Your Choices out of ALL the episodes Discussion

Just a little talk on how everyone played up to this point. I've recently replayed the episodes and made some different choices.

My Choices:

Episode 1: The Order of the Stone

  1. I told Reuben to run for it.
  2. I warned Gabriel about Ivor and his Iron Golem.
  3. I saved Gabriel from the Wither Storm.
  4. I let Lukas leave the shelter.
  5. I went with Axel to find Magnus.

Episode 2: Assembly Required

  1. I killed the Ghast with my sword.
  2. I gave Axel the amulet.
  3. I went by the name of the Ocelot Slayer.
  4. We sat out for Soren's fortress at night.

Episode 3: The Last Place You Look

  1. I went to save Axel and Reuben from the grinder.
  2. I led the gang through the End.
  3. I high-fived Reuben.
  4. I revealed Gabriel's secret to Lukas.
  5. I took Magnus' armor.

Episode 4: A Block and A Hard Place

  1. I let Lukas find the Ocelots.
  2. I snuck into the witch's hut to grab the cake.
  3. I created an enchanted sword.
  4. I chose new armor to wear.
  5. I made Gabriel tell the truth about the Order.

Episode 5: Order Up!

  1. I let Ivor's house stay.
  2. I escaped from Sky City police with Petra and Milo.
  3. I saved Isa (The Founder) from falling.
  4. I pushed Aiden off the edge.
  5. I put both Isa and Milo in charge of reconstruction.

Episode 6: A Portal To Mystery

  1. I showed the flint and steel to Sparklez.
  2. I accused Stampy Cat as the White Pumpkin, because of Dan and Lizzie talking about him being a redstone expert, and as a result, led to TorqueDawg's death.
  3. I WAS gonna go after the White Pumpkin, but my itchy finger decided to help Stampy and Dan fight the spiders.
  4. I let everyone know the true, horrible side of Cassie, a.k.a. The White Pumpkin.
  5. Being a little kind to her, I left Cassie with her bitch of a cat, Winslow.

Episode 7: Access Denied

  • Haven't played it yet.

Episode 8: A Journey's End?

  • Haven't played it yet.


  • edited April 2016
    1. Told Reuben to Run / Saved Lukas from the Golem / Saved Gabriel (First Time I saved Petra but rewinded cause I liked Petra with amnesia in episode 4) / Convinced Lukas to stay / Went with Axel find Magnus
    2. Killed the Ghast with a sword / Gave Axel the amulet / Traveled at midnight to Soren's
    3. Saved Axel and Reuben / Let Lukas lead the group through the End / Revealed Gabriel's secret to Lukas / Took Magnus' armor
    4. Made Lukas stay / Hurried back warning the group / Made an enchanted Sword / Choose a new armor / Made Gabriel tell the truth about the fake Order
    5. Let Ivor's house stand / Ran away with Petra and Mile / Saved Isa from falling/Walked away from Aiden / Made Milo and Isa share the power
    1. told ruben to run/ saved lukas/ saved petra/ convinced Lukas to stay/ went with Olivia to find Ellegard
    2. killed ghast with a sword/ stole repeater/ stayed with Ellegard to build the command block/ went to soren's at day
    3. helped friends in the grinder/ i lead my friends through the end/ high-fived Ruben/ kept Petra's secret/ took Ellegard's armour
    4. convinced Lukas to stay/ snuck into witch's hut/ made an axe/ kept Ellegard's armour/ allowed Gabriel to tell the truth about the Order
    5. demolished Ivors house/ ran from the guards/ tried to rescue Isa/ left Isa in charge
  • edited May 2016
    1. Told Reuben to Stay/ Saved Lukas/ Saved Gabriel/ Convinced Lukas to Stay/ Went with Olivia to find Ellegard.
    2. Killed Ghast with a Sword/ Stole a Repeater/ Stayed with Ellegard to Build the Command Block/ Went to Soren's at Night.
    3. Helped Reuben and Axel in the Grinder/ Let Lukas lead us through the End/ Didn't High Five Reuben/ Told Lukas Gabriel's secret/ Took Ellegard's armor.
    4. Let Lukas leave to find his Friends/ Snuck into the Witch's Hut/ Made a Sword/ Changed my Armour/ Let Gabriel tell the truth about The Order.
    5. Demolished Ivor's house/ Went with Petra and Milo/ Tried Rescued Isa/ Sent Aiden down/ Let Milo and Isa share power.
    1. Let Reuben run/ Saved Lukas from Iron Golem/ Saved Gabriel/ Kept Lukas safe/ Went with Olivia

