While Tanya walked out of the great hall, King Yorick was approached by an interesting group of people. There were eight of them, … morefour of them men and the other four women. All of them except for one were dressed in white robes, with golden seven-pointed stars embroidered in their chests. Septons and septas of the Seven, Ortheg deduced. The one who was dressed differently was the youngest of the group, a girl about the age of Ortheg. She was clad in a simple black robe, and there was a golden medallion in the shape of the seven-pointed star around her neck. This girl was truly beautiful as Ortheg had to admit, with her wavy golden locks, pale skin, delicate facial features and bright blue eyes.
The septon who seemed to be leading the group was very old, probably on his nineties, with heavily wrinkled skin, thin white hair and hunched back. He looked weak and starved, leaning on his wooden cane. Right next to him stood a woman who… [view original content]
While Tanya walked out of the great hall, King Yorick was approached by an interesting group of people. There were eight of them, … morefour of them men and the other four women. All of them except for one were dressed in white robes, with golden seven-pointed stars embroidered in their chests. Septons and septas of the Seven, Ortheg deduced. The one who was dressed differently was the youngest of the group, a girl about the age of Ortheg. She was clad in a simple black robe, and there was a golden medallion in the shape of the seven-pointed star around her neck. This girl was truly beautiful as Ortheg had to admit, with her wavy golden locks, pale skin, delicate facial features and bright blue eyes.
The septon who seemed to be leading the group was very old, probably on his nineties, with heavily wrinkled skin, thin white hair and hunched back. He looked weak and starved, leaning on his wooden cane. Right next to him stood a woman who… [view original content]
While Tanya walked out of the great hall, King Yorick was approached by an interesting group of people. There were eight of them, … morefour of them men and the other four women. All of them except for one were dressed in white robes, with golden seven-pointed stars embroidered in their chests. Septons and septas of the Seven, Ortheg deduced. The one who was dressed differently was the youngest of the group, a girl about the age of Ortheg. She was clad in a simple black robe, and there was a golden medallion in the shape of the seven-pointed star around her neck. This girl was truly beautiful as Ortheg had to admit, with her wavy golden locks, pale skin, delicate facial features and bright blue eyes.
The septon who seemed to be leading the group was very old, probably on his nineties, with heavily wrinkled skin, thin white hair and hunched back. He looked weak and starved, leaning on his wooden cane. Right next to him stood a woman who… [view original content]
I think this could be a pretty interesting scene plus we would get to learn more about these characters! Man I must say though I had not even thought about all of these septons being affiliated with one another. I assumed they were all a septon for the different kings in the story. Man, I was way off
While Tanya walked out of the great hall, King Yorick was approached by an interesting group of people. There were eight of them, … morefour of them men and the other four women. All of them except for one were dressed in white robes, with golden seven-pointed stars embroidered in their chests. Septons and septas of the Seven, Ortheg deduced. The one who was dressed differently was the youngest of the group, a girl about the age of Ortheg. She was clad in a simple black robe, and there was a golden medallion in the shape of the seven-pointed star around her neck. This girl was truly beautiful as Ortheg had to admit, with her wavy golden locks, pale skin, delicate facial features and bright blue eyes.
The septon who seemed to be leading the group was very old, probably on his nineties, with heavily wrinkled skin, thin white hair and hunched back. He looked weak and starved, leaning on his wooden cane. Right next to him stood a woman who… [view original content]
And Ortheg will go to the Oracle. Well, this will certainly make for an interesting part, revealing us more about these mysterious septons and septas. Also, it will most likely have some kind of effect on Ortheg. He may not be the most zealous person, but he does believe in the Seven, so supposedly receiving messages straight from the gods will certainly be an impactful experience for him.
Anyway, the next part will be a Nealia PoV. In her latest part, the Rose Company left Lemonwood, heading towards Godsgrace to find a new contract. As the company camped up by the Greenblood for the night, Nealia chatted with Manda, Lien, Ying and Sarina Tyrosos. However, Tryden wanted to have a word with her as well, seemingly concerned for her well being, and warning her that the life of a sellsword wouldn't be easy. In the end he asked which was more important for her, being a sellsword or being a Dayne, and you voted for her to answer Dayne. That is where we will continue, and I'll try to get the part done today.
Voting is closed!
And Ortheg will go to the Oracle. Well, this will certainly make for an interesting part, revealing us more about these… more mysterious septons and septas. Also, it will most likely have some kind of effect on Ortheg. He may not be the most zealous person, but he does believe in the Seven, so supposedly receiving messages straight from the gods will certainly be an impactful experience for him.
Anyway, the next part will be a Nealia PoV. In her latest part, the Rose Company left Lemonwood, heading towards Godsgrace to find a new contract. As the company camped up by the Greenblood for the night, Nealia chatted with Manda, Lien, Ying and Sarina Tyrosos. However, Tryden wanted to have a word with her as well, seemingly concerned for her well being, and warning her that the life of a sellsword wouldn't be easy. In the end he asked which was more important for her, being a sellsword or being a Dayne, and you voted for her to an… [view original content]
"I'm a warrior, it's the one thing I've always been good at," Nealia said quietly, letting out a sigh. "But I will also always be a Dayne, in blood if not in name. I owe it to my father and brothers to carry their name in my heart, wherever I go."
Tryden nodded at her words, a small smile on his face. "That's what I expected," he stated calmly. "And I respect it, family is important to all of us. It used to be for me too, long ago." This remark made Nealia realize how little she actually knew about the past of Tryden Flowers. "And who was your family?" She asked with a cautious tone. Tryden looked slightly uncomfortable with the question, but answered nonetheless.
"My father's name was Marwyn Mullendore," he began sternly. "He was a great knight, an honored member of the Order of the Green Hand, as well as a trusted commander for both King Perceon the Second and his successor Mern the Seventh for over two decades. I imagine you of all people can truly understand what a shame a bastard is for a man like that. He wasn't a bad man by any means, but it was hard for him to look at me without regret," Tryden stopped for a moment, taking in a deep breath. "But I still had my brothers and sisters, I had a family, if not the most functional one. Well, at least until I got myself messed up in the underworld of Oldtown. Spent my youth with crime lords and thugs, earning respect and gold in process. The Hightowers would've executed me when they caught me, but learning whose son I was changed their mind. So, seventeen years ago I was exiled from the Reach, and ever since that I've been here in Dorne."
"Good choice," Nealia commented dryly. "No Reachman would want to come after you if it meant coming here." Tryden nodded at her words with a little chuckle. "Aye, I will admit that was part of the reason why I chose Dorne," he replied with a relaxed tone. "Another reason was that a good and loyal friend of mine from the Oldtown years was from here," Tryden's voice turned slightly sour as he said this.
"I guess this friend is not part of the Rose Company anymore?" Nealia asked carefully, and Tryden shook his head subtly. "Joss died over ten years ago," he clarified with a grim tone on his voice.
"I'm sorry," Nealia said earnestly, and Tryden smiled thinly. "Thank you, Nealia, but I've gotten over it a long time ago," he said nonchalantly. "I hope you will meet your family again, before it's too late." With these words Tryden walked away, leaving Nealia standing alone in the twilight, Greenblood flowing calmly in front of her. I will meet them again, she decided silently.
It was early in the morning and Nealia was washing her face and hair by the river. A proper bath was what she truly needed in middle of all this heat, but she took what she could. While drying he hair, Nealia noticed Auron Gaerarys, the old Valyrian man from the White Elephant's crew, approaching her. He was holding in his hands a scuffed up leather flask, proceeding to fill it with the water from the river.
"Morning, mylady," he said with a polite tone on his smooth voice. "Good morning," Nealia replied, giving Gauron a small friendly smile. The old Valyrian kept eyeing at Nealia, stroking his long silver beard in a pondering manner. "May I ask you something?" He finally spoke up, and Nealia nodded with a raised eyebrow. "Sure, go ahead."
"Do you happen to have Valyrian blood?" He asked curiously, an enthusiastic look in his purple eyes. Nealia shook her head. "I'm afraid not," she answered politely.
"Are you sure?" Gauron kept insisting. "Your hair, and your eyes... it truly feels like I'm looking at a fellow Valyrian." Nealia chukled and shook her head again. "The silver hair and purple eyes are common amongst House Dayne," she explained calmly, which made Gauron frown slightly.
"How strange... as far as I know it isn't a common trait for the Andals, or the First Men," Gauron spoke with an intrigued tone, and Nealia gave him a shurg. "Who knows, perhaps there is some kind of link between the Daynes and Valyrians," she suggested half-heartedly, and Gauron's eyes lit up from excitement. "Yes," he said with a wide grin forming on his face. "Common ancestors, ancient Valyrians traveling around the world and settling in Westeros to establish their own kingdom... I like your thinking, mylady!"
"Well, thank you," Nealia replied with a chuckle, and Gauron gave her a respectful nod, before standing up and walking away with his freshly filled flask of water. Nealia soon stood up as well, and made her way back to the horses. Lien, Ying and Manda were already mounted on their horses and fully geared up, ready to continue the journey towards Godsgrace.
"Well, you took your time," Lien said teasingly, a smirk on her face. After making sure she had packed everything into the saddle packs, Nealia climbed on her horse and turned her gaze to Lien, Ying and Manda. "Don't keep me waiting," she quipped, and proceeded to gallop away, the rest coming shortly behind her.
A couple hours before sundown that evening, the Rose Company arrived to an old ruin of a fort, which stood on a small hill next to the river. Only the foundations of the stronghold remained, along with the remains of the sandstone wall around it. This place had to have been abandoned for centuries by now. Nealia assumed it was an old outpost of the Allyrions, or perhaps the seat of some forgotten petty kingdom that fell when the Andals came to Dorne. Nonetheless, for this night it would serve as the resting place of the Rose Company.
After taking her horse to drink from the river, Nealia wandered around the ruins of the castle. Looking silently at the base of what had once been a tower, she had to wonder if long ago right here had stood a king, thinking his family would rule these lands to the end of times. And now there was no one to remember that king, and these old ruins were all that was left of his legacy. It made Nealia picture in her mind what would Starfall look like as a ruin. Smoke rising from the fallen white towers, no Dayne left to carry on the legacy.
Suddenly Nealia noticed Lien approaching her from the left, and she turned to face her. Seeing her bright smile pushed the dark thoughts out of Nealia's mind. "How are you, my princess?" Lien asked playfully, and without waiting for an answer she proceeded to give Nealia a short and gentle kiss.
As they separated, Lien looked Nealia to the eyes. "What are you thinking?" She asked sincerely, and Nealia gave her a shrug. "Nothing... just, wondering who used to live here," she answered quietly. Lien tilted her head slightly and narrowed her eyes. "Do you miss your family?" She asked softly.
Nealia didn't answer immediately, but instead turned her eyes away. "I do," she finally said, letting out a sigh. "I... I don't think I can keep doing this forever... Sooner or later I have to go back home."
"I thought you said that life wasn't for you," Lien said calmly, and Nealia nodded. "I know, but... in Starfall I would have something stable, something lasting," she explained, turning her eyes to Lien again. "I would have a family."
"Can't we be your family?" Lien asked with a timid tone. "No," Nealia replied immediately, coming off a bit harsher than she needed to. Seeing the taken aback expression on Lien's face, Nealia quickly continued. "I'm sorry, it's just... we are soldiers, sellswords, none of us is irreplaceable. Any of us could die in any given battle, and then someone else would just take our place."
"All the more reason for us to have each other's backs," Lien insisted, making Nealia turn her gaze down with a sigh. "You are good friends. You, Ying, Manda, I suppose even Tryden. But my family is at Starfall, and that's where I belong. I'm not going anywhere yet, but I think you should know that I'm not planning to stay in this company forever."
"I understand," Lien said with a hollow tone, unable to keep a smile on her face. "I... I think I'll go see what's my sister up to," she mumbled, and Nealia gave her a nod. She felt a sting of regret as she watched Lien walk away, but deep inside she knew that being honest with her had been the right thing to do.
After a while Nealia returned to the camp herself. She saw Lien, Ying, Manda and Sarina sitting by the river. They were her friends, and that's how she wanted it to be, but going to them now after what she just said to Lien – it could be a bit awkward. Glancing at the other direction, Nealia saw Tryden chatting with Broden, White Elephant and Jinora Ling. They were probably making plans for Godsgrace, or something like that. Perhaps I should go to them instead.
[Go to Lien] I just don't want their relationship to be stranded, even if Naelia has realized she will always be a Dayne, and is nice the way she truly cares about her family.
King Perceon II and King Mern VII eh... makes me wonder who is the current Gardener King, after all, of all the Great Houses, they're one of the best recorded (most probably thanks to the Citadel being at the Reach), even if in some centuries, all that would be left of them is their name, and distant kin.
That keep possibly belonged to a First Men house, and a few are still remembered: Holt, Lake, Brownhill, Brook, Briar, Hull, any of this Houses could have owned that ruin, and were either destroyed in the generation of warfare, or in the Andal invasion.
"I'm a warrior, it's the one thing I've always been good at," Nealia said quietly, letting out a sigh. "But I will also always be … morea Dayne, in blood if not in name. I owe it to my father and brothers to carry their name in my heart, wherever I go."
Tryden nodded at her words, a small smile on his face. "That's what I expected," he stated calmly. "And I respect it, family is important to all of us. It used to be for me too, long ago." This remark made Nealia realize how little she actually knew about the past of Tryden Flowers. "And who was your family?" She asked with a cautious tone. Tryden looked slightly uncomfortable with the question, but answered nonetheless.
"My father's name was Marwyn Mullendore," he began sternly. "He was a great knight, an honored member of the Order of the Green Hand, as well as a trusted commander for both King Perceon the Second and his successor Mern the Seventh for over two decades. I imagine yo… [view original content]
Mern VII is still the King of the Reach, though he is getting pretty old by now. His son and heir is Greydon Gardener, who is actually mentioned in the canon (not in the novels IIRC, but in the World of Ice and Fire book). Anyway, the other kingdoms of Westeros won't be very relevant to this story, but it's nice to acknowledge their existence now and then
[Go to Lien] I just don't want their relationship to be stranded, even if Naelia has realized she will always be a Dayne, and is nice the wa… morey she truly cares about her family.
King Perceon II and King Mern VII eh... makes me wonder who is the current Gardener King, after all, of all the Great Houses, they're one of the best recorded (most probably thanks to the Citadel being at the Reach), even if in some centuries, all that would be left of them is their name, and distant kin.
That keep possibly belonged to a First Men house, and a few are still remembered: Holt, Lake, Brownhill, Brook, Briar, Hull, any of this Houses could have owned that ruin, and were either destroyed in the generation of warfare, or in the Andal invasion.
Huh, so Tryden is a Mullendore bastard... for some reason, I have never thought about where he comes from, so I had the same realisation as Nealia right now. And well, apparently Oldtown has been a bit of a shithole already in these times It seems like slowly, we're getting the pieces for the puzzle that is Tryden. I really hope that he and Nealia never have to fight and that the coming Martell/Dayne war ends without them meeting on opposite sides of the battle. Damn, I like that guy. At the same time, I don't want for him to become a Dayne supporter either, because Nymeria is the objectively best choice for him right now.
[Go to Lien]
Did I mention I ship it? I feel like this should be another daily reminder, because I do, in fact, ship it. They are just so... so... adorable Ah, Nealia just made things a bit awkward, so I think immediately apologizing, or at least clarifying things, that should be in order. In a different situation, I would have picked the other option, because I like Tryden a lot and also want to learn more about the White Elephant. But right now, I think this would do more harm for Nealia and Lien (they need a ship name by the way. How about Nealien?), as this one should be clarified quickly. I mean, surely, Nealia always being a Dayne at heart makes things a lot more complicated and I guess Lien does not want something complicated, but maybe there is a way. Maybe Lien can come with her? Ah, I don't know. This is really making things far more difficult for the two.
