SoMI: SE - First Impressions
Who have ordered it? Who's playing it? Who's enjoying it??
I just completed the three trials and I must say that Lucasarts really nailed it on this one. The atmosphere is still present with new and EXCELLENT voice-overs, new spiffy 2d graphics built directly over the good old SCUMM engine, new orchestrated FANTASTIC music which really is the best homage to Michael Land's original score ever made.
10/10 so far.
I'm going to bed, and looking forward to play furthermore tomorrow!
I just completed the three trials and I must say that Lucasarts really nailed it on this one. The atmosphere is still present with new and EXCELLENT voice-overs, new spiffy 2d graphics built directly over the good old SCUMM engine, new orchestrated FANTASTIC music which really is the best homage to Michael Land's original score ever made.
10/10 so far.
I'm going to bed, and looking forward to play furthermore tomorrow!
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-I find viewing using the items in the inventory very annoying & messy. Maybe after time I will get the hang of it.
-Second, its buggy here and there, most annoyingly when selecting Guybrush’s dialogue by mouse doesn't work sometimes and some of the graphics in the forest doesn't look right.
-Third, I don’t think Guybrush animation looks right! This is a minor issue guess.
Guess I'm disappointed as it isn’t as well polished as I expected like the really well 1st part of Tales of MI. Apart from those minor points, I'll give it a 7/10!
Are you commenting on the jerkiness of the animation? That's because it was built on top of the old engine, so all they could do was update the frames. The animaiton is exactly the same as before, just in HD.
There's no fair reason down rate it.
MI2? Well...that could be screwed up pretty badly.
Why? Because it won't even load up. I bought and downloaded it from Steam, and all I get is an error. I have installed it twice now... no luck. Bull****.
When you get the error and look up the details, does it look like this?
Exactly the same. All I can figure out is it has something to do with the exe file it would seem. I don't know what though.
Report it in, and theyll definetely throw in a bugfix sooner or later.
Meanwhile.. have you tried updating your graphic card and installed the latest version of DirectX?
See if this works, it's the only help I've got from other users so far. I can't do a thing as I'm at work.
Please point me in the direction to do so.. a lot of people are having this problem.
My DirectX is up to date, graphics card too.
This page has quite a lot of suggestions
I might try some of these if all else fails.
I have the latest updates for all my stuff too. So, I know that's not the problem.
Problem solved
I tried to launch the game directly by going to
steam\steamapps\common\the secret of monkey island special edition
and clicking mise.exe.
That didn't work, but I got an error messages "X3Daudio1_6.dll missing".
A quick search in google turned out that this file belongs to directx.
I tried to launch the directx update contained in the directory with the same name and at the end of the install I got a error.
Looking at the logs files (c:\windows\directx.log and c:\windows\DXError.log it turned out one file was corrupt.
So the problems seems to come from a corrupt directx update.
I went to searched "directx" and downloaded the webupdate.
The webupdate downloaded a small 5 mg file.
After that update, install Framework 3.5 SP1
I hope this may help someone with the same problem.
Thanks though
Na not the jerkiness, just the way he looks, like I said a VERY minor issue. No the animation isn't the same as before, its been re drawn from scratch.
Although, I absolutely LOATH this new interface system they have. I found it very awkward scrolling through all the verbs using the mouse wheel taking forever to find the one I want, eventually started using the hotkeys to pick each verb. Even that was a bit awkward since you have 3 verbs that start with P: Pick up, Push and Pull, so a random key used for the other 2. Also, for the life of me, I could NOT figure out how to combine things in your inventory. I would open the inventory, and the default action is to Look, so I would select Use and select the first object but then the inventory screen would close. I would open it again and have to reselect the first object and try again. Why they couldn't just have the verb/inventory interface at the bottom of the screen like the first game, I will NEVER know. I actually had to use the classic game to get through the puzzle with the mugs of grog.
They've been redrawn, yes, but the animation side of it (as in the amount of frames, and what the characters are doing in each frame) remains the same amount. Saves on re-programming I guess.
That's the way it was for all the old SCUMM games though. Are they the same shortcut keys? That's actually what I used most of the time. S should be PUSH and Y should be PULL. Are they different in the remake? I can't imagine why they would be since they designed it on the original code...
Most of the characters look great (We'll ignore Guybrush's stupid hair and Elaine's brows... and the less said about Estavan the better... eugh)
Voice acting is, on the whole, spot on.. though odd pauses are a little bit of a shame. It breaks the flow of the conversation when there's a good 20 second pause. Overall though, it was so cool to hear voices at last! (hahah, that out of context...)
The ability to switch between new and old was fun, I couldn't stop doing it just to compare backgrounds. I LOVE the new docks, all them boats! It just made so much more sense.
