Who do you think was a better leader of the League of Shadows? Ra's al Ghul or Bane?

I prefer Bane. He felt more terrifying than Ra's al Ghul. I mean, wouldn't you be afraid of a bunch of terrorists, running into your home and killing you while a bomb slowly goes off over the duration of 6 months? So, Bane it is.


  • Bane. Pretty much for the same reason you gave. He knows how to wreck havoc.

  • Talia was actually the leader after Ra's.

  • I know. That twist really pissed me off.

    papai46 posted: »

    Talia was actually the leader after Ra's.

  • Ra's al-Ghul.

  • I will go with Ra's Al Ghul because Bane was never the leader of the League of Shadows, Talia was.

    Also I agree Bane can be more intimidating but that in my opinion makes him a better henchman than a leader. Ra's Al Ghul I think is the better leader.

  • Bane was never the leader. But, even if he had been, Ra's Al Ghul still takes the cake. He was the better leader, by the way, Talia was also Ra's, Ra's Al Ghul never dies.

  • edited June 2016

    Better leader has to be Ra's, it was his vision I guess on pursuing the League's crusade and it's why his daughter did it after him. I feel like I am letting other versions of Ra's influence my opinion here but still in terms of actual leadership I would say Ra's although Bane's tactics were arguably better but yeah he never actually lead them as people have mentioned but it makes sense - he isn't a leader it makes more sense Talia was the leader after Ra's.

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