"I'm a warrior, it's the one thing I've always been good at," Nealia said quietly, letting out a sigh. "But I will also always be … morea Dayne, in blood if not in name. I owe it to my father and brothers to carry their name in my heart, wherever I go."
Tryden nodded at her words, a small smile on his face. "That's what I expected," he stated calmly. "And I respect it, family is important to all of us. It used to be for me too, long ago." This remark made Nealia realize how little she actually knew about the past of Tryden Flowers. "And who was your family?" She asked with a cautious tone. Tryden looked slightly uncomfortable with the question, but answered nonetheless.
"My father's name was Marwyn Mullendore," he began sternly. "He was a great knight, an honored member of the Order of the Green Hand, as well as a trusted commander for both King Perceon the Second and his successor Mern the Seventh for over two decades. I imagine yo… [view original content]
Huh, so Tryden is a Mullendore bastard... for some reason, I have never thought about where he comes from, so I had the same realisation as Nealia right now. And well, apparently Oldtown has been a bit of a shithole already in these times It seems like slowly, we're getting the pieces for the puzzle that is Tryden. I really hope that he and Nealia never have to fight and that the coming Martell/Dayne war ends without them meeting on opposite sides of the battle. Damn, I like that guy. At the same time, I don't want for him to become a Dayne supporter either, because Nymeria is the objectively best choice for him right now.
Heh, this is actually something I changed from Tryden's submission. You see, he was submitted as being a bastard son of a crime lord from Oldtown, but his last name being Flowers implies that he is of noble birth. So, I figured it would make more sense that he wasn't actually a son of a crime lord, but rather a noble knight's bastard who got messed up with the underworld of Oldtown. And Mullendores are fairly close to Oldtown so naturally I chose them And yeah, with Oldtown being such a big city I imagine it has always had its issues criminals. That said, the current situation there probably isn't quite as bad as it is in FoT
Did I mention I ship it? I feel like this should be another daily reminder, because I do, in fact, ship it. They are just so... so... adorable Ah, Nealia just made things a bit awkward, so I think immediately apologizing, or at least clarifying things, that should be in order. In a different situation, I would have picked the other option, because I like Tryden a lot and also want to learn more about the White Elephant. But right now, I think this would do more harm for Nealia and Lien (they need a ship name by the way. How about Nealien?), as this one should be clarified quickly. I mean, surely, Nealia always being a Dayne at heart makes things a lot more complicated and I guess Lien does not want something complicated, but maybe there is a way. Maybe Lien can come with her? Ah, I don't know. This is really making things far more difficult for the two.
Yay! I quite like Nealien myself, but Nealia did really make things a bit awkward here. If she indeed intends to go back home, that makes the whole relationship a bit complicated, so it was definitely fair of Nealia to give a heads up to Lien here, before they get too serious with this stuff. And well, perhaps Lien could come to Starfall with Nealia, she would certainly be welcomed there. However, Ying most likely would have no interest coming, so it would mean the Yu sisters would have to separate from each other, and I'm not sure if that's something Lien would be ready to do.
Huh, so Tryden is a Mullendore bastard... for some reason, I have never thought about where he comes from, so I had the same realisation as … moreNealia right now. And well, apparently Oldtown has been a bit of a shithole already in these times It seems like slowly, we're getting the pieces for the puzzle that is Tryden. I really hope that he and Nealia never have to fight and that the coming Martell/Dayne war ends without them meeting on opposite sides of the battle. Damn, I like that guy. At the same time, I don't want for him to become a Dayne supporter either, because Nymeria is the objectively best choice for him right now.
[Go to Lien]
Did I mention I ship it? I feel like this should be another daily reminder, because I do, in fact, ship it. They are just so... so... adorable Ah, Nealia just made things a bit awkward, so I think immediately apologizing, or at least clarifying things, that should be in order. In a different situation, … [view original content]
"I'm a warrior, it's the one thing I've always been good at," Nealia said quietly, letting out a sigh. "But I will also always be … morea Dayne, in blood if not in name. I owe it to my father and brothers to carry their name in my heart, wherever I go."
Tryden nodded at her words, a small smile on his face. "That's what I expected," he stated calmly. "And I respect it, family is important to all of us. It used to be for me too, long ago." This remark made Nealia realize how little she actually knew about the past of Tryden Flowers. "And who was your family?" She asked with a cautious tone. Tryden looked slightly uncomfortable with the question, but answered nonetheless.
"My father's name was Marwyn Mullendore," he began sternly. "He was a great knight, an honored member of the Order of the Green Hand, as well as a trusted commander for both King Perceon the Second and his successor Mern the Seventh for over two decades. I imagine yo… [view original content]
And I also like the alternation you made to Tryden's backstory, it just makes more sense . By giving him surname I went with the logic that someone with little more power, and in this case crimelord counts, would be proud enough to give his son a surname, even if it is a bastards one. But him being an exiled noble bastard is certainly more exciting
Btw have I mentioned that I hate the fact that = ) is : D in this forum, and : D is X D...
"I'm a warrior, it's the one thing I've always been good at," Nealia said quietly, letting out a sigh. "But I will also always be … morea Dayne, in blood if not in name. I owe it to my father and brothers to carry their name in my heart, wherever I go."
Tryden nodded at her words, a small smile on his face. "That's what I expected," he stated calmly. "And I respect it, family is important to all of us. It used to be for me too, long ago." This remark made Nealia realize how little she actually knew about the past of Tryden Flowers. "And who was your family?" She asked with a cautious tone. Tryden looked slightly uncomfortable with the question, but answered nonetheless.
"My father's name was Marwyn Mullendore," he began sternly. "He was a great knight, an honored member of the Order of the Green Hand, as well as a trusted commander for both King Perceon the Second and his successor Mern the Seventh for over two decades. I imagine yo… [view original content]
It might be a good idea for Nealia to be informed about what their plans are going to be. Plus, it would nice to see more of the white elephant's crew.
"I'm a warrior, it's the one thing I've always been good at," Nealia said quietly, letting out a sigh. "But I will also always be … morea Dayne, in blood if not in name. I owe it to my father and brothers to carry their name in my heart, wherever I go."
Tryden nodded at her words, a small smile on his face. "That's what I expected," he stated calmly. "And I respect it, family is important to all of us. It used to be for me too, long ago." This remark made Nealia realize how little she actually knew about the past of Tryden Flowers. "And who was your family?" She asked with a cautious tone. Tryden looked slightly uncomfortable with the question, but answered nonetheless.
"My father's name was Marwyn Mullendore," he began sternly. "He was a great knight, an honored member of the Order of the Green Hand, as well as a trusted commander for both King Perceon the Second and his successor Mern the Seventh for over two decades. I imagine yo… [view original content]
As much as I adore this "Nealien" ship proposed by LCT, I'm still going with [Go to Tryden]
Firstly, I think that it's not a significant decision which will re-shape their relationship completely. Secondly - I feel like they should give themselves time - it was quite breaking conversation which as we've seen haven't left doubts about Nealia's future, so it can be good to rethink it calmly for both of them. Thirdly - it may indicate highly of Nealia, if she will decide to go and discuss plans with leaders instead having a ostensibly small talk with friends. With that being said though - I'm not completely certain about this decision, so if it goes to tie, I volunteer to be the one that changes vote.
Super hyped and interested how that Nealia's storyline will go, keep that up.
"I'm a warrior, it's the one thing I've always been good at," Nealia said quietly, letting out a sigh. "But I will also always be … morea Dayne, in blood if not in name. I owe it to my father and brothers to carry their name in my heart, wherever I go."
Tryden nodded at her words, a small smile on his face. "That's what I expected," he stated calmly. "And I respect it, family is important to all of us. It used to be for me too, long ago." This remark made Nealia realize how little she actually knew about the past of Tryden Flowers. "And who was your family?" She asked with a cautious tone. Tryden looked slightly uncomfortable with the question, but answered nonetheless.
"My father's name was Marwyn Mullendore," he began sternly. "He was a great knight, an honored member of the Order of the Green Hand, as well as a trusted commander for both King Perceon the Second and his successor Mern the Seventh for over two decades. I imagine yo… [view original content]
[Go to Tryden] Great points have been brought up from both sides and I may change my vote later but admittedly I am really curious about what Tryden's plans are for Godagrace. Along with that, I also think Nealia needs to give this situation with Lien time to settle at least for the time being.
"I'm a warrior, it's the one thing I've always been good at," Nealia said quietly, letting out a sigh. "But I will also always be … morea Dayne, in blood if not in name. I owe it to my father and brothers to carry their name in my heart, wherever I go."
Tryden nodded at her words, a small smile on his face. "That's what I expected," he stated calmly. "And I respect it, family is important to all of us. It used to be for me too, long ago." This remark made Nealia realize how little she actually knew about the past of Tryden Flowers. "And who was your family?" She asked with a cautious tone. Tryden looked slightly uncomfortable with the question, but answered nonetheless.
"My father's name was Marwyn Mullendore," he began sternly. "He was a great knight, an honored member of the Order of the Green Hand, as well as a trusted commander for both King Perceon the Second and his successor Mern the Seventh for over two decades. I imagine yo… [view original content]
[Go to Tryden] I have mixed feelings here, I'd like to pick the other option in order to learn more about Sarina since I find her to be a very interesting character, but I feel like it would be more productive to learn about what are the plans for when they get to Godsgrace.
"I'm a warrior, it's the one thing I've always been good at," Nealia said quietly, letting out a sigh. "But I will also always be … morea Dayne, in blood if not in name. I owe it to my father and brothers to carry their name in my heart, wherever I go."
Tryden nodded at her words, a small smile on his face. "That's what I expected," he stated calmly. "And I respect it, family is important to all of us. It used to be for me too, long ago." This remark made Nealia realize how little she actually knew about the past of Tryden Flowers. "And who was your family?" She asked with a cautious tone. Tryden looked slightly uncomfortable with the question, but answered nonetheless.
"My father's name was Marwyn Mullendore," he began sternly. "He was a great knight, an honored member of the Order of the Green Hand, as well as a trusted commander for both King Perceon the Second and his successor Mern the Seventh for over two decades. I imagine yo… [view original content]
And Nealia will go to Tryden. Well, this gives me an opportunity to show a bit more of the White Elephant and Jinora Ling, as well as reveal Tryden's plans for Godsgrace.
Next up we'll have a Dianna part. Last time, she left Lemonwood, still as a captive of Bjorn Harlaw's Ironborn crew. Dianna tried to convince them to join forces with Nymeria, but instead Bjorn decided he would take advantage of the war, and raid the villages on the shores of Brimstone. As they set sail, Dianna had a little conversation with Roryn and Hilsgurd Drumm on board of the Sea Reaper. In the end Roryn asked Dianna whom does she really serve, and you voted for her to answer Nymeria. Anyway, I hope to get the part done tomorrow
And this time I have two portraits for you, Lien Yu and Ying Yu:
Voting is closed!
And Nealia will go to Tryden. Well, this gives me an opportunity to show a bit more of the White Elephant and Jinora Li… moreng, as well as reveal Tryden's plans for Godsgrace.
Next up we'll have a Dianna part. Last time, she left Lemonwood, still as a captive of Bjorn Harlaw's Ironborn crew. Dianna tried to convince them to join forces with Nymeria, but instead Bjorn decided he would take advantage of the war, and raid the villages on the shores of Brimstone. As they set sail, Dianna had a little conversation with Roryn and Hilsgurd Drumm on board of the Sea Reaper. In the end Roryn asked Dianna whom does she really serve, and you voted for her to answer Nymeria. Anyway, I hope to get the part done tomorrow
And this time I have two portraits for you, Lien Yu and Ying Yu:
"I serve Princess Nymeria," Dianna answered Roryn Drumm's question with a stern and decisive tone on his voice. The young Ironborn raider flashed her a cold smirk. "Well, at least you're honest about it," he said dryly, a cold and threatening gaze in his eyes.
"Loyalty is an admirable feature, mylady," Hilsgurd Drumm joined the conversation again with his calm and relaxed tone. "However, I advise you to put the past behind, and concentrate on the future. Serve Bjorn well, and he will treat you fairly."
"I don't intend to be his slave forever," Dianna hissed, which made Roryn chuckle coldly. "Why haven't you done something about it already then, huh?" He asked sharply. Dianna wanted nothing more but to attack this man, but she kept her composure and stayed silent. "That's right, keep your mouth shut," Roryn said with a sly smirk forming on his face. "And remember, if you try to escape, I'll split your skull myself."
Dianna ignored Roryn's words and turned her eyes away, focusing her gaze on the sea ahead of them. If she ever wished to save herself and Lysera, she needed to remain calm, and strong.
Slowly Dianna opened her eyes. She felt the waves gently rocking the ship beneath, and saw the sun shining brightly on the clear blue sky. It made her want to turn away and pull the woolen rug she had used as a blanket over her head. Perhaps she would've even done it, if the rug didn't smell like piss. Raising to a sitting position, Dianna felt her back aching. Longships weren't exactly the most pleasant places to sleep in.
"Well, look who's awake," the calm and deep voice of Bjorn Harlaw said. Dianna turned her squinted eyes to the captain of the Sea Reaper, too tired even reply. "Your first time sailing?"
"Not exactly," Dianna said dryly. "We were on the seas for years after escaping from the Rhoyne, trying to find a new home."
"What exactly happened to your homeland?" Bjorn asked, eyeing at the rocky coast on the right of them as he spoke. "Dragons happened," Dianna answered bluntly, and now Bjorn turned his eyes to her, a focused gaze on them.
"I've heard many stories about the dragonlords of Valyria," he said quietly. "In one of those stories an Ironborn king gathered a fleet of thousand ships, the strongest armada the world had ever seen. First he sailed to Lannisport, emptied the city from gold and silver, and stole all the beautiful maidens. All the greenlanders could do was to watch and hope the iron king would soon leave them in peace. Then he did the same to Oldtown, and once again the greenlanders were helpless against his mighty fleet. His hunger grew, and he sailed further. It is said he sacked ten more cities, before finally arriving to the greatest he had ever seen. Dark towers tall enough to touch the clouds, each of them holding more treasures than any city in Westeros."
"He had arrived to Valyria," Dianna concluded, and Bjorn nodded. "Convinced of the unstoppable power of his massive fleet, he attacked," he said with a subtle smirk forming on his face. "Hundreds of dragons flew from the dark towers, burning every last ship to ashes, and with them the iron king."
"And do you believe this story to be true?" Dianna asked, and Bjorn shook his head. "There might be some truth to it, but most likely it's an exaggeration, a combination of the stories of several iron kings," he explained with a cynical tone. "But the reason they still tell this story in the Iron Islands, is to warn anyone too brave or foolish from sailing against the dragonlords."
"I have seen the dragons," Dianna said grimly, which clearly sparked an interest in Bjorn's eyes. "I have seen my fellow Rhoynar being burned alive by their flames. I would say they are wise to tell that story where you come from... Dragons are the absolute tool of terror, and I fear one day they will rule over us all. I can only hope it won't happen during my time on this world."
"It must have been a terrifying thing to witness," Bjorn said with stern empathy in his voice. "I am sorry, no one deserves to experience something like that."
"Never expected empathy from you," Dianna remarked with a cynical tone, and Bjorn chuckled quietly. "War and violence is inevitable, it's in the nature of the men all over the world, and I can embrace it," he said proudly. "However, the Valyrians and their dragons... I see no pride in flying above your enemies like a coward, and killing them without even looking them to the eyes. The Valyrians like to play gods, but if they ever fly their dragons near the Iron Islands, I hope the Drowned God will rise from his halls and pull them down under the waves."
