Would you rather have 6, 7, and 8 be self contained like episode 5? Or and arc like episodes 1-4?

Like the title says, this is a thread for what YOU want to see in episode 6-8!


  • I can't tell what I should expect. I want more moments with Jesse, Petra and Lukas togheter

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'd like them to be mostly self contained with references to previous choices and maybe having them link up somehow. I kind of liked the isolated adventure in episode five more than the Wither Storm arc.

  • Self-contained with an overarching plot, which is exactly what I think that will happen.

  • Yeah I also think the self contained idea but with a core plotline - in this case the doorway portal area - works fine.

  • The self-contained story in Episode 5 worked really well. But like @Abeille suggested, I think self-contained with an overarching plot sounds like awesome.

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