Who are your favorite villains in the show?

My top 5:

  1. Ramsay
  2. Joffrey
  3. Cersei
  4. Tywin
  5. Stannis


  • edited March 2017

    Reviving this,In aoiaf there are no villains only
    grey characters.GRR Martin said it himself:"all characters have a good and a bad side".

    That are the writer's words. On your list you put Stannis and Tywin Lannister or even Cersei as villains.That's a pretty simple way to judge the characters only by part of their actions not knowing all that motivates them.

    Let me remember you that:
    "A good act does not wash out the bad nor a bad the good" I'm wandering what are the heroes of the story to you if asoiaf has any hero at all...

  • edited March 2017

    Reads the books there much better
    Ramsay is much worse in the books than the show

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