"Our gods tried to protect us from them, it didn't help," Dianna said bitterly. "The water wizards summoned the power of Mother Rhoyne against the Valyrians and their beasts, and it worked well enough when they were facing three dragons. However, no gods could save them when three hundred dragons came to claim the Rhoyne under their rule. And now there are hardly any water wizards left, all of them separated from their gods."
"These water wizards, they are some kind of priests, right?" Bjorn asked with a genuinely curious tone, and Dianna nodded. "Yes, kind of," she said with a sigh. "It's all based on ancient knowledge, passed down through centuries from masters to their apprentices, who would later take their own apprentices. They go through years of training, and from every ten new students who try to master the art, only one succeeds. Those who don't learn to harness the magic either return to their old lives, or dedicate their lives to serving Mother Rhoyne in other ways. But all of that is in the past now, the temples are burned down, and the masters ash in the wind, obliterated by the dragons."
Bjorn remained silent for a moment, a pondering gaze in his eyes. "I can see why you respect your princess, for leading her people away from the dragons, finding a new home," he said calmly. These words truly surprised Dianna, she had not expected Bjorn of all people to understand what made so many of the surviving Rhoynar so loyal to Princess Nymeria. "Yet you refuse to work with her," she stated coldly, and Bjorn gave her a firm nod.
"I have my way of doing things, and I know bloody well it doesn't go together well with the ways of the greenlander folk," he responded nonchalantly. "In the end, your princess is a greenlander, and I am an Ironborn raiding the lands she aspires to rule. Hopefully we will never have to meet each other." With these words Bjorn turned away from Dianna, leaving her alone at the bow of the ship, staring at the rocky coast of Dorne.
"I serve Princess Nymeria," Dianna answered Roryn Drumm's question with a stern and decisive tone on his voice. The young Ironborn… more raider flashed her a cold smirk. "Well, at least you're honest about it," he said dryly, a cold and threatening gaze in his eyes.
"Loyalty is an admirable feature, mylady," Hilsgurd Drumm joined the conversation again with his calm and relaxed tone. "However, I advise you to put the past behind, and concentrate on the future. Serve Bjorn well, and he will treat you fairly."
"I don't intend to be his slave forever," Dianna hissed, which made Roryn chuckle coldly. "Why haven't you done something about it already then, huh?" He asked sharply. Dianna wanted nothing more but to attack this man, but she kept her composure and stayed silent. "That's right, keep your mouth shut," Roryn said with a sly smirk forming on his face. "And remember, if you try to escape, I'll split your skull myself."
Dianna i… [view original content]
Hm, this was a very interesting discussion between Dianna and Bjorn there. And it actually gave me a particular idea how this could end well for both. Bjorn is a smart man for sure. He is also relatively simple in his motivations, all he wants is riches without having duties to anyone but himself. So, wealth and freedom, very relatable actually. He seems to respect Dianna and also Nymeria. Maybe they can ultimately reach an agreement. I doubt Bjorn has any interest in ever provoking Nymeria's wrath, knowing that this would likely mean the end for his little group of raiders. So, maybe he can eventually be convinced to see reason. Letting Dianna go and leaving Dorne behind, meaning she gets to be free and he gets to leave in peace and with the things he has gained so far. A mutually beneficial agreement that would be. The only problem would be Lysera, because I doubt she can be freed through such a way and I doubt Dianna can fool Bjorn without provoking him. Affable or not, he still is a dangerous man and any kind of agreement they may reach must be considered carefully. I guess one wrong move and things can get really hairy there, even if things are currently rather calm for Dianna. I doubt it'll stay that way though. For now, I think Roryn is a bigger problem here, he lacks the respect Bjorn has been showing, as well as most of his restraint.
"I serve Princess Nymeria," Dianna answered Roryn Drumm's question with a stern and decisive tone on his voice. The young Ironborn… more raider flashed her a cold smirk. "Well, at least you're honest about it," he said dryly, a cold and threatening gaze in his eyes.
"Loyalty is an admirable feature, mylady," Hilsgurd Drumm joined the conversation again with his calm and relaxed tone. "However, I advise you to put the past behind, and concentrate on the future. Serve Bjorn well, and he will treat you fairly."
"I don't intend to be his slave forever," Dianna hissed, which made Roryn chuckle coldly. "Why haven't you done something about it already then, huh?" He asked sharply. Dianna wanted nothing more but to attack this man, but she kept her composure and stayed silent. "That's right, keep your mouth shut," Roryn said with a sly smirk forming on his face. "And remember, if you try to escape, I'll split your skull myself."
Dianna i… [view original content]
"No," Nymeria said bluntly. "I do not accept your proposal." Esperence looked at her, and for a moment Nymeria could see surprise and confusion taking over the young lady's usually so confident expression. In a couple seconds Esperence managed to regain her composure enough to speak up again. "You... Um, may is ask why, Your Grace?" She asked, forcing a smile on her face, even if her tone clearly revealed her frustration.
"I've known you for two days, Lady Esperence," Nymeria responded sharply. "I appreciate your support for the cause, and I gladly accept your service as a vassal of the Principality. However, I do not trust you enough to tie our houses together by marriage. Trust like that has to be earned, and so far all I've seen from you is that you are fully capable of turning against your own family."
"I did it for you, Your Grace," Esperence insisted. "For the greater good of Dorne."
"I truly want to believe that, mylady," Nymeria said coldly. "However, for now you could've done all this just for your own gain. If you truly believe in my cause, you will get plenty of opportunities to prove it. And perhaps one day there will be enough trust between us, that I can reconsider your proposal." A tense silence followed the Princess' words, and she could see Esperence was struggling to come up with something to convince Nymeria to change her mind. In the end, she gave up and just nodded to her.
"I understand, Your Grace," she muttered, a humiliated look in her blue eyes. "I will prove my worth to you, my princess and prince. I promise."
"I'm looking forward to it," Nymeria replied calmly. "You're dismissed, Lady Allyrion." Esperence bowed once more, before walking out of the council chamber. Nymeria took in deep breath, and Mors walked quietly next to her.
"Bold move, my love," he said with a neutral tone on his voice, and Nymeria turned her eyes to him. "You would've accepted her proposal," she stated sternly, and Mors let out a small chuckle.
"I may have," he admitted with a relaxed tone, grabbing Nymeria's hand softly as he arrived next to her. "However, you probably did the right thing here. Lady Esperence may feel humiliated now, but she will work twice as hard to earn your approval."
"Or she will work twice as hard to undermine me," Nymeria concluded cynically, which made Mors grin. "I doubt it," he said confidently. "You are the foundation of her power. Without you she'll be alone and surrounded by enemies." Nymeria nodded quietly at her husband's words, wanting to believe them.
"Do you think Jaran would've accepted her proposal?" She asked quietly, and Mors shrugged. "Jaran is a hard man to read, even for me," he said with a sigh. "He is a smart man, believe it or not. When we were young he always enjoyed reading and writing, more than anything else. The small library of Sandship was never quite enough for him, but our father refused to let him go to the Citadel. So, when Lord Myles died five years ago, I said to Jaran after the funeral that he could go now if he wanted. However, he had changed his mind about it, saying he'd rather keep his freedom. As I said, Jaran has always been smart, he has just lacked... ambition. So, an opportunity to marry a powerful lady and rule over Godsgrace beside her? I'm not sure how exactly would he have reacted to that."
"I guess we'll never know," Nymeria said dryly, which brought a smirk on Mors face. "Maybe we will, maybe we won't. Who knows what tomorrow brings," he replied with a calm and soothing tone on his voice. Nymeria smiled, looking the prince to the eyes, and proceeding to hug him. No matter how much stress and trouble this war would bring, she could trust that with Mors she would always feel safe and happy.
Nymeria walked hastily through the corridors of Godsgrace, the golden sunset shining in from the windows, and Ser Boran and Anaba dutifully escorting her. It was getting late, but there was one more conversation the Princess wanted to have today. Calmly she approached the door guarded by two lightly armored warriors, a man and a woman.
"What do you want?" The man asked harshly, but the woman nudged him on the shoulder with a cold glare. "Edric, this is the Princess," she hissed, before turning her gaze to Nymeria and smiling. "I am sorry for my brothers lack of manners, Your Grace," she chirped. "I am Lia, and this is my brother Edric. I assume you've come to meet Master Edd?"
"Indeed, there is something I need to talk to him about," Nymeria answered sternly, and Lia gave her a humble bow. "Just a moment, my princess," she said smoothly, as she opened the door and slipped in, leaving Nymeria and her guards alone in the corridor with Edric, who did his best to avoid any eye contact.
Quickly Lia stepped back outside, now keeping the door open. "Master Edd is honored by your visit," she said, and Nymeria glanced at her guards. "Wait outside," she simply said, before walking into the quarters of Edd Prally, and closing the door behind her.
Edd Prally sat in a relaxed position behind his desk, an open window right next to him. On the desk was an opened bottle of wine, and not much else. "Your Grace," Edd greeted Nymeria, gesturing for her to take the seat opposed to him, and so she did.
"Lovely quarters," Nymeria complimented dryly, and Edd nodded. "I agree," he said smoothly. "Surely too good for a blacksmith's son," he added with a smirk.
"A blacksmith's son, huh? I'm glad to learn more of you, Edd Prally," Nymeria replied, and the spymaster nodded once again. "Hopefully you'll learn to know me very well in the years to come. I meant what I said earlier, we share the same goal, and I intend to do everything I can to see you unite Dorne."
"I'm honoured by your dedication, master Prally, and I hope you will prove to be a man of your word," Nymeria replied, taking in a deep breath. "However, right now I have a few questions for you."
"And hopefully I have the answers," Edd quipped, taking a gulp from his wine. "Go ahead, my princess, ask what you need to ask."
"It's about Esperence," Nymeria said strictly, and the expression on Edd's face turned slightly more serious. "It's clear she took over Godsgrace with your help. Supporting me strengthens her claim on the lordship of this city, I understand that, but I need to know more about her in order to truly trust her."
"Ah, Lady Esperence... she is quite resourceful for her young age," Edd stated, eyeing at Nymeria as he spoke. "You are correct though – it was my resources that enabled her rise to power. However, since I want to be completely honest with you, I must admit you don't know the full truth of the situation."
"What do you mean?" Nymeria asked strictly, and Edd took a moment before answering. "Esperence's cousin, Emerson Allyrion, is technically the one with the strongest claim on the lordship of Godsgrace," he explained, and Nymeria narrowed her eyes.
"Emerson? The one allied with the Jordaynes?" She asked, and Edd nodded. "Indeed," he confirmed with a sigh. "The original plan was to turn him against Lord Morgan as well, and make him bend the knee to you. We thought it would be easy, considering the fact that Morgan had lied to Emerson about his true heritage for years, bringing him up as a bastard, rather than as the son and heir of the late Lord Mason Allyrion. However, for whatever reason in the end Emerson decided to side against Esperence, against you."
Nymeria turned her gaze down, and stayed silent for a moment. "So, now I have to support the usurper instead of the rightful heir," she finally said, the words leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.
"Emerson is the rightful heir to Godsgrace, that is true," Edd admitted quietly. "Just like Lucifer Dryland is the rightful King of Brimstone, or Yorick Yronwood is the rightful King of Yronwood. You are here to conquer, Princess Nymeria, and to achieve your goal you will have to push many men away from their rightful place."
"I am aware of that," Nymeria said strictly. "Anyway, I am thankful for your honesty at least," she added with a sigh, to which Edd smiled softly. "Did you have any more questions, Your Grace?" He asked with a polite tone, and Nymeria shook her head, standing up. "No, this will do for now," she muttered as she walked towards the door. "See you tomorrow, master Prally."
It was early in the morning, and Prince Mors was down on the courtyard with his squire Cason Bloodspill and Lady Esperence. They were giving their farewells to Albar Ladybright and Martyn Santagar, who were about to lead their forces to Lemonwood to defeat Efran Sand. Nymeria observed this all from the walls, Nesea guarding her. Nesea was the youngest of the royal guard, with no real experience from battle, which meant General Varyn had chosen her purely based on her skills.
"So, what do you think about Godsgrace, Nesea?" Nymeria asked with a relaxed tone. From the corner of her eye she noticed the surprised expression on the young guard's face – clearly she hadn't expected the princess to speak to her. Nymeria trusted Varyn with his choices, but still, she wanted to know those who guarded her life a little better.
"It's a pretty town, Your Grace," the girl answered after a moment of hesitation, keeping her tone strictly formal. Nymeria nodded, flashing a warm smile for Nesea. "Indeed, small and pretty," the princess said with a small sigh. "Not much compared to the beautiful cities of Rhoyne, but perhaps one day it could be. Do you miss Rhoyne, Nesea?"
"I... I was fifteen when we left, Your Grace," Nesea begun with some uncertainty in her words. "I was supposed to start my training in the water temple of Sar Mell soon, but then the news came to our village – the whole city had been burned to the ground by the dragons. That's when we packed all we could carry and begun our travel north. First we came to Chroyane, but we didn't stay long, as it was said the dragons would come soon. So, we continued, until we heard that you were gathering a fleet to escape from the Rhoyne." Nesea paused for a moment, grief in her eyes. "As we traveled towards Ny Sar, sailing up the Rhoyne with our little boat, all I could think of was that all the beautiful towns and cities we passed would soon be in ashes, the whole culture of Rhoynar wiped from this world."
"And is your family now in Sandship?" Nymeria asked gently, and Nesea shook her head with a gulp. "No, Your Grace, I was the only one who survived the voyage, my mother and brothers died in Sothoryos," she said, her voice slightly shivering. Nymeria put a hand on her shoulder. "I am sorry to hear this, Nesea," she said with a soothing tone. "I hope one day you'll find a new family here in Dorne. This is our home now, and no one will burn it down."
Nesea nodded hastily, as Nymeria removed her hand from the guard's shoulder. "My princess, there is something I'd want to ask," Nesea said with a timid tone, and Nymeria nodded. "Go ahead," she encouraged the girl.
"Are you fighting this war for the Rhoynar, or for the Dornish?" Nesea asked tensely, to which Nymeria raised her eyebrow. The truth was that she fought this war for both – to build a new home for the Rhoynar, and to unite the Dornish under one banner. However, perhaps what this girl needed to hear now was not the truth, but rather assurance that Nymeria still cared for her own people.
Hehehe, Nym knocking down Esperence a bit has been very satisfying to read. Surely a good choice we made there. It didn't even occur to me that we make her more determined to prove herself to Nymeria and House Martell with this, but it seems something good comes out of this even beyond Esperence learning that her manipulations have their limits, especially when dealing with actual royalty. It was also interesting to learn something more about Jaran. So, he is lacking ambition, huh? That is not a bad trait for a younger brother to have, nor for the husband of a ruling lady and it would have made him a perfect candidate for a wife as ruthlessly ambitious as Esperence, who wouldn't have to fear him meddling with her general rulership over Godsgrace. I wonder if that played a role in her decision to make this proposal. I wonder if Mors is right with this assumption though. I always took him as one with good people skills and we are talking about his brother here, the one he should know the best. So, maybe Jaran is indeed not involved in the conspiracy, as I have feared earlier, but only time will tell, I suppose. Anyways, I am glad we have not married him off to that snake Esperence. If he really just wants to have a peaceful, quiet life of studies, he does not deserve to be thrown to that bitch and if he's secretly evil, their alliance could have been terrifying for Nym's plans.
[For the Rhoynar]
I mean, Nym has said it herself, she is fighting this war for both, but truth be told, at heart she is always fighting it more for the Rhoynar, to give them a new home, to unite Dorne under her banner, to make sure her people don't die out, to make sure she herself won't be forgotten. It is commendable that she keeps the conquered or submitting dornish in such high regards, but I doubt Nesea wants to hear this. No, I presume she wants to hear that Nym has not forgotten the people that have been with her from the very beginning, even now that she is getting powerful allies in the native dornishmen, such as Esperence. Nym herself has brought up this thought, so yeah, let her say what makes Nesea happy. After all, it can't possibly be too far removed from the truth either.
