Episode 5 - Order Up! Decisions Thread

Errybody got choices.


Let Ivor's house stand

Tried to stop Ivor's arrest

Tried to rescue Isa

Walked away from Aiden

Chose to leave Isa in charge


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    enter image description here

  • My choices:

    Let Ivor's house stand
    Tried to stop Ivor's arrest
    Tried to rescue Isa
    Helped Aiden to safety
    Chose to leave Milo in charge

  • Mine:

    Ivor's house spared
    Got arrested with Ivor
    Rescued Isa (My face was "LUKAAAASS NOOOOOOOO, But then, boom.")
    Helped the idiot Aiden
    Let them to share power.

  • Same XD

    My choices: Let Ivor's house stand Tried to stop Ivor's arrest Tried to rescue Isa Helped Aiden to safety Chose to leave Milo in charge

  • edited March 2016
    1. Took down Ivors house (I didn't know what to do!!)
    2. Went with Milo and Petra (Anything with Petra is fine with me xD)
    4. Aiden got DUNKED ON!! (Sent him over)
    5. Let Milo be in charge, coz why not?
    1. I let Ivor's house stand (He is the reason the new Order of the Stone exists so I owe him a lot)
    2. Went with Milo and Petra (I alwasy feel good with Petra around)
    3. Tried to help Isa (Isa was about to fall, she had a small chance to escape on her own)
    4. Walked away from Aiden (Bitch deserved that, I didn't want to kill him, just wanted to give him a lot of time to think about what he did)
    5. Made Milo and Isa share power (Why not? Combination is always a good idea)
  • Heh, same choices as me.

    1. I let Ivor's house stand (I wanted to preserve the right to build.)
    2. I went with Petra and Milo (There's no way I'm being put in a foreign dungeon.)
    3. I tried to help Isa (I wanted to make a better impression for her.)
    4. I helped Aiden get to safety (I am merciful and forgiving.)
    5. I made Isa and Milo share power (It's better to build whatever with a plan)

    Those are my choices. Anyone else get the same?

  • Was I the only one having problem with subtitles on PS4 version? Mostly it didn't match what they were saying, sometimes it did not even fit the bubble. It's also lagging a lot :/

  • Ordered the house destroyed

    Ran away with petra

    Left Isa to fall (hilarious moment)

    Walked away from aiden

    Gave all power to milo, again hilarious to screw over the leader

    1. Destroyed Ivor's House (I felt kinda bad after).
    2. Went with Petra and Milo (I actually like this choice because it gives you more insight on Build Club).
    3. Tried to Rescue Isa (I hated her but I thought Lukas had it).
    4. Sent Aiden Down (I wish I could kill him).
    5. Made Isa and Milo share power (I felt both their points were stupid separately but together it sounded better).

    I'm so excited for episode 6!

  • The problem I had with subtitles is that is barely added up to what they were saying, but a lot of people have that problem too. Once it didn't fix the bubble. Telltale need to work on their subtitles a little better. I still love Telltale though.

    Peccoskaify posted: »

    Was I the only one having problem with subtitles on PS4 version? Mostly it didn't match what they were saying, sometimes it did not even fit the bubble. It's also lagging a lot

  • edited April 2016

    Destroyed Ivor's house, it was a hazard and was ugly to begin with.

    I ran from the guards, I went with Milo.

    Tried to rescue Isa.

    I took Aiden With me (Helped him to safety), I like him and all life is precious.

    I made Isa and Milo share the power.

  • edited April 2016
    1. Let the house of Ivor stands (He wasn't hurting anyone with his Lava unless u step on them)
    2. Run with Milo bc i got scared and i think Ivor was too excited.
    3. Tried saving Isa (OMG she was falling how could i let her!!!!???!!!??!?!?!) :s
    4. I couldn't accidentally slice Aiden or burn him alive so i just threw him over :(
    5. I made them both share the power, Isa seems a bit changed since we first met, and Milo doesn't have enough experience to rule alone.
    6. I REMEMBERED Reuben when i saw the pigs :'(
    1. I let Ivor's house stand (i like his lava house and just because it looks different from the others houses doesn't mean it has to be destroyed. He has a right to build too. Plus, people can easily be protected from the lava by putting glass or even cobblestone around it.)
    2. I ran from the guards (I thought coming with Petra would be more fun than coming with Ivor. I would've gone with Ivor if I knew Lukas would be there too though.)
    3. Tried to rescue Isa (I thought Lukas had it, and Isa was about to fall. Plus, Lukas told me to save the Founder, so it sounded logical to me to try and save her.)
    4. Walked away from Aiden (I was really tempted to send him over because he made a mess in Sky City and murdered Lukas, Isa and Jesse without regretting it. Even though they actually survived the fall, there was no way I'd bring Aiden with me. He's an evil murderer AND a bully. So I walked away so he can live in the mess he made. Too bad he ended up by falling in the waterfall. But I have 0 regrets. He deserved it.)
    5. Chose to leave Isa in charge (Only a matter of opinion I guess. I think it's safer to organize stuff right away.)
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