Is this episode 5 just a cash milking "Prologue"?

I bought a 5 episodes season, but the truth is that the season is just 4 episodes long.
I feel the last one being just a cool big commercial advertising for buying ep. 6-7-8.

That doesn't mean that the episode is bad, kudos to the staff. I'm questioning the marketing strategy, it seems made by John Riccitiello...

Will this become the TTG standard? To have one less episode in change of a bait to buy the new season?

Don't you feel a little fooled too?


  • edited March 2016

    Considering that the episode is pretty stand alone minus the last minute. The DLC isn't something you need to play. Episode 5 was a great stand alone experience and does a great job explaining how the future DLC episodes will play (for those interested). I had a feeling a thread like this would be made...

  • Yeah episode 5 was pretty much just dlc. They 've gotsomething they can just keep selling dlc for now. Just independent stories each episode

  • It kind of feels like a cash grab, but it's probably going to be a "good cash grab", it seems to be the case, Eric has been teasing us about a good and hilarious cast, so it's probably going to be worth my money. I mean, c'mon, we're talking about Telltale here!

  • I don't know. I wonder if Episode 5 was where it was going to end originally, but then they just did another 3 episodes because Telltale felt they had more of a story left to tell. It might explain why the last episode took so long to come out and why the trophy names changed for it as well.

    I can't really see the DLC as a side thing. Seems more like the season has been extended, or the season was only ever 4 episodes, and what could be considered a Season 2 begins at Episode 5. It's strange.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yeah it seems like it's an experiment of some kind, and if this experiment works out I wouldn't mind them expanding other games with DLC episodes that tell more stories.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I don't know. I wonder if Episode 5 was where it was going to end originally, but then they just did another 3 episodes because Telltale fel

  • If TWAU would have ended one episode before, and then having a single separate episode, I would have been pissed off.
    Do you imagine TWD Season one shrinked in 4 episodes so the last one would have been 400 days?

    Who care, I really hope this lies about season lenght won't happen again.

  • Jesus Christ, settle down. You don't like this, go make your own game. They pay thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars and you complain about five bucks?.......................................................Seriously?

  • I would Be the Happiest Person If TFTBL got the Same treatment.

  • I don't know. The episode didn't feel necessary, but it was still nice. Just because one story is over, doesn't mean that the story as a whole for these characters is over. It felt good, just seeing them on an adventure, without having to worry about a wither storm. Refreshing, I guess.

  • and TWAU

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I would Be the Happiest Person If TFTBL got the Same treatment.

  • Well, except that they are 3 episodes, which are like 12 bucks.

    JessePlays_ posted: »

    Jesus Christ, settle down. You don't like this, go make your own game. They pay thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars and you complain about five bucks?.......................................................Seriously?

  • There's no such thing as a good cash grab... And Telltale aren't really the best company out there

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    It kind of feels like a cash grab, but it's probably going to be a "good cash grab", it seems to be the case, Eric has been teasing us about

  • Exactly.

    zeke10 posted: »

    and TWAU

  • It's called $$$
    They need more of it

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I don't know. I wonder if Episode 5 was where it was going to end originally, but then they just did another 3 episodes because Telltale fel

  • edited April 2016

    When i said good cash grab i've put the "" i know there's no such thing, but when i said that, it was like "they are taking our money, but at least it is worth it". And when i said "we're talking about Telltale here!" i'm only saying that because the games they make are, while not the best, amazing.

    Talimancer posted: »

    There's no such thing as a good cash grab... And Telltale aren't really the best company out there

  • If you looked at the old achievements list for Episode 5, it sounded very dark, therefore I think it was supposed to be the last episode of both the season and the Wither Storm arc.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I don't know. I wonder if Episode 5 was where it was going to end originally, but then they just did another 3 episodes because Telltale fel

  • I would prefer more Bigby than Jesse tbh.

    GSSalvador posted: »


  • five bucks an episode, I meant. And yeah..

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Well, except that they are 3 episodes, which are like 12 bucks.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2016

    Telltale has always used Minecraft: Story Mode as a means of testing new ideas (new gameplay mechanics, trying to get back to monthly releases again, the season pass retail disc, etc), so it would make sense for them to try a new distribution method with the game as well.

    Since this game doesn't require the graphical updates that fans would expect for new seasons of episodes for other seasons, it makes sense for them to try distributing games through new episodes rather than separate seasons with this game. If it works out well, I can see them going this route for other less graphically intensive franchises as well. Purchasing episodes through the app they use, rather than through a sequel that they might not even know about, is less confusing for a lot of people, especially for casual users of mobile devices (since Telltale can advertise the new episodes, and have people purchase them, right from within the app itself).

    Considering iOS makes up 1/4 of their entire userbase (and that figure doesn't factor in Android, which would make the mobile market share even larger), it makes sense for them to cater to that market, especially in a franchise as well known to casual mobile users as Minecraft.

    I don't honestly see what the problem is. It's basically two seasons available from within the same app, rather than two separate games. There's no disadvantage for gamers, as we still get eight episodes for the same price we would pay for two four episode seasons. Plus, casual users can be alerted to the presence of the new episodes and purchase them directly from within the app itself. I don't really see a downside here.

  • I doubt it, it's my favorite so far

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