"No," Nymeria said bluntly. "I do not accept your proposal." Esperence looked at her, and for a moment Nymeria could see surprise… more and confusion taking over the young lady's usually so confident expression. In a couple seconds Esperence managed to regain her composure enough to speak up again. "You... Um, may is ask why, Your Grace?" She asked, forcing a smile on her face, even if her tone clearly revealed her frustration.
"I've known you for two days, Lady Esperence," Nymeria responded sharply. "I appreciate your support for the cause, and I gladly accept your service as a vassal of the Principality. However, I do not trust you enough to tie our houses together by marriage. Trust like that has to be earned, and so far all I've seen from you is that you are fully capable of turning against your own family."
"I did it for you, Your Grace," Esperence insisted. "For the greater good of Dorne."
"I truly want to believe that, my… [view original content]
"No," Nymeria said bluntly. "I do not accept your proposal." Esperence looked at her, and for a moment Nymeria could see surprise… more and confusion taking over the young lady's usually so confident expression. In a couple seconds Esperence managed to regain her composure enough to speak up again. "You... Um, may is ask why, Your Grace?" She asked, forcing a smile on her face, even if her tone clearly revealed her frustration.
"I've known you for two days, Lady Esperence," Nymeria responded sharply. "I appreciate your support for the cause, and I gladly accept your service as a vassal of the Principality. However, I do not trust you enough to tie our houses together by marriage. Trust like that has to be earned, and so far all I've seen from you is that you are fully capable of turning against your own family."
"I did it for you, Your Grace," Esperence insisted. "For the greater good of Dorne."
"I truly want to believe that, my… [view original content]
[For both] While the Dornish won't know it, living under one ruler will be beneficial in the long term, especially against outside threats and we know each house in this region has a purpose.
Ironically, like how the Targaryen dynasty was beneficial for Westeros as a whole, Nymeria's unification will be beneficial not only to the Rhoynar, but to the Dornish as well.
There's one thing Edd is right, she doesn't have any rightful claim to rule Dorne, but now House Martell has grown in manpower and influence, and will use them to remove Kings from their thrones.
"No," Nymeria said bluntly. "I do not accept your proposal." Esperence looked at her, and for a moment Nymeria could see surprise… more and confusion taking over the young lady's usually so confident expression. In a couple seconds Esperence managed to regain her composure enough to speak up again. "You... Um, may is ask why, Your Grace?" She asked, forcing a smile on her face, even if her tone clearly revealed her frustration.
"I've known you for two days, Lady Esperence," Nymeria responded sharply. "I appreciate your support for the cause, and I gladly accept your service as a vassal of the Principality. However, I do not trust you enough to tie our houses together by marriage. Trust like that has to be earned, and so far all I've seen from you is that you are fully capable of turning against your own family."
"I did it for you, Your Grace," Esperence insisted. "For the greater good of Dorne."
"I truly want to believe that, my… [view original content]
"No," Nymeria said bluntly. "I do not accept your proposal." Esperence looked at her, and for a moment Nymeria could see surprise… more and confusion taking over the young lady's usually so confident expression. In a couple seconds Esperence managed to regain her composure enough to speak up again. "You... Um, may is ask why, Your Grace?" She asked, forcing a smile on her face, even if her tone clearly revealed her frustration.
"I've known you for two days, Lady Esperence," Nymeria responded sharply. "I appreciate your support for the cause, and I gladly accept your service as a vassal of the Principality. However, I do not trust you enough to tie our houses together by marriage. Trust like that has to be earned, and so far all I've seen from you is that you are fully capable of turning against your own family."
"I did it for you, Your Grace," Esperence insisted. "For the greater good of Dorne."
"I truly want to believe that, my… [view original content]
Hehehe, Nym knocking down Esperence a bit has been very satisfying to read. Surely a good choice we made there. It didn't even occur to me that we make her more determined to prove herself to Nymeria and House Martell with this, but it seems something good comes out of this even beyond Esperence learning that her manipulations have their limits, especially when dealing with actual royalty.
Heh, it was certainly satisfying to write as well Especially because I didn't originally expect to get to write it, since I thought you'd choose to accept the proposal. Anyway, it was definitely refreshing to show a bit of weakness in Esperence, after her massive win streak so far in the story. And of course, it's always nice to write Nymeria being strong and decisive.
It was also interesting to learn something more about Jaran. So, he is lacking ambition, huh? That is not a bad trait for a younger brother to have, nor for the husband of a ruling lady and it would have made him a perfect candidate for a wife as ruthlessly ambitious as Esperence, who wouldn't have to fear him meddling with her general rulership over Godsgrace. I wonder if that played a role in her decision to make this proposal. I wonder if Mors is right with this assumption though. I always took him as one with good people skills and we are talking about his brother here, the one he should know the best. So, maybe Jaran is indeed not involved in the conspiracy, as I have feared earlier, but only time will tell, I suppose. Anyways, I am glad we have not married him off to that snake Esperence. If he really just wants to have a peaceful, quiet life of studies, he does not deserve to be thrown to that bitch and if he's secretly evil, their alliance could have been terrifying for Nym's plans.
Yeah, we can safely assume Mors knows his brother pretty well, even if he admits Jaran is hard to read sometimes. He did aspire to become a maester when he was younger, which would suggest he isn't really the power hungry type, even if he did eventually decide to stay in Sandship instead of going to the Citadel. Mors and Jaran are similar in that they are both calm and more thinkers than fighters, but whereas Mors is very socially outgoing, Jaran is more of an introvert. And you're right, Jaran would've been the perfect choice for Esperence - she'd get a strong connection to the royal family, without having to worry about her husband overriding her rule.
Hehehe, Nym knocking down Esperence a bit has been very satisfying to read. Surely a good choice we made there. It didn't even occur to me t… morehat we make her more determined to prove herself to Nymeria and House Martell with this, but it seems something good comes out of this even beyond Esperence learning that her manipulations have their limits, especially when dealing with actual royalty. It was also interesting to learn something more about Jaran. So, he is lacking ambition, huh? That is not a bad trait for a younger brother to have, nor for the husband of a ruling lady and it would have made him a perfect candidate for a wife as ruthlessly ambitious as Esperence, who wouldn't have to fear him meddling with her general rulership over Godsgrace. I wonder if that played a role in her decision to make this proposal. I wonder if Mors is right with this assumption though. I always took him as one with good people skills and we are talking about … [view original content]
Heh, it was certainly satisfying to write as well Especially because I didn't originally expect to get to write it, since I thought you'd choose to accept the proposal. Anyway, it was definitely refreshing to show a bit of weakness in Esperence, after her massive win streak so far in the story. And of course, it's always nice to write Nymeria being strong and decisive.
You thought we'd give that two-faced bitch more power? Hah, we do have a talent to surprise you with our votes, it seems Though I was pretty sure this option would win when I casted my vote, can't see anyone being truly fond of her and the pragmatic reasons for giving her more power are rather few as well. Good thing Nym stood up to her, the last thing we need is another scheming thorn in her side, even if I doubt Esperence would ever make a move against her. After all, her position as Lady of Godsgrace stands and falls with Nymeria's victory, since she can only be head of House Allyrion by Rhoynar law. And well, one thing I just had to think about is this: Even from a pragmatic standpoint, Jaran is Nymeria's biggest asset when it comes to a marriage alliance, the sole available ticket into the new ruling family of Dorne. Giving him to someone who already is more or less forced to be loyal, with a house that is already mostly loyal, this would give her nothing. Esperence would still support her, if maybe out of more than just necessity, but the men loyal to Emerson wouldn't be any more willing to lay down their arms and the ones following Esperence wouldn't be any more loyal, I suppose. Offering Jaran's hand in marriage and therefore blood ties to the royal family could be a good way to convince an enemy lord to support House Martell, a crucial asset if used in the right moment, but that right there simply wasn't the right moment.
Yeah, we can safely assume Mors knows his brother pretty well, even if he admits Jaran is hard to read sometimes. He did aspire to become a maester when he was younger, which would suggest he isn't really the power hungry type, even if he did eventually decide to stay in Sandship instead of going to the Citadel. Mors and Jaran are similar in that they are both calm and more thinkers than fighters, but whereas Mors is very socially outgoing, Jaran is more of an introvert. And you're right, Jaran would've been the perfect choice for Esperence - she'd get a strong connection to the royal family, without having to worry about her husband overriding her rule.
Huh, now that is interesting. It really appears Jaran deserves better than to be thrown at some woman that would only use him for her own schemes and manipulations. I mean, no doubt he would have been the perfect choice for Esperence, but if he is truly this laid-back, scholarly and apparently quite decent guy, she is among the worst choices for him. That makes me wonder though, with Jaran off the table, whom will Esperence next try to get her hands on? She needs allies and a husband from a powerful family could provide this, even if none could give her the kind of power that a marriage into House Martell could have given her.
Hehehe, Nym knocking down Esperence a bit has been very satisfying to read. Surely a good choice we made there. It didn't even occur to me t… morehat we make her more determined to prove herself to Nymeria and House Martell with this, but it seems something good comes out of this even beyond Esperence learning that her manipulations have their limits, especially when dealing with actual royalty.
Heh, it was certainly satisfying to write as well Especially because I didn't originally expect to get to write it, since I thought you'd choose to accept the proposal. Anyway, it was definitely refreshing to show a bit of weakness in Esperence, after her massive win streak so far in the story. And of course, it's always nice to write Nymeria being strong and decisive.
It was also interesting to learn something more about Jaran. So, he is lacking ambition, huh? That is not a bad trait for a younger brother to have, nor for the husband of a ru… [view original content]
While Nymeria is fighting it for both to some extent, I still see her fighting it moreso for her own people at this particular stage. Like Liquid said this war is a way to preserve her people to make sure they don't die out and define her own legacy in a way as well. As noble as Nymeria's goals are, I definitely see there being selfishness being behind it too. Plus with Nymeria now adding new Dornish allies, I can definitely see Nesea feeling like the Rhoynar might be taking a back seat so to say so I feel this choice may ease her worries a bit.
Oh and by the way, seeing Esperence get put in her place was very satisfying to read! Plus with Nymeria finding the truth out about Emerson's real status, it will be interesting to see if that plays a role in Nymeria's relationship with Esperence moving forward.
"No," Nymeria said bluntly. "I do not accept your proposal." Esperence looked at her, and for a moment Nymeria could see surprise… more and confusion taking over the young lady's usually so confident expression. In a couple seconds Esperence managed to regain her composure enough to speak up again. "You... Um, may is ask why, Your Grace?" She asked, forcing a smile on her face, even if her tone clearly revealed her frustration.
"I've known you for two days, Lady Esperence," Nymeria responded sharply. "I appreciate your support for the cause, and I gladly accept your service as a vassal of the Principality. However, I do not trust you enough to tie our houses together by marriage. Trust like that has to be earned, and so far all I've seen from you is that you are fully capable of turning against your own family."
"I did it for you, Your Grace," Esperence insisted. "For the greater good of Dorne."
"I truly want to believe that, my… [view original content]
[For both] I feel like if this was truly for the Rhoynar only, I think Nymeria would rather conquer everything under the Rhoynar (though she would undoubtdely be crushed if she faced all of Dorne alone) instead of trying unify the land.
"No," Nymeria said bluntly. "I do not accept your proposal." Esperence looked at her, and for a moment Nymeria could see surprise… more and confusion taking over the young lady's usually so confident expression. In a couple seconds Esperence managed to regain her composure enough to speak up again. "You... Um, may is ask why, Your Grace?" She asked, forcing a smile on her face, even if her tone clearly revealed her frustration.
"I've known you for two days, Lady Esperence," Nymeria responded sharply. "I appreciate your support for the cause, and I gladly accept your service as a vassal of the Principality. However, I do not trust you enough to tie our houses together by marriage. Trust like that has to be earned, and so far all I've seen from you is that you are fully capable of turning against your own family."
"I did it for you, Your Grace," Esperence insisted. "For the greater good of Dorne."
"I truly want to believe that, my… [view original content]
And Nymeria will tell Nesea that she is fighting this war for both, the Rhoynar and the Dornish. We'll see in her next part how exactly will Nesea react. Some of you brought up that in her heart Nymeria will always be fighting primarily for the Rhoynar, and that is true to some extent, but the longer this war continues the more she will start to see the Dornishmen just as much as her own people as the Rhoynar.
And the next part will be Emerson PoV. Last time we saw him, he begun his travel with Lord Terren and Yoren, making their way from the Tor towards Yronwood. They arrived to a small town close to the Tor and decided to spend the night there in a tavern. As Terren took his leave to go pass water, Emerson and Yoren had a little chat, and Yoren ended up asking what did Emerson plan to do to his cousin when he would take back Godsgrace. You voted for him to answer that he'd execute Esperence as a traitor. I might get the part done today, but if not, then it's tomorrow
And here is a portrait of Nesea from Nymeria's royal guard:
"I will take no pleasure in killing my kin, but the truth is that Esperence has committed a treason," Emerson said grimly, gazing at the table as he spoke. "So, if the day ever comes that I take my rightful place as the Lord of Godsgrace, Esperence will have to pay for her crimes with her life." The words left a bitter and uncomfortable taste in Emerson's mouth. Treason was punishable by death, such were the laws of gods and men, but it still felt wrong. Emerson gulped down the rest of his ale, and Yoren Jordayne gave him a small nod, a subtle smile on his face.
"I don't envy you, pal," he said dryly, taking a gulp of his ale and frowning again at the poor taste. "Let's hope King Yorick can help deliver Esperence the justice she deserves."
Before Emerson could answer, he noticed Lord Terren walking back to the table. The Lord of the Tor took his place on the seat between his son and Emerson, letting out a sigh as he sat down. "So, boys, do you know any goods songs?"
"You can't be serious," Yoren said with a chuckle. "You're not even drunk, you've hardly drank anything yet." Terren grinned and shook his head. "I'm not a drunk singer, son, you should know that," he said with a light-hearted tone. "No, I like songs because of the stories they tell."
"Well, I only remember the words to Lusty Lad and Dornishman's Wife," Yoren said lazily, to which Terren shook his head. "No, no, we need something more poetic than that," he said, turning to look at Emerson now. "Do you know any songs?"
"Oh... um, well, I think I remember most of the words to the Song of the Seven," Emerson mumbled, which made Terren let out a hearty laughter. "Well, we certainly aren't going to sing pious lullabies in a tavern," he said amusedly, and Emerson smirked.
"How about we just don't sing at all," Yoren said bluntly, and his father frowned. "Don't be such a dullard, son," Terren said, taking a small sip from his ale. "Anyway, I actually know a good song, it's called "Viper and the Princess". It tells a story about a Dornish prince who smuggles himself into Storm's End, and steals the Storm King's daughter under his nose," the lord explained with a grin on his face, and now Yoren frowned. "How is that any more poetic that Lusty Lad or Dornishman's Wife?" He asked, to which his father sighed deeply.
"It's a story about how cunning can overcome power," Terren explained with a touch of frustration in his words, but Yoren just shook his head. "Sounds more like a story about how to get yourself killed," he muttered.
No songs were sung that evening, instead the father and son of the Tor kept arguing about the meanings of the songs, and Emerson much preferred it that way.
Emerson, Terren and Yoren had followed the road away from the coast, and into the desert. It was still several hours to sundown, when they saw the sandstone fort that stood on a valley between the dunes. Right next to the fort was a large oasis, surrounded by gardens and groves. "Wells," Terren stated calmly, as they observed it from afar. There were no great towers in the modest keep of House Wells, but the walls around their precious oasis were tall and sturdy, making sure no one got in without paying their toll.
