sense , Isa had a book on endermen by soren, and how else could it have got there?
Just bought the Adventure Pack, time to forgot completely about the game until episode 6 comes out! Any recommendations for other great telltale games? (Besides The Walking Dead)
A Note To The Bullies
If All of You could Stop posting Rude Shit about me that would be great! I have made all these great threads and all of you just keep on being so freaking rude! Everyday I get at least 6 hate comments on my threads! I can't take it anymore stop posting rude shit bullies I'm so mad!
A Note To The Bullies
If All of You could Stop posting Rude Shit about me that would be great! I have made all these great threads and all… more of you just keep on being so freaking rude! Everyday I get at least 6 hate comments on my threads! I can't take it anymore stop posting rude shit bullies I'm so mad!
if it comes out at the beginning of summer I can't play it:(
There is more than one week in a month, so I would not worry.
The word reuben came from ivor's voice actor paul reubens
Then aiden will escape from prison . But if u take aiden after fight with you he speaks when gaurds take him in ground
Really or folling
Holy crap. That thing looks amazing.
I... Shouldn't have clicked on it, now I gotta go raid my fridge.
Just bought the Adventure Pack, time to forgot completely about the game until episode 6 comes out! Any recommendations for other great telltale games? (Besides The Walking Dead)
Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands are also worth checking out! Wolf is a fantasy noir, and Borderlands is a Sci-Fi Western Comedy.
I might start playing TWAU
In which platform did u brought adventure pack
(sorry I had to do a april fools joke even know its not april 1st because I was offline)
April 1st bad joke :v
The walking dead episode 3 is comming on 26th april soo we can expect episode 6 on may 3 ,10 or 17
Telltale has never said Episode 3 will be out on April 26th, they've only said it will be released at some point in April. And since summer doesn't start until June 21st, May seems highly unlikely.
Who else didn't even check the waiting thread yesterday?
Don't put spoiler tags if it is just speculation!
My grandfathers currently in the hospital so i was busy
What the hell happened to my enchanted diamond pic? It looked way cooler then the sword!
Maybe it broke when you used it on the command block?
I replayed episode 3 and caught this:
Moustache confirmed!
Nope that's episode 3 , but seeing soren in an ender an suit has given me an idea, what if you come across an enderman in one of the portals and it's actually soren? And he's in the portals because he got pushed off sky city and went through the portal and covered it back up in dirt? It make sense , Isa had a book on endermen by soren, and how else could it have got there?
Yeah but how come you get a diamond sword with the same enchantment?
Hey, does anyone know how to import your own avatar?
I mean when i came i made myself reuben as a tribute but now i feel like , unless he respawns there is no need to use him
Use a gravatar
I just didn't check because April Fool's
From a stranger: Best of luck with your grandpa
I just started playing The Wolf Among Us. It's really good, I think you'll like it. I finished Tales from the Borderlands. I think it was pretty good especially the last episode. Lastly it's very old but if you're interested in mystery and puzzles, Sam and Max is good and funny.
Yeah I think Soren's going to make an important role in one or more of the next couple episodes.
I should add; on some platforms, you can play the first episode of a game for free (but you still have to pay for the rest of the episodes...)
A Note To The Bullies
If All of You could Stop posting Rude Shit about me that would be great! I have made all these great threads and all of you just keep on being so freaking rude! Everyday I get at least 6 hate comments on my threads! I can't take it anymore stop posting rude shit bullies I'm so mad!
If that happens, flag their posts so a moderator can look at them. Thanks!
Goodbye Telltale
Don't leave man
Nah I was just kidding I'm not leavin but I am sick of those haters
Oh okay good I'd miss u

A lion gif for you