Who do you like more, Lukas or Petra

Well its you choice


  • I HATE AUTOCORRECT!!! Sometimes, 'Trash bag' gets autocorrected to Lukas for me too. I prefer Petra XD

  • Why do you hate him so much?

    I HATE AUTOCORRECT!!! Sometimes, 'Trash bag' gets autocorrected to Lukas for me too. I prefer Petra XD

  • I like them both. But I'd prefer Petra. She is my favourite character of this game.

  • Sorry, the user could not explain that as they threw up in their mouth.

    Why do you hate him so much?

  • Lmao

    Sorry, the user could not explain that as they threw up in their mouth.

  • It is funny that I like Petra and Lukas more than Axel and Olivia.

    But I like Petra more. I just like her personality and the friendship you can build with her. But Lukas comes pretty close.

  • I prefer Ivor.

  • LMAO= laughing my ass off

    Lukas= Ass

    LMLO= laughing my Lukas off


  • Kim Kardashian has a rather huge Lukas SORRY I COULDNT RESIST XD

    LMAO= laughing my ass off Lukas= Ass LMLO= laughing my Lukas off

  • Petra. I find her funnier and easier to get along with.

  • I'm pretty sure it's a fake Lukas XD

    Kim Kardashian has a rather huge Lukas SORRY I COULDNT RESIST XD

  • edited May 2016

    Lukas is bae. <3 He has character development while Petra, not so much.

  • Petra !
    She has a better development than Lukas,More ships moments (This will work More with M!Jesse but will work with F!Jesse too),she has a badass/Damsel in distress persona,i like it :3~~
    Lukas is my precious Cinamon Roll <3,but Petra is my waifu and my fav character <3

  • Eh, Lukas. Petra has her moments, but I feel the fact that I like her better when she has amnesia is saying something.

  • Petra because Jetra

  • bae= boring and eggheaded?

    Lukas is bae. He has character development while Petra, not so much.

  • YEAH!

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Petra because Jetra

  • I think you're getting confused, trash bags don't have personalities.

    Tohabath posted: »

    Eh, Lukas. Petra has her moments, but I feel the fact that I like her better when she has amnesia is saying something.

  • noooooooooooooo

    bae= boring and eggheaded?

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    Oh gosh I can't choose! Petra is a total badass but Lukas is super nice. They're both really cool characters. :U #crippledwithindecision

  • Hmm, I like both, and both get on my nerves occasionally (like every character). Petra's just a bit more interesting so I'm gonna have to go with her.

  • I like Ivor, because he is just superhilarious in Episode 5, but as far as Lukas and Petra, I cant choose, THEY BOTH ARE SO GOOD!

  • edited May 2016

    I like petra more, the friendship with Lukas not as organic as petra's .. idk. I like the guy but I would 100% choose petra. plus its weird that they forced him into the group, I liked axel and I would want him with me in that cloud city or whatever! so why we didn't see him and Olivia?:/

  • Just giving them a break since they had screentime more than Petra and Lukas in the main story. But at least they're safe.

    Mercyva posted: »

    I like petra more, the friendship with Lukas not as organic as petra's .. idk. I like the guy but I would 100% choose petra. plus its weird

  • Did I say they do? :)

    I think you're getting confused, trash bags don't have personalities.

  • ...oops.

    Tohabath posted: »

    Did I say they do?

  • Lukas. (I really like Petra too)

  • Lukas My bae :D Sure petra is cool..... But Like Lukas is a nice person he hates you in ep 4 if you make bad choices through ep's 1-3 and forgives you in ep 5 and.... Petra..... Kinda..... IS BADDASS So......... I CHANGED MY MIND PETRA But lukas still my bae.... (Cause my friend forces me to like him -.-)

  • Petra! She's cute and smart and fierce. Plus Jetra!!!

    Lukas is a good guy but sometimes he gives me really sketch vibes.

  • Jetra

    Right, very right.

    Petra! She's cute and smart and fierce. Plus Jetra!!! Lukas is a good guy but sometimes he gives me really sketch vibes.


    JimMate789 posted: »

    Jetra Right, very right.

  • Same

    AronDracula posted: »

    I like them both. But I'd prefer Petra. She is my favourite character of this game.

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