However, as Emerson, Yoren and Terren approached the gates, they were opened without questions, as the Wells were already waiting for their guests. The first thing they saw as they rode in was the magnificent oasis itself, with all the greenery around it from colourful flowers to all kinds of ripe fruits. Next to the oasis was also a small marketplace, where several traveling merchants had parked their caravans. However, Terren led them right past the marketplace, going around the oasis and its gardens, and arriving to a lower sandstone wall, which separated the keep from the oasis. The small gates of this wall were also open, and the guards welcomed Lord Terren and his companions in with respectful bows.
And there, in front of the small keep, waited the noble family of the Wells. Terren, Yoren and Emerson dismounted their horses and gave them for the stable boys, before approaching the Wells. In the middle stood whom Emerson could only assume was the lord - a short and plump man on his late forties, dressed in flamboyant silk clothes of light blue and yellow. His black hair was receding, and around his mouth was a short and well maintained beard.
Next to the lord stood the lady, who towered her companion almost by a foot. She had a slender build, perfectly complimented by her turquoise silk dress. The lady's long hair was blonde, her eyes were bright green, and her skin was of fairer tone than the lord's. Next to the lady stood a younger woman, probably on her early twenties. While she had the slender build and sandy blonde hair of her mother, the younger lady was still quite the stark contrast to the older woman next to her. She had her father's tanned skin and amber eyes, but even more noticeably she was dressed more like a warrior than a lady, in tanned leathers and cotton, and carried a short sword on her hip.
Next to the lord stood a young man, about the same age as the girl next to the lady. He also had the blonde hair of his mother, though he also had her green eyes and fair skin. He was dressed rather simply, the sigil of the Wells decorating the chest of his dark blue tunic. Next to him was one more man, this one a bit older, perhaps on his mid-twenties. He had clearly inherited his looks from his father, being shorter than both of his siblings, and sporting a short black hair.
"Lord Jordayne, what a pleasure to see you again," Lord Wells greeted with a cheerful tone, as he gave Terren a brotherly hug. "A pleasure indeed, Lord Olyvar," Terren replied as they separated. "I bring with me my younger son, Yoren Jordayne, as well as Emerson Allyrion, the rightful heir to Godsgrace."
"Yes, I received your message," Olyvar Wells said with an enthusiastic tone on his voice. "What interesting times we live, my friend. Right as we speak, Lord Warryn Wyl's heir marches towards Kingsgrave with the full power of Wyl behind him. And now this... the Bloodroyal will be pleased," Olyvar's gaze shifted from Terren to Emerson as he spoke.
"Indeed, but we can speak more of that later," Terren said hastily, and Olyvar gave him an understanding nod. "I forget my manners," he said with a chuckle, turning to Emerson. "I am Lord Olyvar Wells, and here is my beautiful wife, Lady Mina, cousin of King Yorick himself, and mother to all my four children," he introduced with a formal tone on his voice. "My second son Theodore serves in Yorick's guard, but the rest are here," Lord Olyvar gestured at the ones around him.
"I am Ser Andar, heir to the Wells," the young man with the dark hair introduced himself calmly, glancing at his blonde brother as he finished. "And I am Leo Wells, third son of Lord Olyvar" the younger brother said with a polite and respectful tone.
"I am Lena Wells, mylords," the young woman spoke up lastly, shifting her gaze to Yoren. "I believe your son remembers me quite well, Lord Terren, since I made him kiss the dust the last time he was here."
"That was six years ago," Yoren muttered sternly, and Lena flashed him a cold smirk. "We can do it again, if you want," she quipped with a deadpan tone, but now Lord Olyvar stepped between them. "Alright, enough of that!" He bellowed with a subtle grin on his face. "Come on now, let's go inside, the dinner will be ready soon."
The dinner table of the Wells was filled with Dornish wines, all kinds of fruits and vegetables from olives to blood oranges and peppers, grilled snake, honeyed lamb, and lemon cakes for dessert. Emerson sat next to Yoren and Leo, and opposed to Terren and Olyvar. He stayed mostly quiet, listening to Yoren and Leo talk about some old tourney in Yronwood, while Terren and Olyvar talked about how Blackmonts and Fowlers were currently besieging Kingsgrave.
As they moved on to the desserts, the conversation finally turned to Emerson again, as Olyvar Wells spoke up to him. "So, Emerson Allyrion... troubling news and rumours from Godsgrace have come to my ears recently," the lord said with a sigh. "Daughter of the lord betraying her family, a foreign invader marching to conquer. I am glad to see at least one Allyrion can still see reason. King Yorick is a just man, he will help you take your rightful place."
"I'm glad to hear that, mylord," Emerson responded politely, which made Olyvar grin warmly. However, it was his daughter Lena who spoke up next. "So your claim is stronger than your cousin's, huh?" She asked with an almost offensive tone, and Emerson nodded calmly. "And so, you deserve to rule Godsgrace even if your cousin is better suited for the role?" She asked now, to which Emerson raised an eyebrow.
"Excuse me mylady, but who says my cousin is any better suited for ruling Godsgrace than me?" Emerson asked, keeping his voice as calm as he could, which made Lena let out a dry chuckle. "Well, clearly she's done a better job taking control of the city," she remarked sharply. "Anyway, just tell me, do you really think having the strongest claim makes for the best ruler?"
"Lena," Lord Olyvar muttered with an irritated tone, but the girl just shrugged dismissingly. "It's just a question, father, let the boy answer," she said sternly, glaring at Emerson as she spoke.
"I will take no pleasure in killing my kin, but the truth is that Esperence has committed a treason," Emerson said grimly, gazing… more at the table as he spoke. "So, if the day ever comes that I take my rightful place as the Lord of Godsgrace, Esperence will have to pay for her crimes with her life." The words left a bitter and uncomfortable taste in Emerson's mouth. Treason was punishable by death, such were the laws of gods and men, but it still felt wrong. Emerson gulped down the rest of his ale, and Yoren Jordayne gave him a small nod, a subtle smile on his face.
"I don't envy you, pal," he said dryly, taking a gulp of his ale and frowning again at the poor taste. "Let's hope King Yorick can help deliver Esperence the justice she deserves."
Before Emerson could answer, he noticed Lord Terren walking back to the table. The Lord of the Tor took his place on the seat between his son and Emerson, letting out a sigh as he sat down.… [view original content]
[No] Not that I'm ditching Emerson here, but she has a point, although he has the rightful claim, he never seemed too ambitious, and now Esperence is doing the ruling in Nymeria's name, so while Emerson may not like what she's implying, it will put him to think what to do if he becomes Lord of Godsgrace.
So this confirms House Wyl of Wyl is going to attack Kingsgrave heh, this puts the Blackmont and Caron forces still there in a huge risk, and I doubt Yorick will give Albin amiable terms.
"I will take no pleasure in killing my kin, but the truth is that Esperence has committed a treason," Emerson said grimly, gazing… more at the table as he spoke. "So, if the day ever comes that I take my rightful place as the Lord of Godsgrace, Esperence will have to pay for her crimes with her life." The words left a bitter and uncomfortable taste in Emerson's mouth. Treason was punishable by death, such were the laws of gods and men, but it still felt wrong. Emerson gulped down the rest of his ale, and Yoren Jordayne gave him a small nod, a subtle smile on his face.
"I don't envy you, pal," he said dryly, taking a gulp of his ale and frowning again at the poor taste. "Let's hope King Yorick can help deliver Esperence the justice she deserves."
Before Emerson could answer, he noticed Lord Terren walking back to the table. The Lord of the Tor took his place on the seat between his son and Emerson, letting out a sigh as he sat down.… [view original content]
A true ruler is so much more than the one with the strongest claim. A strong claim is one thing that is important, yes, but this is not always for the best. An ideal ruler should be capable, compassionate, with a lot of foresight, out for the best of their people, with wisdom from the gutter and a high education to match. Just having a strong claim does not suffice. See Nymeria for example, who has absolutely no claim for Dorne and yet she is more capable than the King Jerk of Brimstone, Albin the Mad, the largely apathetic Benedict and probably that arrogant warmonger Yorick, with the only kings I see as similarly capable being Garrison and Vorian. Of course, a claim is a thing that can help, but those that show enough of these other important traits will always beat a claim alone. Of course, I don't see Esperence as being out for anyone but herself, even if she is undeniably capable. Emerson is right in wanting to reclaim his birthright, but if he truly believes his claim alone will suffice, he is mistaken. This is a lot of hard work and ultimately, he has to earn Godsgrace.
Anyways, nice part! I am always debating if we made the right choice for Emerson, but one thing is for sure, we made a very interesting one, allowing him to interact with plenty great characters. I particularly like Lena in this part, seems she's a good one.
"I will take no pleasure in killing my kin, but the truth is that Esperence has committed a treason," Emerson said grimly, gazing… more at the table as he spoke. "So, if the day ever comes that I take my rightful place as the Lord of Godsgrace, Esperence will have to pay for her crimes with her life." The words left a bitter and uncomfortable taste in Emerson's mouth. Treason was punishable by death, such were the laws of gods and men, but it still felt wrong. Emerson gulped down the rest of his ale, and Yoren Jordayne gave him a small nod, a subtle smile on his face.
"I don't envy you, pal," he said dryly, taking a gulp of his ale and frowning again at the poor taste. "Let's hope King Yorick can help deliver Esperence the justice she deserves."
Before Emerson could answer, he noticed Lord Terren walking back to the table. The Lord of the Tor took his place on the seat between his son and Emerson, letting out a sigh as he sat down.… [view original content]
Indeed, the heir to Wyl marches towards Kingsgrave by the orders of King Yorick, and we are sure to see the consequences of that fairly soon The Blackmonts (and the few Carons) there are in for a terrifying surprise, which will pretty likely end the siege. And you're right, Yorick is not going to save Albin without in the process making him his bitch, so to speak.
[No] Not that I'm ditching Emerson here, but she has a point, although he has the rightful claim, he never seemed too ambitious, and now Esp… moreerence is doing the ruling in Nymeria's name, so while Emerson may not like what she's implying, it will put him to think what to do if he becomes Lord of Godsgrace.
So this confirms House Wyl of Wyl is going to attack Kingsgrave heh, this puts the Blackmont and Caron forces still there in a huge risk, and I doubt Yorick will give Albin amiable terms.
A true ruler is so much more than the one with the strongest claim. A strong claim is one thing that is important, yes, but this is not always for the best. An ideal ruler should be capable, compassionate, with a lot of foresight, out for the best of their people, with wisdom from the gutter and a high education to match. Just having a strong claim does not suffice.
Aye, I agree, and most likely Emerson does as well. The reason there even is the option to say "yes, strong claim makes a good ruler" or simply refuse to answer, is because this is quite clearly a loaded question from Lena, with the implication that perhaps Emerson doesn't deserve to rule Godsgrace. Of course, if (and when) the option to answer "no, strong claim doesn't make a good ruler" wins, obviously Emerson will also defend himself.
Anyways, nice part! I am always debating if we made the right choice for Emerson, but one thing is for sure, we made a very interesting one, allowing him to interact with plenty great characters. I particularly like Lena in this part, seems she's a good one.
Yeah, there are definitely positives and negatives for both routes. In Godsgrace Emerson would've had to deal with Esprence's manipulations, and the fact that he would've just been the figurehead for her power. This route on the other hand makes Emerson dependant on these new allies he hardly even knows, most importantly of course Yorick Yronwood, who surely won't help him without pushing his own agenda in the process. Anyway, glad to hear you're enjoying this storyline and the characters in it
A true ruler is so much more than the one with the strongest claim. A strong claim is one thing that is important, yes, but this is … morenot always for the best. An ideal ruler should be capable, compassionate, with a lot of foresight, out for the best of their people, with wisdom from the gutter and a high education to match. Just having a strong claim does not suffice. See Nymeria for example, who has absolutely no claim for Dorne and yet she is more capable than the King Jerk of Brimstone, Albin the Mad, the largely apathetic Benedict and probably that arrogant warmonger Yorick, with the only kings I see as similarly capable being Garrison and Vorian. Of course, a claim is a thing that can help, but those that show enough of these other important traits will always beat a claim alone. Of course, I don't see Esperence as being out for anyone but herself, even if she is undeniably capable. Emerson is right in wanting to reclaim his birthr… [view original content]
[No] It is pretty clear here that Lena is trying to get under Emerson's skin here and while I hate to have Emerson agree validate her statement, I do feel that Emerson would definitely be humble enough to say this and knowing that he will defend himself when he says this, it makes the choice easier.
On a side note though, it sounds like the Blackmont's and the few Caron's there may be in for a rude awakening when the Wyl's get to Kingsgrave which brings the question, how powerful are the Wyl's anyhow? I know they are Yorick's bannerman but from what we've gathered from the story so far, they are very powerful in their own right especially if they are considered a threat to an entire kingdom's army like the Blackmont's. It has been mentioned earlier though that the Blackmont's have struggled with deserters but even still, it sounds like Kingsgrave is going to be getting very interesting very soon, not that it isn't already. Matter of fact, it has been arguably the most action packed place in the story
"I will take no pleasure in killing my kin, but the truth is that Esperence has committed a treason," Emerson said grimly, gazing… more at the table as he spoke. "So, if the day ever comes that I take my rightful place as the Lord of Godsgrace, Esperence will have to pay for her crimes with her life." The words left a bitter and uncomfortable taste in Emerson's mouth. Treason was punishable by death, such were the laws of gods and men, but it still felt wrong. Emerson gulped down the rest of his ale, and Yoren Jordayne gave him a small nod, a subtle smile on his face.
"I don't envy you, pal," he said dryly, taking a gulp of his ale and frowning again at the poor taste. "Let's hope King Yorick can help deliver Esperence the justice she deserves."
Before Emerson could answer, he noticed Lord Terren walking back to the table. The Lord of the Tor took his place on the seat between his son and Emerson, letting out a sigh as he sat down.… [view original content]
[Go to the Oracle]
[Go to the Oracle]
Yes, I'm really happy and excited that their finally being introduced! I was beginning to think that they wouldn't be introduced, until the next book.
[Go to the Oracle]
[Go to the Oracle]
I think this could be a pretty interesting scene plus we would get to learn more about these characters! Man I must say though I had not even thought about all of these septons being affiliated with one another. I assumed they were all a septon for the different kings in the story. Man, I was way off
Voting is closed!
And Ortheg will go to the Oracle. Well, this will certainly make for an interesting part, revealing us more about these mysterious septons and septas. Also, it will most likely have some kind of effect on Ortheg. He may not be the most zealous person, but he does believe in the Seven, so supposedly receiving messages straight from the gods will certainly be an impactful experience for him.
Anyway, the next part will be a Nealia PoV. In her latest part, the Rose Company left Lemonwood, heading towards Godsgrace to find a new contract. As the company camped up by the Greenblood for the night, Nealia chatted with Manda, Lien, Ying and Sarina Tyrosos. However, Tryden wanted to have a word with her as well, seemingly concerned for her well being, and warning her that the life of a sellsword wouldn't be easy. In the end he asked which was more important for her, being a sellsword or being a Dayne, and you voted for her to answer Dayne. That is where we will continue, and I'll try to get the part done today.
Here's a new portrait, Oracle Cyrenna:
You did a good job on the portrait.
"I'm a warrior, it's the one thing I've always been good at," Nealia said quietly, letting out a sigh. "But I will also always be a Dayne, in blood if not in name. I owe it to my father and brothers to carry their name in my heart, wherever I go."
Tryden nodded at her words, a small smile on his face. "That's what I expected," he stated calmly. "And I respect it, family is important to all of us. It used to be for me too, long ago." This remark made Nealia realize how little she actually knew about the past of Tryden Flowers. "And who was your family?" She asked with a cautious tone. Tryden looked slightly uncomfortable with the question, but answered nonetheless.