    2. Killed ghast with bow and sword/ Crafted a repeater/ Stayed for the command block/ Left at night

    3. Helped Reuben and Axel in the grinder/ Followed Lukas/ Revealed Gabriel's secret/ High fives Rruben/ Took Magnus armor

    4. Let Lukas leave/ Took the cake/ Made a sword/ Took the ender defender armor/ Said nothing to Gabriel about the truth but he confesses it anyway.

    5. Tore down Ivors house/ Went with Milo/ Saved Isa/ Took Aiden/ Let Milo and Isa share power

    1. Made Reuben stay, warned Gabriel about the Wither Storm and Ivor, Saved Gabriel, Made Lukas Stay, Went with Olivia for Ellegaard.
    2. Stole a repeater, helped Ellegaard with the Command Block, went to Soren's place during the night.
    3. Saved Axel, Reuben, and Gabriel; Let Lukas follow, told Gabriel's secret, high fived Reuben, took Magnus's armor.
    4. Let Lukas stay, went in the Witch Hut for the cake, crafted a sword, chose armor, made Gabriel tell the truth.
    5. Demolished Ivor's house, helped Ivor from the arrest, saved Isa, Sent Aiden Down, let Milo and Isa in charge.
  • edited May 2016

    Episode 1:

    •Told Reuben to run
    •Got help from Gabriel
    •Saved Gabriel
    •Let Lukas leave
    •Went to find Magnus

    Episode 2:

    •Killed the ghast with a fishing rod
    •Gave Axel the amulet
    •Went to find Soren in the morning

    Episode 3:

    •Saved Reuben and Axel
    •Didn't let Lukas lead
    •Didn't share Gabriel's secret
    •Didn't high five Reuben
    •Chose Magnus' armour

    Episode 4:

    •Told Lukas to find his friends
    •Stayed away from the Witch Hut
    •Crafted a sword
    •Chose new armour
    •Made Gabriel tell the truth

    Episode 5:

    •Kept Ivor's house up
    •Helped Ivor
    •Saved Isa
    •Took Aiden with us
    •Left Milo in charge

  • Episode 1.
    *Yell Reuben to Run *Save Lukas *Save Petra *Let Lukas stay *Go with Ellegard

    Episode 2.
    *Kill the ghast with their own fireballs (?) *Craft a repeater *Help Ellegard with the comand block *find Soren in the Next day

    Episode 3.
    *Save the amulet (i feel bad :"v ) *Let Lukas Lead *Told Lukas the secret *high five reuben *choose Ellegard's armor .

    Episode 4.
    convince Lukas to stay *Steal the cake *Choose new armor (The star shield,Jesse looks handsome in that xD (when you have a crush on yourself :v )) *Craft a hoe *don't tell the truth

    Episode 5.
    *Keep ivor's house *Help Ivor *Save Isa *Keep Aiden with Jesse *Left Isa and Milo in charge (i ship both(?))

  • edited May 2016

    Episode 1: I told Reuben to run; I went back for Lukas; I saved Petra from the Wither Storm; I convinced Lukas to stay; I went with Olivia to find Ellegaard.

    Episode 2: I used the fishing pole to kill the Ghast; I crafted a repeater; I left without attempting to build a Command Block; we left at night for Soren's.

    Episode 3: I saved Reuben and Axel in the grinder; I let Lukas lead in the End; told Petra's secret to Lukas; I high-fived Reuben; I took Ellegaard's armor.

    Episode 4: I let Lukas find his friends; I stole the cake from the Witch's hut; I crafted a diamond sword; I kept Ellegaard's armor; I made Gabriel tell the truth.

    Episode 5: I tore down Ivor's house; I let myself get caught; I helped Lukas fight Aiden; I kept Aiden; I let Isa and Milo rebuild together.

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