Minor gripe, the inventory system wasn't totally intuitive. I couldn't combine inventory items AT ALL. It just didn't seem to want to behave. Also, not having a quick key for pull annoyed me. There was one for push! (S) so why not pull? Unless it was something really obscure that I didn't work out. Overall, the keyboard shortcuts worked pretty well so long as I didn't have to push/pull anything heh. (U) (L) and (P) are straightforward enough to anyone who's played any modern games.
I agree about Stan's voice. He needed more... of a frantic tone to match the arm waving hahah. I got used to it but yeah, not quite as fast talking as I imagined. I also never imagined Bob to be so meak sounding. It was endearing though, I always loved Bob and still do. YAY BOB!
I actually found the annoucer thing a little jarring though. Strange I know, but you never get cuts narrated in films right? It just felt a bit odd to me to have "Some time later..." read out. I got used to it sure, but it took me by surprise the first time it happened. I also feel it's a shame they ditched the parchment chapter starters. That wouldn't have been hard to draw up would it? And would keep the consistency with the later games.
All in all, the interface annoyed me less than I thought (but then, I am on a pc not an xbox because sorry, consoles are NOT a good platform for point and click ever) and I even got used to the HAIR after a while. I prefer old Guybrush sprite, but yeah...
And im really hoping they go for MI2 SE hehe!
Didn't work for me. I AM PISSED! :mad:
I've ran out of options, other than smashing my computer into the wall. I doubt it'd work though.
Things aren't looking good.
If your processor doesn't support SSE2 (whatever the hell that is) it's never going to work.
I do get a different error to what the topic says. Error about the processor (or anything "old"): 0xC000001D.
Mine was: 000b45cb :S
More research is needed
I'm not buying this unless these issues get fixed and only if it's available somewhere non-Steam/Direct2Drive.
Also, that error doesn't have to do with your processor. If you can play other 2009 released games with your current processor, then you should have no problem. I have no idea what is wrong with the game. But I swear it has to do with that MISE.exe, because the error is always mentioning it.
But computers don't follow any kind of logic or common sense so *shrug*
Imo or should I say in my experience, if a computer has a hardware problem such as "this processor is too old to run this game, idiot", then it would ATTEMPT to run, but badly (laggy, seize up.. crash) but it doesn't. It just shows an error.
It all keeps going down to there being a problem with the exe, which is a HUGE problem for me. Cos if redownloading it is a possible solution, I can't do it. My internet is crap. I have a very basic package because I rarely do stuff like this, only once before my download cap was exceeded and I've been with them for a year and a half. Thing is, I don't want to leave my computer downloading yet again for 7 hours, when it has a high chance of giving me the error again
I hope they realise this problem and patch it, quickly. Cos I'm stuck right now.
It uses the same shortcuts as before.
I dunno, I just wish they had tried to stay more true to the feel and charm of the original. None of it needed redesigning just...recreating, a direct translation from pixel to pencil/brush. I think if they had just used Steve Purcell's original box art as a guide for their work I would have given the Special Edition a 10/10 but as it is I have to give it 8.5/10.
But of course, I haven't actually played it yet...
Such a newbie question (I still dont' know what framework is), but are the previous versions (3.0, 2.5 etc..) supposed to stay installed? I cannot uninstall them whatever I do, I don't want them all to conflict with 3.5.
PS. Is DirectX 9.0c the full name for the latest directx? I just want to make sure mine is the current version.
This has a possible idea to what's causing it. AMD Athlon XP's don't support something called SSE2 commands/instructions. The error they're talking about though isn't the same one I got, so I remain hopeful that I don't have to go out and get a new processor.....
...and a new motherboard as mine can't handle anything faster.
...and then an adapter for my IDE harddrives/dvd rom. One IDE port, with a gazillion SATA ones is not enough. My hard drive's new, not replacing it for this.
...and probably new ram, knowing my bloody luck.
Sometimes I hate computers. Console gaming is so much easier
Why didn't I think of it before? I have a laptop which I got 3 years ago, barely used as the poor thing's slightly slow blah.. and cos most of the time nowadays I prefer sitting at a main computer (heh that swapped over, I preferred the laptop for 2 years of it's life). IF the processor on my main computer which is probably getting close to 6 years old now, is the problem then it should work on my laptop. Thing is, this SSE2 instructions thing. How do I know if my laptop's processor is compatible *headdesk*
I don't have the specs for it on me, I had to google it.. and well I'm looking at the specs now, and it doesn't look right in places. I've corrected what I know anyways.
Well, the thing is, all of the other games on steam, just say that you need a processor that is high enough to run the game, no specific brand. But on SoMISE, it actually lists a specific processor: AMD Athlon 64 3000+. So apparently you NEED that specific processor. I hope someone proves me wrong though.