"My father's name was Marwyn Mullendore," he began sternly. "He was a great knight, an honored member of the Order of the Green Hand, as well as a trusted commander for both King Perceon the Second and his successor Mern the Seventh for over two decades. I imagine you of all people can truly understand what a shame a bastard is for a man like that. He wasn't a bad man by any means, but it was hard for him to look at me without regret," Tryden stopped for a moment, taking in a deep breath. "But I still had my brothers and sisters, I had a family, if not the most functional one. Well, at least until I got myself messed up in the underworld of Oldtown. Spent my youth with crime lords and thugs, earning respect and gold in process. The Hightowers would've executed me when they caught me, but learning whose son I was changed their mind. So, seventeen years ago I was exiled from the Reach, and ever since that I've been here in Dorne."
"Good choice," Nealia commented dryly. "No Reachman would want to come after you if it meant coming here." Tryden nodded at her words with a little chuckle. "Aye, I will admit that was part of the reason why I chose Dorne," he replied with a relaxed tone. "Another reason was that a good and loyal friend of mine from the Oldtown years was from here," Tryden's voice turned slightly sour as he said this.
"I guess this friend is not part of the Rose Company anymore?" Nealia asked carefully, and Tryden shook his head subtly. "Joss died over ten years ago," he clarified with a grim tone on his voice.
"I'm sorry," Nealia said earnestly, and Tryden smiled thinly. "Thank you, Nealia, but I've gotten over it a long time ago," he said nonchalantly. "I hope you will meet your family again, before it's too late." With these words Tryden walked away, leaving Nealia standing alone in the twilight, Greenblood flowing calmly in front of her. I will meet them again, she decided silently.
It was early in the morning and Nealia was washing her face and hair by the river. A proper bath was what she truly needed in middle of all this heat, but she took what she could. While drying he hair, Nealia noticed Auron Gaerarys, the old Valyrian man from the White Elephant's crew, approaching her. He was holding in his hands a scuffed up leather flask, proceeding to fill it with the water from the river.
"Morning, mylady," he said with a polite tone on his smooth voice. "Good morning," Nealia replied, giving Gauron a small friendly smile. The old Valyrian kept eyeing at Nealia, stroking his long silver beard in a pondering manner. "May I ask you something?" He finally spoke up, and Nealia nodded with a raised eyebrow. "Sure, go ahead."
"Do you happen to have Valyrian blood?" He asked curiously, an enthusiastic look in his purple eyes. Nealia shook her head. "I'm afraid not," she answered politely.
"Are you sure?" Gauron kept insisting. "Your hair, and your eyes... it truly feels like I'm looking at a fellow Valyrian." Nealia chukled and shook her head again. "The silver hair and purple eyes are common amongst House Dayne," she explained calmly, which made Gauron frown slightly.
"How strange... as far as I know it isn't a common trait for the Andals, or the First Men," Gauron spoke with an intrigued tone, and Nealia gave him a shurg. "Who knows, perhaps there is some kind of link between the Daynes and Valyrians," she suggested half-heartedly, and Gauron's eyes lit up from excitement. "Yes," he said with a wide grin forming on his face. "Common ancestors, ancient Valyrians traveling around the world and settling in Westeros to establish their own kingdom... I like your thinking, mylady!"
"Well, thank you," Nealia replied with a chuckle, and Gauron gave her a respectful nod, before standing up and walking away with his freshly filled flask of water. Nealia soon stood up as well, and made her way back to the horses. Lien, Ying and Manda were already mounted on their horses and fully geared up, ready to continue the journey towards Godsgrace.
"Well, you took your time," Lien said teasingly, a smirk on her face. After making sure she had packed everything into the saddle packs, Nealia climbed on her horse and turned her gaze to Lien, Ying and Manda. "Don't keep me waiting," she quipped, and proceeded to gallop away, the rest coming shortly behind her.
A couple hours before sundown that evening, the Rose Company arrived to an old ruin of a fort, which stood on a small hill next to the river. Only the foundations of the stronghold remained, along with the remains of the sandstone wall around it. This place had to have been abandoned for centuries by now. Nealia assumed it was an old outpost of the Allyrions, or perhaps the seat of some forgotten petty kingdom that fell when the Andals came to Dorne. Nonetheless, for this night it would serve as the resting place of the Rose Company.
After taking her horse to drink from the river, Nealia wandered around the ruins of the castle. Looking silently at the base of what had once been a tower, she had to wonder if long ago right here had stood a king, thinking his family would rule these lands to the end of times. And now there was no one to remember that king, and these old ruins were all that was left of his legacy. It made Nealia picture in her mind what would Starfall look like as a ruin. Smoke rising from the fallen white towers, no Dayne left to carry on the legacy.
Suddenly Nealia noticed Lien approaching her from the left, and she turned to face her. Seeing her bright smile pushed the dark thoughts out of Nealia's mind. "How are you, my princess?" Lien asked playfully, and without waiting for an answer she proceeded to give Nealia a short and gentle kiss.
As they separated, Lien looked Nealia to the eyes. "What are you thinking?" She asked sincerely, and Nealia gave her a shrug. "Nothing... just, wondering who used to live here," she answered quietly. Lien tilted her head slightly and narrowed her eyes. "Do you miss your family?" She asked softly.
Nealia didn't answer immediately, but instead turned her eyes away. "I do," she finally said, letting out a sigh. "I... I don't think I can keep doing this forever... Sooner or later I have to go back home."
"I thought you said that life wasn't for you," Lien said calmly, and Nealia nodded. "I know, but... in Starfall I would have something stable, something lasting," she explained, turning her eyes to Lien again. "I would have a family."
"Can't we be your family?" Lien asked with a timid tone. "No," Nealia replied immediately, coming off a bit harsher than she needed to. Seeing the taken aback expression on Lien's face, Nealia quickly continued. "I'm sorry, it's just... we are soldiers, sellswords, none of us is irreplaceable. Any of us could die in any given battle, and then someone else would just take our place."
"All the more reason for us to have each other's backs," Lien insisted, making Nealia turn her gaze down with a sigh. "You are good friends. You, Ying, Manda, I suppose even Tryden. But my family is at Starfall, and that's where I belong. I'm not going anywhere yet, but I think you should know that I'm not planning to stay in this company forever."
"I understand," Lien said with a hollow tone, unable to keep a smile on her face. "I... I think I'll go see what's my sister up to," she mumbled, and Nealia gave her a nod. She felt a sting of regret as she watched Lien walk away, but deep inside she knew that being honest with her had been the right thing to do.
After a while Nealia returned to the camp herself. She saw Lien, Ying, Manda and Sarina sitting by the river. They were her friends, and that's how she wanted it to be, but going to them now after what she just said to Lien – it could be a bit awkward. Glancing at the other direction, Nealia saw Tryden chatting with Broden, White Elephant and Jinora Ling. They were probably making plans for Godsgrace, or something like that. Perhaps I should go to them instead.
[Go to Lien] [Go to Tryden]
[Go to Lien] I just don't want their relationship to be stranded, even if Naelia has realized she will always be a Dayne, and is nice the way she truly cares about her family.
King Perceon II and King Mern VII eh... makes me wonder who is the current Gardener King, after all, of all the Great Houses, they're one of the best recorded (most probably thanks to the Citadel being at the Reach), even if in some centuries, all that would be left of them is their name, and distant kin.
That keep possibly belonged to a First Men house, and a few are still remembered: Holt, Lake, Brownhill, Brook, Briar, Hull, any of this Houses could have owned that ruin, and were either destroyed in the generation of warfare, or in the Andal invasion.
Mern VII is still the King of the Reach, though he is getting pretty old by now. His son and heir is Greydon Gardener, who is actually mentioned in the canon (not in the novels IIRC, but in the World of Ice and Fire book). Anyway, the other kingdoms of Westeros won't be very relevant to this story, but it's nice to acknowledge their existence now and then
Huh, so Tryden is a Mullendore bastard... for some reason, I have never thought about where he comes from, so I had the same realisation as Nealia right now. And well, apparently Oldtown has been a bit of a shithole already in these times
It seems like slowly, we're getting the pieces for the puzzle that is Tryden. I really hope that he and Nealia never have to fight and that the coming Martell/Dayne war ends without them meeting on opposite sides of the battle. Damn, I like that guy. At the same time, I don't want for him to become a Dayne supporter either, because Nymeria is the objectively best choice for him right now.
[Go to Lien]
Did I mention I ship it? I feel like this should be another daily reminder, because I do, in fact, ship it. They are just so... so... adorable
Ah, Nealia just made things a bit awkward, so I think immediately apologizing, or at least clarifying things, that should be in order. In a different situation, I would have picked the other option, because I like Tryden a lot and also want to learn more about the White Elephant. But right now, I think this would do more harm for Nealia and Lien (they need a ship name by the way. How about Nealien?), as this one should be clarified quickly. I mean, surely, Nealia always being a Dayne at heart makes things a lot more complicated and I guess Lien does not want something complicated, but maybe there is a way. Maybe Lien can come with her? Ah, I don't know. This is really making things far more difficult for the two.
Heh, this is actually something I changed from Tryden's submission. You see, he was submitted as being a bastard son of a crime lord from Oldtown, but his last name being Flowers implies that he is of noble birth. So, I figured it would make more sense that he wasn't actually a son of a crime lord, but rather a noble knight's bastard who got messed up with the underworld of Oldtown. And Mullendores are fairly close to Oldtown so naturally I chose them
And yeah, with Oldtown being such a big city I imagine it has always had its issues criminals. That said, the current situation there probably isn't quite as bad as it is in FoT 
I quite like Nealien myself, but Nealia did really make things a bit awkward here. If she indeed intends to go back home, that makes the whole relationship a bit complicated, so it was definitely fair of Nealia to give a heads up to Lien here, before they get too serious with this stuff. And well, perhaps Lien could come to Starfall with Nealia, she would certainly be welcomed there. However, Ying most likely would have no interest coming, so it would mean the Yu sisters would have to separate from each other, and I'm not sure if that's something Lien would be ready to do.
[Go to Lien]
[Go to Tryden] I like hearing about plans
And I also like the alternation you made to Tryden's backstory, it just makes more sense
. By giving him surname I went with the logic that someone with little more power, and in this case crimelord counts, would be proud enough to give his son a surname, even if it is a bastards one. But him being an exiled noble bastard is certainly more exciting 
Btw have I mentioned that I hate the fact that = ) is : D in this forum, and : D is X D...
[Go to Tryden]
It might be a good idea for Nealia to be informed about what their plans are going to be. Plus, it would nice to see more of the white elephant's crew.
As much as I adore this "Nealien" ship proposed by LCT, I'm still going with [Go to Tryden]
Firstly, I think that it's not a significant decision which will re-shape their relationship completely. Secondly - I feel like they should give themselves time - it was quite breaking conversation which as we've seen haven't left doubts about Nealia's future, so it can be good to rethink it calmly for both of them. Thirdly - it may indicate highly of Nealia, if she will decide to go and discuss plans with leaders instead having a ostensibly small talk with friends. With that being said though - I'm not completely certain about this decision, so if it goes to tie, I volunteer to be the one that changes vote.
Super hyped and interested how that Nealia's storyline will go, keep that up.
[Go to Tryden] Great points have been brought up from both sides and I may change my vote later but admittedly I am really curious about what Tryden's plans are for Godagrace. Along with that, I also think Nealia needs to give this situation with Lien time to settle at least for the time being.
[Go to Tryden] I have mixed feelings here, I'd like to pick the other option in order to learn more about Sarina since I find her to be a very interesting character, but I feel like it would be more productive to learn about what are the plans for when they get to Godsgrace.
Voting is closed!
And Nealia will go to Tryden. Well, this gives me an opportunity to show a bit more of the White Elephant and Jinora Ling, as well as reveal Tryden's plans for Godsgrace.
Next up we'll have a Dianna part. Last time, she left Lemonwood, still as a captive of Bjorn Harlaw's Ironborn crew. Dianna tried to convince them to join forces with Nymeria, but instead Bjorn decided he would take advantage of the war, and raid the villages on the shores of Brimstone. As they set sail, Dianna had a little conversation with Roryn and Hilsgurd Drumm on board of the Sea Reaper. In the end Roryn asked Dianna whom does she really serve, and you voted for her to answer Nymeria. Anyway, I hope to get the part done tomorrow
And this time I have two portraits for you, Lien Yu and Ying Yu:
Wow, they do look foreign and it makes them stand out from the Andals, First Men, Rhoynar and Valyrians from the rest of the cast.
"I serve Princess Nymeria," Dianna answered Roryn Drumm's question with a stern and decisive tone on his voice. The young Ironborn raider flashed her a cold smirk. "Well, at least you're honest about it," he said dryly, a cold and threatening gaze in his eyes.
"Loyalty is an admirable feature, mylady," Hilsgurd Drumm joined the conversation again with his calm and relaxed tone. "However, I advise you to put the past behind, and concentrate on the future. Serve Bjorn well, and he will treat you fairly."
"I don't intend to be his slave forever," Dianna hissed, which made Roryn chuckle coldly. "Why haven't you done something about it already then, huh?" He asked sharply. Dianna wanted nothing more but to attack this man, but she kept her composure and stayed silent. "That's right, keep your mouth shut," Roryn said with a sly smirk forming on his face. "And remember, if you try to escape, I'll split your skull myself."
Dianna ignored Roryn's words and turned her eyes away, focusing her gaze on the sea ahead of them. If she ever wished to save herself and Lysera, she needed to remain calm, and strong.
Slowly Dianna opened her eyes. She felt the waves gently rocking the ship beneath, and saw the sun shining brightly on the clear blue sky. It made her want to turn away and pull the woolen rug she had used as a blanket over her head. Perhaps she would've even done it, if the rug didn't smell like piss. Raising to a sitting position, Dianna felt her back aching. Longships weren't exactly the most pleasant places to sleep in.
"Well, look who's awake," the calm and deep voice of Bjorn Harlaw said. Dianna turned her squinted eyes to the captain of the Sea Reaper, too tired even reply. "Your first time sailing?"
"Not exactly," Dianna said dryly. "We were on the seas for years after escaping from the Rhoyne, trying to find a new home."
"What exactly happened to your homeland?" Bjorn asked, eyeing at the rocky coast on the right of them as he spoke. "Dragons happened," Dianna answered bluntly, and now Bjorn turned his eyes to her, a focused gaze on them.
"I've heard many stories about the dragonlords of Valyria," he said quietly. "In one of those stories an Ironborn king gathered a fleet of thousand ships, the strongest armada the world had ever seen. First he sailed to Lannisport, emptied the city from gold and silver, and stole all the beautiful maidens. All the greenlanders could do was to watch and hope the iron king would soon leave them in peace. Then he did the same to Oldtown, and once again the greenlanders were helpless against his mighty fleet. His hunger grew, and he sailed further. It is said he sacked ten more cities, before finally arriving to the greatest he had ever seen. Dark towers tall enough to touch the clouds, each of them holding more treasures than any city in Westeros."
"He had arrived to Valyria," Dianna concluded, and Bjorn nodded. "Convinced of the unstoppable power of his massive fleet, he attacked," he said with a subtle smirk forming on his face. "Hundreds of dragons flew from the dark towers, burning every last ship to ashes, and with them the iron king."
"And do you believe this story to be true?" Dianna asked, and Bjorn shook his head. "There might be some truth to it, but most likely it's an exaggeration, a combination of the stories of several iron kings," he explained with a cynical tone. "But the reason they still tell this story in the Iron Islands, is to warn anyone too brave or foolish from sailing against the dragonlords."
"I have seen the dragons," Dianna said grimly, which clearly sparked an interest in Bjorn's eyes. "I have seen my fellow Rhoynar being burned alive by their flames. I would say they are wise to tell that story where you come from... Dragons are the absolute tool of terror, and I fear one day they will rule over us all. I can only hope it won't happen during my time on this world."
