Does anyone know if they're making a Quake 5? the title.
Does anyone know if they're making a Doom 4.............................................................................................................................................................................................too?
Does anyone know if they're making a Doom 4.............................................................................................................................................................................................too?
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I would hope not, since it's just Quake 3 in a browser.
But yeah, I hope a Quake 5 gets made. Preferably in the vein of the first one. The Strogg are interesting and all, but so was Shub Niggurath and her merry gang of beasties.
As far as I'm concerned, there hasn't been a Quake 2 yet.
After the recent takeover, I hope id dies a quick painless death. But then again, one might argue they've been gradually dying ever since 1996.
I hope not. They have been progressing with the game for a while and the series for me was pretty good. The only problem with the series is that they had you doing alot of side missions in with the real missions. So when you play it and you finish a story, your confused with the real story at the briefing. And just to throw it out there, I thought Quake 2 was better than Quake 3 and 4. Quake 3 was just an arena. All you need is the demo really.
I haven't played Doom 3 yet, but I'm still schyched about Doom 4. Kinda cool to me. Different versions of demons. Fun
I also want more weapons like in Quake 4. Like the BFG 2000. I want a big explosion.
The next Wolfenstein is supposed to come out midway through August this year.
I think the takeover is the best thing that could have happened to them. Now it means that they don't have to worry too much about getting their games published and concentrate more on development.
I beg to differ. Catacomb 3D predates it.
There was a tank 3D game even before that one. I forget the name now.
Well, Wolfenstein was the first good one anyway.
Hovertank 3D was id's first 3D game (developed in 1991) and arguably the first "first person shooter".
Quake 5... No clue. But really, they've got simultaneous development of id Tech 5, Wolfenstein, Doom 4, Wolfenstein and Quake Live going on. That's a lot of work.
So Doom 4 is the Quake 2 of the Doom series?
Emoticons can't accurately describe how I would feel about that, but I think it would go something like this:
I agree, and they should also add little icons under our names that show which games of theirs we own
Ah, Here we go, it was in this issue of PC Gamer.
That's how it would seem.
News Flash! Doom 4 is GOING to be announced by a new publisher, Bethesda Softworks. No really.