"It must have been a terrifying thing to witness," Bjorn said with stern empathy in his voice. "I am sorry, no one deserves to experience something like that."
"Never expected empathy from you," Dianna remarked with a cynical tone, and Bjorn chuckled quietly. "War and violence is inevitable, it's in the nature of the men all over the world, and I can embrace it," he said proudly. "However, the Valyrians and their dragons... I see no pride in flying above your enemies like a coward, and killing them without even looking them to the eyes. The Valyrians like to play gods, but if they ever fly their dragons near the Iron Islands, I hope the Drowned God will rise from his halls and pull them down under the waves."
"Our gods tried to protect us from them, it didn't help," Dianna said bitterly. "The water wizards summoned the power of Mother Rhoyne against the Valyrians and their beasts, and it worked well enough when they were facing three dragons. However, no gods could save them when three hundred dragons came to claim the Rhoyne under their rule. And now there are hardly any water wizards left, all of them separated from their gods."
"These water wizards, they are some kind of priests, right?" Bjorn asked with a genuinely curious tone, and Dianna nodded. "Yes, kind of," she said with a sigh. "It's all based on ancient knowledge, passed down through centuries from masters to their apprentices, who would later take their own apprentices. They go through years of training, and from every ten new students who try to master the art, only one succeeds. Those who don't learn to harness the magic either return to their old lives, or dedicate their lives to serving Mother Rhoyne in other ways. But all of that is in the past now, the temples are burned down, and the masters ash in the wind, obliterated by the dragons."
Bjorn remained silent for a moment, a pondering gaze in his eyes. "I can see why you respect your princess, for leading her people away from the dragons, finding a new home," he said calmly. These words truly surprised Dianna, she had not expected Bjorn of all people to understand what made so many of the surviving Rhoynar so loyal to Princess Nymeria. "Yet you refuse to work with her," she stated coldly, and Bjorn gave her a firm nod.
"I have my way of doing things, and I know bloody well it doesn't go together well with the ways of the greenlander folk," he responded nonchalantly. "In the end, your princess is a greenlander, and I am an Ironborn raiding the lands she aspires to rule. Hopefully we will never have to meet each other." With these words Bjorn turned away from Dianna, leaving her alone at the bow of the ship, staring at the rocky coast of Dorne.
No decision.
We all know what Dianna said was true, and the rest of Westeros was fortunate dragons never reached more than 25 in the prime of the Targaryens.
Hm, this was a very interesting discussion between Dianna and Bjorn there. And it actually gave me a particular idea how this could end well for both. Bjorn is a smart man for sure. He is also relatively simple in his motivations, all he wants is riches without having duties to anyone but himself. So, wealth and freedom, very relatable actually. He seems to respect Dianna and also Nymeria. Maybe they can ultimately reach an agreement. I doubt Bjorn has any interest in ever provoking Nymeria's wrath, knowing that this would likely mean the end for his little group of raiders. So, maybe he can eventually be convinced to see reason. Letting Dianna go and leaving Dorne behind, meaning she gets to be free and he gets to leave in peace and with the things he has gained so far. A mutually beneficial agreement that would be. The only problem would be Lysera, because I doubt she can be freed through such a way and I doubt Dianna can fool Bjorn without provoking him. Affable or not, he still is a dangerous man and any kind of agreement they may reach must be considered carefully. I guess one wrong move and things can get really hairy there, even if things are currently rather calm for Dianna. I doubt it'll stay that way though. For now, I think Roryn is a bigger problem here, he lacks the respect Bjorn has been showing, as well as most of his restraint.
"No," Nymeria said bluntly. "I do not accept your proposal." Esperence looked at her, and for a moment Nymeria could see surprise and confusion taking over the young lady's usually so confident expression. In a couple seconds Esperence managed to regain her composure enough to speak up again. "You... Um, may is ask why, Your Grace?" She asked, forcing a smile on her face, even if her tone clearly revealed her frustration.
"I've known you for two days, Lady Esperence," Nymeria responded sharply. "I appreciate your support for the cause, and I gladly accept your service as a vassal of the Principality. However, I do not trust you enough to tie our houses together by marriage. Trust like that has to be earned, and so far all I've seen from you is that you are fully capable of turning against your own family."
"I did it for you, Your Grace," Esperence insisted. "For the greater good of Dorne."
"I truly want to believe that, mylady," Nymeria said coldly. "However, for now you could've done all this just for your own gain. If you truly believe in my cause, you will get plenty of opportunities to prove it. And perhaps one day there will be enough trust between us, that I can reconsider your proposal." A tense silence followed the Princess' words, and she could see Esperence was struggling to come up with something to convince Nymeria to change her mind. In the end, she gave up and just nodded to her.
"I understand, Your Grace," she muttered, a humiliated look in her blue eyes. "I will prove my worth to you, my princess and prince. I promise."
"I'm looking forward to it," Nymeria replied calmly. "You're dismissed, Lady Allyrion." Esperence bowed once more, before walking out of the council chamber. Nymeria took in deep breath, and Mors walked quietly next to her.
"Bold move, my love," he said with a neutral tone on his voice, and Nymeria turned her eyes to him. "You would've accepted her proposal," she stated sternly, and Mors let out a small chuckle.
"I may have," he admitted with a relaxed tone, grabbing Nymeria's hand softly as he arrived next to her. "However, you probably did the right thing here. Lady Esperence may feel humiliated now, but she will work twice as hard to earn your approval."
"Or she will work twice as hard to undermine me," Nymeria concluded cynically, which made Mors grin. "I doubt it," he said confidently. "You are the foundation of her power. Without you she'll be alone and surrounded by enemies." Nymeria nodded quietly at her husband's words, wanting to believe them.
"Do you think Jaran would've accepted her proposal?" She asked quietly, and Mors shrugged. "Jaran is a hard man to read, even for me," he said with a sigh. "He is a smart man, believe it or not. When we were young he always enjoyed reading and writing, more than anything else. The small library of Sandship was never quite enough for him, but our father refused to let him go to the Citadel. So, when Lord Myles died five years ago, I said to Jaran after the funeral that he could go now if he wanted. However, he had changed his mind about it, saying he'd rather keep his freedom. As I said, Jaran has always been smart, he has just lacked... ambition. So, an opportunity to marry a powerful lady and rule over Godsgrace beside her? I'm not sure how exactly would he have reacted to that."
"I guess we'll never know," Nymeria said dryly, which brought a smirk on Mors face. "Maybe we will, maybe we won't. Who knows what tomorrow brings," he replied with a calm and soothing tone on his voice. Nymeria smiled, looking the prince to the eyes, and proceeding to hug him. No matter how much stress and trouble this war would bring, she could trust that with Mors she would always feel safe and happy.
Nymeria walked hastily through the corridors of Godsgrace, the golden sunset shining in from the windows, and Ser Boran and Anaba dutifully escorting her. It was getting late, but there was one more conversation the Princess wanted to have today. Calmly she approached the door guarded by two lightly armored warriors, a man and a woman.
"What do you want?" The man asked harshly, but the woman nudged him on the shoulder with a cold glare. "Edric, this is the Princess," she hissed, before turning her gaze to Nymeria and smiling. "I am sorry for my brothers lack of manners, Your Grace," she chirped. "I am Lia, and this is my brother Edric. I assume you've come to meet Master Edd?"
"Indeed, there is something I need to talk to him about," Nymeria answered sternly, and Lia gave her a humble bow. "Just a moment, my princess," she said smoothly, as she opened the door and slipped in, leaving Nymeria and her guards alone in the corridor with Edric, who did his best to avoid any eye contact.
Quickly Lia stepped back outside, now keeping the door open. "Master Edd is honored by your visit," she said, and Nymeria glanced at her guards. "Wait outside," she simply said, before walking into the quarters of Edd Prally, and closing the door behind her.
Edd Prally sat in a relaxed position behind his desk, an open window right next to him. On the desk was an opened bottle of wine, and not much else. "Your Grace," Edd greeted Nymeria, gesturing for her to take the seat opposed to him, and so she did.
"Lovely quarters," Nymeria complimented dryly, and Edd nodded. "I agree," he said smoothly. "Surely too good for a blacksmith's son," he added with a smirk.
"A blacksmith's son, huh? I'm glad to learn more of you, Edd Prally," Nymeria replied, and the spymaster nodded once again. "Hopefully you'll learn to know me very well in the years to come. I meant what I said earlier, we share the same goal, and I intend to do everything I can to see you unite Dorne."
"I'm honoured by your dedication, master Prally, and I hope you will prove to be a man of your word," Nymeria replied, taking in a deep breath. "However, right now I have a few questions for you."
"And hopefully I have the answers," Edd quipped, taking a gulp from his wine. "Go ahead, my princess, ask what you need to ask."
"It's about Esperence," Nymeria said strictly, and the expression on Edd's face turned slightly more serious. "It's clear she took over Godsgrace with your help. Supporting me strengthens her claim on the lordship of this city, I understand that, but I need to know more about her in order to truly trust her."
"Ah, Lady Esperence... she is quite resourceful for her young age," Edd stated, eyeing at Nymeria as he spoke. "You are correct though – it was my resources that enabled her rise to power. However, since I want to be completely honest with you, I must admit you don't know the full truth of the situation."
"What do you mean?" Nymeria asked strictly, and Edd took a moment before answering. "Esperence's cousin, Emerson Allyrion, is technically the one with the strongest claim on the lordship of Godsgrace," he explained, and Nymeria narrowed her eyes.
"Emerson? The one allied with the Jordaynes?" She asked, and Edd nodded. "Indeed," he confirmed with a sigh. "The original plan was to turn him against Lord Morgan as well, and make him bend the knee to you. We thought it would be easy, considering the fact that Morgan had lied to Emerson about his true heritage for years, bringing him up as a bastard, rather than as the son and heir of the late Lord Mason Allyrion. However, for whatever reason in the end Emerson decided to side against Esperence, against you."
Nymeria turned her gaze down, and stayed silent for a moment. "So, now I have to support the usurper instead of the rightful heir," she finally said, the words leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.
"Emerson is the rightful heir to Godsgrace, that is true," Edd admitted quietly. "Just like Lucifer Dryland is the rightful King of Brimstone, or Yorick Yronwood is the rightful King of Yronwood. You are here to conquer, Princess Nymeria, and to achieve your goal you will have to push many men away from their rightful place."
"I am aware of that," Nymeria said strictly. "Anyway, I am thankful for your honesty at least," she added with a sigh, to which Edd smiled softly. "Did you have any more questions, Your Grace?" He asked with a polite tone, and Nymeria shook her head, standing up. "No, this will do for now," she muttered as she walked towards the door. "See you tomorrow, master Prally."
It was early in the morning, and Prince Mors was down on the courtyard with his squire Cason Bloodspill and Lady Esperence. They were giving their farewells to Albar Ladybright and Martyn Santagar, who were about to lead their forces to Lemonwood to defeat Efran Sand. Nymeria observed this all from the walls, Nesea guarding her. Nesea was the youngest of the royal guard, with no real experience from battle, which meant General Varyn had chosen her purely based on her skills.
"So, what do you think about Godsgrace, Nesea?" Nymeria asked with a relaxed tone. From the corner of her eye she noticed the surprised expression on the young guard's face – clearly she hadn't expected the princess to speak to her. Nymeria trusted Varyn with his choices, but still, she wanted to know those who guarded her life a little better.
"It's a pretty town, Your Grace," the girl answered after a moment of hesitation, keeping her tone strictly formal. Nymeria nodded, flashing a warm smile for Nesea. "Indeed, small and pretty," the princess said with a small sigh. "Not much compared to the beautiful cities of Rhoyne, but perhaps one day it could be. Do you miss Rhoyne, Nesea?"
"I... I was fifteen when we left, Your Grace," Nesea begun with some uncertainty in her words. "I was supposed to start my training in the water temple of Sar Mell soon, but then the news came to our village – the whole city had been burned to the ground by the dragons. That's when we packed all we could carry and begun our travel north. First we came to Chroyane, but we didn't stay long, as it was said the dragons would come soon. So, we continued, until we heard that you were gathering a fleet to escape from the Rhoyne." Nesea paused for a moment, grief in her eyes. "As we traveled towards Ny Sar, sailing up the Rhoyne with our little boat, all I could think of was that all the beautiful towns and cities we passed would soon be in ashes, the whole culture of Rhoynar wiped from this world."
"And is your family now in Sandship?" Nymeria asked gently, and Nesea shook her head with a gulp. "No, Your Grace, I was the only one who survived the voyage, my mother and brothers died in Sothoryos," she said, her voice slightly shivering. Nymeria put a hand on her shoulder. "I am sorry to hear this, Nesea," she said with a soothing tone. "I hope one day you'll find a new family here in Dorne. This is our home now, and no one will burn it down."
Nesea nodded hastily, as Nymeria removed her hand from the guard's shoulder. "My princess, there is something I'd want to ask," Nesea said with a timid tone, and Nymeria nodded. "Go ahead," she encouraged the girl.
"Are you fighting this war for the Rhoynar, or for the Dornish?" Nesea asked tensely, to which Nymeria raised her eyebrow. The truth was that she fought this war for both – to build a new home for the Rhoynar, and to unite the Dornish under one banner. However, perhaps what this girl needed to hear now was not the truth, but rather assurance that Nymeria still cared for her own people.
[For the Rhoynar] [For both]
Hehehe, Nym knocking down Esperence a bit has been very satisfying to read. Surely a good choice we made there. It didn't even occur to me that we make her more determined to prove herself to Nymeria and House Martell with this, but it seems something good comes out of this even beyond Esperence learning that her manipulations have their limits, especially when dealing with actual royalty. It was also interesting to learn something more about Jaran. So, he is lacking ambition, huh? That is not a bad trait for a younger brother to have, nor for the husband of a ruling lady and it would have made him a perfect candidate for a wife as ruthlessly ambitious as Esperence, who wouldn't have to fear him meddling with her general rulership over Godsgrace. I wonder if that played a role in her decision to make this proposal. I wonder if Mors is right with this assumption though. I always took him as one with good people skills and we are talking about his brother here, the one he should know the best. So, maybe Jaran is indeed not involved in the conspiracy, as I have feared earlier, but only time will tell, I suppose. Anyways, I am glad we have not married him off to that snake Esperence. If he really just wants to have a peaceful, quiet life of studies, he does not deserve to be thrown to that bitch and if he's secretly evil, their alliance could have been terrifying for Nym's plans.
[For the Rhoynar]
I mean, Nym has said it herself, she is fighting this war for both, but truth be told, at heart she is always fighting it more for the Rhoynar, to give them a new home, to unite Dorne under her banner, to make sure her people don't die out, to make sure she herself won't be forgotten. It is commendable that she keeps the conquered or submitting dornish in such high regards, but I doubt Nesea wants to hear this. No, I presume she wants to hear that Nym has not forgotten the people that have been with her from the very beginning, even now that she is getting powerful allies in the native dornishmen, such as Esperence. Nym herself has brought up this thought, so yeah, let her say what makes Nesea happy. After all, it can't possibly be too far removed from the truth either.
[For both]
Perhaps, she can explain to her why this is the case and why it is a good thing.
[For both] While the Dornish won't know it, living under one ruler will be beneficial in the long term, especially against outside threats and we know each house in this region has a purpose.
Ironically, like how the Targaryen dynasty was beneficial for Westeros as a whole, Nymeria's unification will be beneficial not only to the Rhoynar, but to the Dornish as well.
There's one thing Edd is right, she doesn't have any rightful claim to rule Dorne, but now House Martell has grown in manpower and influence, and will use them to remove Kings from their thrones.
[For the Rhoynar]
Heh, it was certainly satisfying to write as well
Especially because I didn't originally expect to get to write it, since I thought you'd choose to accept the proposal. Anyway, it was definitely refreshing to show a bit of weakness in Esperence, after her massive win streak so far in the story. And of course, it's always nice to write Nymeria being strong and decisive.
Yeah, we can safely assume Mors knows his brother pretty well, even if he admits Jaran is hard to read sometimes. He did aspire to become a maester when he was younger, which would suggest he isn't really the power hungry type, even if he did eventually decide to stay in Sandship instead of going to the Citadel. Mors and Jaran are similar in that they are both calm and more thinkers than fighters, but whereas Mors is very socially outgoing, Jaran is more of an introvert. And you're right, Jaran would've been the perfect choice for Esperence - she'd get a strong connection to the royal family, without having to worry about her husband overriding her rule.
You thought we'd give that two-faced bitch more power? Hah, we do have a talent to surprise you with our votes, it seems
Though I was pretty sure this option would win when I casted my vote, can't see anyone being truly fond of her and the pragmatic reasons for giving her more power are rather few as well. Good thing Nym stood up to her, the last thing we need is another scheming thorn in her side, even if I doubt Esperence would ever make a move against her. After all, her position as Lady of Godsgrace stands and falls with Nymeria's victory, since she can only be head of House Allyrion by Rhoynar law. And well, one thing I just had to think about is this: Even from a pragmatic standpoint, Jaran is Nymeria's biggest asset when it comes to a marriage alliance, the sole available ticket into the new ruling family of Dorne. Giving him to someone who already is more or less forced to be loyal, with a house that is already mostly loyal, this would give her nothing. Esperence would still support her, if maybe out of more than just necessity, but the men loyal to Emerson wouldn't be any more willing to lay down their arms and the ones following Esperence wouldn't be any more loyal, I suppose. Offering Jaran's hand in marriage and therefore blood ties to the royal family could be a good way to convince an enemy lord to support House Martell, a crucial asset if used in the right moment, but that right there simply wasn't the right moment.
Huh, now that is interesting. It really appears Jaran deserves better than to be thrown at some woman that would only use him for her own schemes and manipulations. I mean, no doubt he would have been the perfect choice for Esperence, but if he is truly this laid-back, scholarly and apparently quite decent guy, she is among the worst choices for him. That makes me wonder though, with Jaran off the table, whom will Esperence next try to get her hands on? She needs allies and a husband from a powerful family could provide this, even if none could give her the kind of power that a marriage into House Martell could have given her.
[For the Rhoynar]
While Nymeria is fighting it for both to some extent, I still see her fighting it moreso for her own people at this particular stage. Like Liquid said this war is a way to preserve her people to make sure they don't die out and define her own legacy in a way as well. As noble as Nymeria's goals are, I definitely see there being selfishness being behind it too. Plus with Nymeria now adding new Dornish allies, I can definitely see Nesea feeling like the Rhoynar might be taking a back seat so to say so I feel this choice may ease her worries a bit.
Oh and by the way, seeing Esperence get put in her place was very satisfying to read! Plus with Nymeria finding the truth out about Emerson's real status, it will be interesting to see if that plays a role in Nymeria's relationship with Esperence moving forward.
[For both] I feel like if this was truly for the Rhoynar only, I think Nymeria would rather conquer everything under the Rhoynar (though she would undoubtdely be crushed if she faced all of Dorne alone) instead of trying unify the land.
[For both]
Voting is closed!
And Nymeria will tell Nesea that she is fighting this war for both, the Rhoynar and the Dornish. We'll see in her next part how exactly will Nesea react. Some of you brought up that in her heart Nymeria will always be fighting primarily for the Rhoynar, and that is true to some extent, but the longer this war continues the more she will start to see the Dornishmen just as much as her own people as the Rhoynar.
And the next part will be Emerson PoV. Last time we saw him, he begun his travel with Lord Terren and Yoren, making their way from the Tor towards Yronwood. They arrived to a small town close to the Tor and decided to spend the night there in a tavern. As Terren took his leave to go pass water, Emerson and Yoren had a little chat, and Yoren ended up asking what did Emerson plan to do to his cousin when he would take back Godsgrace. You voted for him to answer that he'd execute Esperence as a traitor. I might get the part done today, but if not, then it's tomorrow
And here is a portrait of Nesea from Nymeria's royal guard:
"I will take no pleasure in killing my kin, but the truth is that Esperence has committed a treason," Emerson said grimly, gazing at the table as he spoke. "So, if the day ever comes that I take my rightful place as the Lord of Godsgrace, Esperence will have to pay for her crimes with her life." The words left a bitter and uncomfortable taste in Emerson's mouth. Treason was punishable by death, such were the laws of gods and men, but it still felt wrong. Emerson gulped down the rest of his ale, and Yoren Jordayne gave him a small nod, a subtle smile on his face.
"I don't envy you, pal," he said dryly, taking a gulp of his ale and frowning again at the poor taste. "Let's hope King Yorick can help deliver Esperence the justice she deserves."
Before Emerson could answer, he noticed Lord Terren walking back to the table. The Lord of the Tor took his place on the seat between his son and Emerson, letting out a sigh as he sat down. "So, boys, do you know any goods songs?"
"You can't be serious," Yoren said with a chuckle. "You're not even drunk, you've hardly drank anything yet." Terren grinned and shook his head. "I'm not a drunk singer, son, you should know that," he said with a light-hearted tone. "No, I like songs because of the stories they tell."
"Well, I only remember the words to Lusty Lad and Dornishman's Wife," Yoren said lazily, to which Terren shook his head. "No, no, we need something more poetic than that," he said, turning to look at Emerson now. "Do you know any songs?"
"Oh... um, well, I think I remember most of the words to the Song of the Seven," Emerson mumbled, which made Terren let out a hearty laughter. "Well, we certainly aren't going to sing pious lullabies in a tavern," he said amusedly, and Emerson smirked.
"How about we just don't sing at all," Yoren said bluntly, and his father frowned. "Don't be such a dullard, son," Terren said, taking a small sip from his ale. "Anyway, I actually know a good song, it's called "Viper and the Princess". It tells a story about a Dornish prince who smuggles himself into Storm's End, and steals the Storm King's daughter under his nose," the lord explained with a grin on his face, and now Yoren frowned. "How is that any more poetic that Lusty Lad or Dornishman's Wife?" He asked, to which his father sighed deeply.
"It's a story about how cunning can overcome power," Terren explained with a touch of frustration in his words, but Yoren just shook his head. "Sounds more like a story about how to get yourself killed," he muttered.
No songs were sung that evening, instead the father and son of the Tor kept arguing about the meanings of the songs, and Emerson much preferred it that way.
Emerson, Terren and Yoren had followed the road away from the coast, and into the desert. It was still several hours to sundown, when they saw the sandstone fort that stood on a valley between the dunes. Right next to the fort was a large oasis, surrounded by gardens and groves. "Wells," Terren stated calmly, as they observed it from afar. There were no great towers in the modest keep of House Wells, but the walls around their precious oasis were tall and sturdy, making sure no one got in without paying their toll.
However, as Emerson, Yoren and Terren approached the gates, they were opened without questions, as the Wells were already waiting for their guests. The first thing they saw as they rode in was the magnificent oasis itself, with all the greenery around it from colourful flowers to all kinds of ripe fruits. Next to the oasis was also a small marketplace, where several traveling merchants had parked their caravans. However, Terren led them right past the marketplace, going around the oasis and its gardens, and arriving to a lower sandstone wall, which separated the keep from the oasis. The small gates of this wall were also open, and the guards welcomed Lord Terren and his companions in with respectful bows.
And there, in front of the small keep, waited the noble family of the Wells. Terren, Yoren and Emerson dismounted their horses and gave them for the stable boys, before approaching the Wells. In the middle stood whom Emerson could only assume was the lord - a short and plump man on his late forties, dressed in flamboyant silk clothes of light blue and yellow. His black hair was receding, and around his mouth was a short and well maintained beard.
Next to the lord stood the lady, who towered her companion almost by a foot. She had a slender build, perfectly complimented by her turquoise silk dress. The lady's long hair was blonde, her eyes were bright green, and her skin was of fairer tone than the lord's. Next to the lady stood a younger woman, probably on her early twenties. While she had the slender build and sandy blonde hair of her mother, the younger lady was still quite the stark contrast to the older woman next to her. She had her father's tanned skin and amber eyes, but even more noticeably she was dressed more like a warrior than a lady, in tanned leathers and cotton, and carried a short sword on her hip.
Next to the lord stood a young man, about the same age as the girl next to the lady. He also had the blonde hair of his mother, though he also had her green eyes and fair skin. He was dressed rather simply, the sigil of the Wells decorating the chest of his dark blue tunic. Next to him was one more man, this one a bit older, perhaps on his mid-twenties. He had clearly inherited his looks from his father, being shorter than both of his siblings, and sporting a short black hair.
"Lord Jordayne, what a pleasure to see you again," Lord Wells greeted with a cheerful tone, as he gave Terren a brotherly hug. "A pleasure indeed, Lord Olyvar," Terren replied as they separated. "I bring with me my younger son, Yoren Jordayne, as well as Emerson Allyrion, the rightful heir to Godsgrace."
"Yes, I received your message," Olyvar Wells said with an enthusiastic tone on his voice. "What interesting times we live, my friend. Right as we speak, Lord Warryn Wyl's heir marches towards Kingsgrave with the full power of Wyl behind him. And now this... the Bloodroyal will be pleased," Olyvar's gaze shifted from Terren to Emerson as he spoke.
"Indeed, but we can speak more of that later," Terren said hastily, and Olyvar gave him an understanding nod. "I forget my manners," he said with a chuckle, turning to Emerson. "I am Lord Olyvar Wells, and here is my beautiful wife, Lady Mina, cousin of King Yorick himself, and mother to all my four children," he introduced with a formal tone on his voice. "My second son Theodore serves in Yorick's guard, but the rest are here," Lord Olyvar gestured at the ones around him.
"I am Ser Andar, heir to the Wells," the young man with the dark hair introduced himself calmly, glancing at his blonde brother as he finished. "And I am Leo Wells, third son of Lord Olyvar" the younger brother said with a polite and respectful tone.
"I am Lena Wells, mylords," the young woman spoke up lastly, shifting her gaze to Yoren. "I believe your son remembers me quite well, Lord Terren, since I made him kiss the dust the last time he was here."
"That was six years ago," Yoren muttered sternly, and Lena flashed him a cold smirk. "We can do it again, if you want," she quipped with a deadpan tone, but now Lord Olyvar stepped between them. "Alright, enough of that!" He bellowed with a subtle grin on his face. "Come on now, let's go inside, the dinner will be ready soon."
The dinner table of the Wells was filled with Dornish wines, all kinds of fruits and vegetables from olives to blood oranges and peppers, grilled snake, honeyed lamb, and lemon cakes for dessert. Emerson sat next to Yoren and Leo, and opposed to Terren and Olyvar. He stayed mostly quiet, listening to Yoren and Leo talk about some old tourney in Yronwood, while Terren and Olyvar talked about how Blackmonts and Fowlers were currently besieging Kingsgrave.
As they moved on to the desserts, the conversation finally turned to Emerson again, as Olyvar Wells spoke up to him. "So, Emerson Allyrion... troubling news and rumours from Godsgrace have come to my ears recently," the lord said with a sigh. "Daughter of the lord betraying her family, a foreign invader marching to conquer. I am glad to see at least one Allyrion can still see reason. King Yorick is a just man, he will help you take your rightful place."
"I'm glad to hear that, mylord," Emerson responded politely, which made Olyvar grin warmly. However, it was his daughter Lena who spoke up next. "So your claim is stronger than your cousin's, huh?" She asked with an almost offensive tone, and Emerson nodded calmly. "And so, you deserve to rule Godsgrace even if your cousin is better suited for the role?" She asked now, to which Emerson raised an eyebrow.
"Excuse me mylady, but who says my cousin is any better suited for ruling Godsgrace than me?" Emerson asked, keeping his voice as calm as he could, which made Lena let out a dry chuckle. "Well, clearly she's done a better job taking control of the city," she remarked sharply. "Anyway, just tell me, do you really think having the strongest claim makes for the best ruler?"
"Lena," Lord Olyvar muttered with an irritated tone, but the girl just shrugged dismissingly. "It's just a question, father, let the boy answer," she said sternly, glaring at Emerson as she spoke.
[Yes] [No] [Refuse to answer]
[No] Not that I'm ditching Emerson here, but she has a point, although he has the rightful claim, he never seemed too ambitious, and now Esperence is doing the ruling in Nymeria's name, so while Emerson may not like what she's implying, it will put him to think what to do if he becomes Lord of Godsgrace.
So this confirms House Wyl of Wyl is going to attack Kingsgrave heh, this puts the Blackmont and Caron forces still there in a huge risk, and I doubt Yorick will give Albin amiable terms.
A true ruler is so much more than the one with the strongest claim. A strong claim is one thing that is important, yes, but this is not always for the best. An ideal ruler should be capable, compassionate, with a lot of foresight, out for the best of their people, with wisdom from the gutter and a high education to match. Just having a strong claim does not suffice. See Nymeria for example, who has absolutely no claim for Dorne and yet she is more capable than the King Jerk of Brimstone, Albin the Mad, the largely apathetic Benedict and probably that arrogant warmonger Yorick, with the only kings I see as similarly capable being Garrison and Vorian. Of course, a claim is a thing that can help, but those that show enough of these other important traits will always beat a claim alone. Of course, I don't see Esperence as being out for anyone but herself, even if she is undeniably capable. Emerson is right in wanting to reclaim his birthright, but if he truly believes his claim alone will suffice, he is mistaken. This is a lot of hard work and ultimately, he has to earn Godsgrace.
Anyways, nice part! I am always debating if we made the right choice for Emerson, but one thing is for sure, we made a very interesting one, allowing him to interact with plenty great characters. I particularly like Lena in this part, seems she's a good one.
Indeed, the heir to Wyl marches towards Kingsgrave by the orders of King Yorick, and we are sure to see the consequences of that fairly soon
The Blackmonts (and the few Carons) there are in for a terrifying surprise, which will pretty likely end the siege. And you're right, Yorick is not going to save Albin without in the process making him his bitch, so to speak.
Aye, I agree, and most likely Emerson does as well. The reason there even is the option to say "yes, strong claim makes a good ruler" or simply refuse to answer, is because this is quite clearly a loaded question from Lena, with the implication that perhaps Emerson doesn't deserve to rule Godsgrace. Of course, if (and when) the option to answer "no, strong claim doesn't make a good ruler" wins, obviously Emerson will also defend himself.
Yeah, there are definitely positives and negatives for both routes. In Godsgrace Emerson would've had to deal with Esprence's manipulations, and the fact that he would've just been the figurehead for her power. This route on the other hand makes Emerson dependant on these new allies he hardly even knows, most importantly of course Yorick Yronwood, who surely won't help him without pushing his own agenda in the process. Anyway, glad to hear you're enjoying this storyline and the characters in it
[No] It is pretty clear here that Lena is trying to get under Emerson's skin here and while I hate to have Emerson agree validate her statement, I do feel that Emerson would definitely be humble enough to say this and knowing that he will defend himself when he says this, it makes the choice easier.
On a side note though, it sounds like the Blackmont's and the few Caron's there may be in for a rude awakening when the Wyl's get to Kingsgrave which brings the question, how powerful are the Wyl's anyhow? I know they are Yorick's bannerman but from what we've gathered from the story so far, they are very powerful in their own right especially if they are considered a threat to an entire kingdom's army like the Blackmont's. It has been mentioned earlier though that the Blackmont's have struggled with deserters but even still, it sounds like Kingsgrave is going to be getting very interesting very soon, not that it isn't already. Matter of fact, it has been arguably the most action packed place in the story